Then he looked at the queen around him and said, "I heard that the queen saved a marriage a few days ago. Today is a good day. I will also protect a marriage and make a good couple."

As soon as they heard this, they guessed that the emperor was going to marry mingyuke. Suddenly, everyone stopped their wine glasses and looked up intently.

The emperor turned his eyes, looked at Chao Rong Chengjin and said, "I came back from the ghost gate this time. If it weren't for the girl Youfang Yan, I wouldn't be able to sit at this banquet today. In order to save me, King Yun promised to marry her as the princess. I'm very moved by this filial piety."

Speaking of this, he looked at mingyuke, who had not left the hall, and said, "I have always liked the daughter of the Ming family. Originally, I wanted to refer her to the third child in my heart. However, Fang Yan was also meritorious in saving my life. Therefore, I decided to refer mingyuke to Wang Yun as his wife. They are on an equal footing, regardless of rank and rank. The Ministry of rites will decide the date of marriage and finish it on a certain date."

As soon as the voice fell, your highness had a little commotion. Such a result seems to have been expected for a long time. However, when the real dust has settled, they still have to sigh.

However, this result is still very unexpected for Yan. She never thought that the emperor would give her such a move, which made her a little... A little embarrassed.

After all, it sounds like equality, but everyone knows that she has no power behind her, and mingyuke seems to be the daughter of the prime minister's mansion. With her, she is also a princess in vain.

Suddenly, the emperor's words to her sounded again.

"He will be a good emperor, but before that, he needs someone to help him."

That's what the emperor said that day. He intended to let Rong Chengjin inherit the throne, so he gave him such a powerful force.

Moreover, since Rong Chengjin will be the future emperor, his real princess is more than ordinary people can do.

Because that's the future queen.

With mingyuke's family background, she is just able to take this responsibility.

For a moment, Fang Yan felt a faint pain in his heart. But soon, reason brought her back to consciousness.

Speaking of it, she doesn't really want to marry him. Her purpose is only revenge!

In addition to revenge Rong Chengjin, it is also to be more convenient to get close to him and find out the truth she wants.

What's more... He glanced at Rong Chengjin around him. He seemed to be surprised by this finger marriage. The complexity on his face has nothing to do with happiness.

Wouldn't it be better if a princess and a flat wife occupied all the seats around him, then the girl mu in his heart was farther away from him.

Before the end of the mission, let him taste this helplessness and despair.

Just after calming down, the emperor spoke again and said, "my body is getting worse day by day. Now my sons and grandchildren have grown up one by one. Therefore, it's time to attach this country to young people. Dear Aiqing, I will discuss the establishment of the prince at the court meeting early tomorrow morning."

These words undoubtedly set off another wave of discussion in your highness. Fang Yan carefully noticed that Rong Chengxuan and Rong Chenghe sitting opposite her didn't look very good. Even the queen who took the seat lost her grace and smile.

Although the emperor did not say it clearly, it was obvious that he attached great importance to Rong Chengjin. Rong Chengxuan, the eldest son, and the queen, the mother of the country, are afraid that they will not accept such a fact so easily?

When he arrived at Rong Chenghe, Fang Yan could see his ambition from his face.

At this moment, on the noisy hall, Fang Yan suddenly felt a silent dark tide.

The banquet didn't last until too late. As soon as Fang Yan walked out of the "longevity hall", he met mingyuke who was also ready to leave.

She has changed into a light pink dress, and the butterfly embroidered with gold thread at the skirt adds a lot of color to the dress, showing her extraordinary identity in a low-key.

Probably because of the performance, today's makeup is slightly thicker than that day, but it adds a little more charm to her.

Mingyuke also secretly looked at Fang Yan, but first she opened her mouth and said, "I saw you in prison that day and knew you were born well. When I saw you today, you were really beautiful. I didn't expect you to be a woman and have a good medical skill to bring back the dead at a young age. It's really admirable."

He is worthy of being the daughter of the prime minister's residence. He is really good at communication. He speaks well.

Fang Yan was not disgusted with this woman except for some curiosity. She responded with a smile and said, "Miss Ming, I'm flattered. Thanks to your help that day, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be here today. I must reward you a lot another day."

Mingyuke smiled and said, "I don't need a reward. I was entrusted by the Lord and just raised my hand. Besides, we will be a family in the future, and it's also right to take care of each other. Speaking of it, how's your injury?"

Fang Yan didn't expect her to be so generous and decent. No wonder the emperor chose her as his daughter-in-law.

"Thank you for your concern. It's no big deal. You're right. The future is long. I'll remember this favor first."

"Oh, before they even passed the door, they were as good as sisters?" a sneer interrupted their dialogue and said, "it seems that Miss Mingda is really a good example of virtue and virtue."

It's Rong Chenghe.

Mingyuke was not a modern woman, and a faint blush appeared on her face.

Fang Yan had long been unhappy with him and immediately replied, "look what Lord Min said. Is it because he didn't see us arguing and jealous, so he was very disappointed?"

Rong Chenghe smiled with a chill in his eyes and eyebrows and said, "I admire you from the bottom of my heart. The prime minister's daughter wants to be on an equal footing with a folk woman. This kind of grace is not what ordinary people can have. Just don't know whether it's really virtuous and intelligent, or hide a knife in his smile. Be careful, Miss Fang."

Although mingyuke's face was a little stiff, even if she openly provoked discord, she didn't show her anger. She just despised it a little and said, "the people are the foundation of the country. A person who despises the people is doomed to make no great achievements. The prince should be more cautious. There are so many civil and military officials here."

His words immediately blocked Rong Chenghe's mouth. He glanced around. Sure enough, many people looked sideways. He snorted coldly and left.

"Miss Ming is really powerful. A word made him speechless." Fang Yan sincerely praised that in ancient times, there were few women with great wisdom, and although she had only seen the second face, she already felt that she was not simple.

Mingyuke only lightly pursed his lips and said, "he underestimated you, Miss Fang. A wise woman like you, his little trick of instigating is just asking for nothing."

Fang Yan sighed gently and said, "I didn't expect that although you are a daughter in the boudoir, you can still cherish the people. Now, I really understand the emperor's words."

This woman can really help Rong Chengjin. Not only her identity and family background, but also her wisdom and mind.

Mingyuke asked unexpectedly, "did the Emperor... Say anything?"

Fang Yan was naturally inconvenient to tell her that Rong Chengjin was about to change the topic, but she didn't know when she had come out. When she saw him, mingyuke suddenly floated a smile on her lips and a slight jaw head, which was a greeting.

Rong Chengjin whispered, "it's getting late. The Ming House is far from the palace. Go back and have a rest earlier."

Mingyuke nodded with a smile and said, "I see you have drunk a lot. Remember to drink a bowl of sobering tea when you go back."

Then he said to him and Fang Yan, "I'll take a step first. Be careful on your way."

Chaorong Chengjin owes herself, so she turns around and walks to the gate of the palace with the domestic servant waiting on the side.

Seeing her go away, Fang Yan turned to the people around her, pulled up a smile and said, "Congratulations, Lord, you have added another big meal."

Rong Chengjin didn't look at her either. She walked forward and said, "how can this sound a little sour?"

Fang Yan also hurriedly followed him and said, "it's needless to say, I'm jealous."

In fact, she did feel a little uncomfortable. But she didn't think it was jealous.

I'm just unhappy that the emperor used this way to Yin her. Both father and son have a virtue and insidious!

Regardless of whether her words were true or false, Rong Chengjin smiled and said, "it seems that you have to please the king. Otherwise, you will lose your favor before you pass the door. It will make people laugh all over the world."

Big color devil! He had a beautiful idea.

However, it really made her have a plan. She couldn't help but brighten her eyes and said, "you have to give me this chance, Lord."

Listening to her, Rong Chengjin flashed an accident in her eyes, and then glanced back at her.

Fang Yan raised his head, raised his lips with a touch of charm, and looked forward to him.

What kind of tricks does she want to play?

Rong Chengjin smiled in her heart, but her face was silent and said, "then you don't have to go back to Tang Yunju tonight. Go directly to the king's bedroom."

"Don't be so anxious?" she hasn't prepared yet. However, Fang Yan certainly won't show his feet. Of course, he raised his left wrist and said, "I haven't been hurt yet. It's inconvenient. How can I wait two days until the wound scabs."

After looking at her left hand wrapped like zongzi, Rong Chengjin flashed something in her eyes. Before she could see it clearly, it turned into a smile of evil, and said, "what's the matter? I can't hurt you if I'm gentle."

Seeing that he seemed to be serious, Fang Yan hurriedly said, "but because of this injury, I haven't even taken a bath."

"The king washed it for you personally." it seemed that he expected her to refuse. Rong Chengjin didn't give her this opportunity at all. At the same time, he grabbed her around her waist, hugged her into the carriage and said, "that's the deal."

What should I do? He's really here.

She has to steal chicken instead of rice.

Fang Yan was about to make another excuse. The carriage hit a stone and bumped. She didn't sit down and fell directly into the arms of others.

"You did a good job in throwing yourself into the arms." Rong Chengjin smiled and locked her in her arms.

His arms are very warm, so close to him, you can even clearly hear his steady and powerful heartbeat.

In fact, it's very comfortable to be held by him like this.

As soon as the idea floated, Fang Yan was stunned.

She came not only to finish the task, but also to avenge him. But how did the original hatred of breaking his body seem not as strong as she imagined?

When did she become so soft hearted?

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