"Why?" Rong Chengjin looked at her and said, "now, you have achieved your wish to be a princess. Why go to the day of working hard for others?"

"Even if you let me sit in your king's seat, you can't confuse me." Fang Yan was unmoved and said, "if you don't say it again, I'll do it."

With that, her left hand was about to solve the password of the return instrument. However, the hand that could have done simple actions seemed to lose consciousness again and could not move.

"What's the matter?" is there something wrong with her hand? Fang Yan panicked, but found that not only her left hand, her right hand and her body became weak.

Fang Yan couldn't believe looking at Rong Chengjin. Sure enough, what was right was his evil and charming smile.

He turned over easily and took the initiative in his hands again.

She bowed her head and let Cheng Jin peck her lips. She said, "I know you won't let go of this chance to kill me. Of course, you won't let you seal my acupoints so easily. I also know that you have a lot of tricks. So I learned a move from you."

He rubbed her soft and flat stomach with his fingers, and his voice was full of the magnetism of cup confusion. He explained to her very "kindly": "I added something in those two red candles. It was colorless and tasteless. Over time, it can make people lose all their internal power temporarily and unable to move."

It turned out that the moment she entered the house, she was calculated by him. No wonder he was so calm. Fang Yan was busy trying to push him away. However, his strength lost faster than she thought. His body was like a heavy wall, firmly covering her without shaking.

In a hurry, she turned her whole body to wave her sleeves towards the red candle.

The wind from the long sleeve successfully blew out the lights, and the room was suddenly dark.

"Did you put out the light to urge me to continue?" his voice sounded more provocative in the dark.

Fang Yan felt that her limbs were too soft to move any more. The air was full of his breath, which made her feel at a loss.

Fortunately, it's dark now. He must not see her. Fang Yan calmed his mind slightly and replied, "do you dare to move my words? Do you believe I let you die?"

"It depends on whether you have this ability." Rong Chengjin said almost close to her lips.

He was deliberately misinterpreting her meaning, but Fang Yan couldn't care about it.

For a moment, she just felt the blood all over her head. Damn it, why didn't the medicine work? Is it difficult? What's wrong?

Fang Yan breathed and finally couldn't help drinking: "stop! Rong Chengjin, don't go too far."

Can't you hold your breath? Rong Chengjin smiled in a low voice and said, "this time, you take the initiative first. Speaking of it, I'm the one who was taken advantage of, right?"

However, before he lost his restraint, he did not intend to end the game too early. "Remember, if you dare to provoke the king, you have to bear the consequences."

The fingers will begin to please further, but the thoughts in the brain can not be conveyed to the body. To be exact, he can't even feel his arm. Rong Chengjin was shocked in her heart. She suddenly realized what she was doing. She tried to adjust her Qi to examine her body, but she only felt the blockage of her Qi pulse, and the whole body began to become numb gradually.

When Fang Yandun felt that the people on his body hadn't moved for a long time, he was relieved, then laughed and said, "Lord Yun, why don't you move? Didn't you say you want me to bear the consequences? Come on, continue to insult me, ComeOn!"

Even if she couldn't see it, she could imagine how ugly Rong Chengjin's face was at the moment.

The expression on Rong Chengjin's face was really stiff, but she was shocked by her words. Although he couldn't understand the last sentence, he could vaguely understand what it meant from her tone.

The first second was a flustered little lamb, but the next second immediately turned into a wild cat, and didn't forget to arrogantly shake her tail to him.

Unfortunately, his body became more and more stiff as if he had been hit by someone. This is clearly a sign of poisoning. Just looking back, he immediately guessed what was going on, "is it difficult that you put the poison on your mouth this time?"

That's why I can't wait to kiss him?

"You know it's too late now." Fang Yan smiled to see if he dared to kiss her again next time.

She knew he was cunning, so she kept it. Originally, I thought that if he couldn't seal his acupoint, she would forcibly send him back with her own return instrument as long as he had a toxic attack.

As for himself, Zimmer will find a way to send someone to help her even if he can't find the return instrument. Although there will be some risks, it is the best way she can think of at present.

I just didn't expect that he would find such a powerful overpowering drug to deal with himself. Otherwise, she would have succeeded now.

"But that's good." Rong Chengjin suddenly became confused again and said, "tonight, you and I have to spend a good night together."

Fang Yan snorted coldly and said, "maybe you should think about how I will deal with you when the medicine has passed."

"What if I detoxify first?" Rong Chengjin said firmly: "guess what I will do?"

There is no doubt that he will not hesitate to continue the unfinished business and give a good punishment.

Although they didn't speak out their intentions, they both knew what would happen if they fell into each other's hands.

The room was quiet for a long time, so quiet that we could only hear each other's breathing and heartbeat. Fang Yan is very glad that he can't see his fingers at this time. Otherwise, I don't know how embarrassed he will be. Now, she can at least comfort herself when she has a breathing sack on her body.

"Your heart beat so fast suddenly. What are you thinking?" it seemed that you felt her strange. Rong Chengjin's voice came close to her eardrum, as if whispering. At this moment, it sounded extremely vague and said: "is it Xiao thinking of me?"

When he said something, Fang Yan felt hot on his face and was a little angry in his heart, but he still resisted and argued, "I'm exercising Kung Fu to detoxify."

Rong Chengjin immediately gave a chuckle. The smile seemed to see through her lie. Fortunately, he didn't point it out. He said, "this magic incense is specially aimed at people who practice martial arts. The more you want to exercise martial arts and resist, the longer the effect will be. It's better to sleep at ease and be fine in three hours."

Fang Yan had studied all kinds of overpowering drugs and knew that what he said was not necessarily false. Although she has always been calm, she still can't feel at ease in such a situation as now. The voice was also cold. It seemed that it could cover up the abnormality of your body and said, "you don't need to teach me how to do it. You'd better take care of yourself."

Although she could not see her embarrassment in the room, it was not difficult to imagine her now that she was close to his hot cheek. Rong Chengjin couldn't help laughing and said, "if so, go on, but I'm going to sleep."

After saying this, he really calmed down, and the house fell into silence again.

Fang Yan wanted to curse him a few words. However, listening to the shallow and even breath in his ear, he finally swallowed it back.

After a while, the people on the body seemed to be really asleep, and there was no more movement. After several days of running, Fang Yan didn't sleep well. She didn't feel that the people on her body were heavy. The steady heartbeat and shallow breathing sound in her ears seemed to be contagious. She gradually calmed down, and her eyelids became more and more aware. Finally, she didn't even know when she fell asleep.

In a daze, Fang Yan had that strange dream again, still in the towering palace, under the pear tree, the teenager

But this time, she stopped him first and caught him.

"Little handsome boy, it depends where you're going this time." as she thought in her dream last time, she pinched his pink face.

The boy seemed to desperately want to get rid of her claws, but he was young and was not her opponent at all.

Sure enough, it feels as delicate as a woman.

In other words, the handsome boy is really beautiful, especially his dark eyes, which are as deep as gemstones.

However, it just looks familiar

Fang Yan looked at him in wonder, then approached him, and doubtfully touched his bright lips.

Just when the finger pulp touched the soft place, suddenly there was more strength on the wrist and dragged her down.

The foot was empty for a while, and Fang Yan woke up directly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a warm chest.

At the moment, he seemed to be sleeping soundly, and his long eyelashes looked a little more childish, especially his lips, which seemed to raise or not raise, suddenly reminded her of her dream.

Isn't it because I saw too much of this face that I had this dream? However, the color as like as two peas in his dream is exactly the same as that in his dream. He didn't feel it in his dream.

When the fingertips almost stuck to the sexy thin lips, Fang Yan suddenly returned to his mind and his heart jumped.

What is she doing? How could she be in his arms?

These questions had just come together, and reason finally brought her back to consciousness. She can move! But now it's curled up in his arms! With her vigilance, she didn't notice it at all and slept until dawn?

It must be because I'm busy with my wedding these days and haven't had a good rest.

Fang Yan explained to himself. Moreover, the guy in front of him was obviously sleepier than her and slept more dead than her.

Maybe I drank too much last night.

Well, what does she want to do with these useless things? It seems that she really fell asleep. She even got her hue. Why? In order to take him back, he is sleeping heavily at the moment, isn't it a good chance for her to do it?

Thinking of this, Fang Yan secretly had luck between his fingers and raised his hand to seal the acupoints in front of him. As soon as he moved, he suddenly turned over without warning. Before her fingers could touch him, the whole person was pressed by the strong body.

"Rong Chengjin!" his nose was almost flattened by him. Fang Yan murmured and cursed. Damn it, this guy was absolutely intentional and pretended to sleep? At this sudden pressure, almost all the air in her chest was squeezed out by him, especially the low neckline, which was so hard to die against her face, and her mouth kissed him.

Fang Yan hurriedly wanted to push him away. Unexpectedly, as soon as his hand moved, he was caught by him and couldn't move.

"Let go of me." Fang Yan just wanted to break free immediately. Feel the oppression of the power of his palm.

"Disturbing people's dreams is punishable." Rong Chengjin slightly propped up her body, narrowed her Feng eyes with a trace of laziness that is not yet fully awake, looked down at the prey completely controlled by him, bent a sexy radian at the corners of her lips, and said, "I think you haven't forgotten what we said last night?"

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