Looking at her red face, Rong Chengjin still felt that she was not enough. She leaned down slightly, almost close to her lips and said, "you said, what would your Zimo think if he knew?"

These words were like a poisonous sword and directly hit Fang Yan's death point.

Fang Yan suddenly felt a faint tingling in her chest, although she knew that from the moment she came to this time and space, many things were destined to be irreversible. However, at the thought of Zimmer, her heart would still be moved, even painful.

Zimmer, where is he now? Have you thought of her situation?

However, she was even more ashamed of herself.

Originally, I always thought I was a very principled person, but in front of this man named Rong Chengjin, what are her principles and limits?

Because of this man, she broke through her limits again and again, both physically and psychologically.

What the hell is she doing? What's the matter with her?

The painful look in her eyes fell into Rong Chengjin's eyes, and instantly let the flame originally hidden in her heart burn.

In fact, who she was thinking about had nothing to do with him. Even if she held the title of Princess Yun, he never really regarded her as his princess in his heart.

Although it is undeniable that he seems to have some incredible addiction to her, that's all.

Maybe it's men's natural possessiveness? He was her first man, so it was only when she knew that there was only another man in her heart that he would feel so bad.

What kind of man can make this proud woman fall in love so much?

Although Rong Chengjin is not a narcissistic person, nor is he the kind of frivolous life who is loved and complacent by women. To be exact, he hasn't even paid attention to the surrounding women. However, the woman's eyes on him make him a little sour.

For a moment, Zimmer, who had never met before, let him breed an emotion called "jealousy" that he had never had before.

"Look at you, his face is so ugly at the mention of him. How about I come to change your mood?" he asked, but he didn't want to hear her answer at all.

Fang Yan tightened up in an instant.

Fang Yan only felt that the man in front of him was very hateful. He looked back at him ruthlessly, but failed to restrain his voice, which had become a little dark and dumb due to emotion, and said, "let me go."

This is her greatest wish now.

"Do you really think so?" Rong Chengjin looked at her playfully, and suddenly the radian of the corners of her lips was deeper, "well, that's what you want."

Fang Yan didn't expect that he would really promise himself, but felt that even his voice was a torture to her at the moment. Although he longed for his closeness in his heart, he still shouted rationally: "go away! Don't touch me..."

What a tenacious woman.

For a moment, Rong Chengjin gave birth to some pity. Is it too much for him to treat her like this? In particular, her almost sobbing voice softened somewhere in his heart, and there was an impulse to hold her in his arms and spoil her.

However, the rational side makes him want to bully her regardless of everything. After all, this is not only in line with his purpose of completely taming her, but also in line with his principles.

What's more, his original purpose was to regain his bracelet.

"I know you have a thin skin. I'm sorry to tell you the real needs of your heart." after struggling for a moment, Rong Chengjin chose the latter and said, "I'll give you one last chance. As long as you hand over the bracelet, you won't torture you. Otherwise..."

Fang Yan only felt a tight heart, contradicting between desire and resistance. However, when he mentioned the bracelet, all reason immediately returned to the brain.

"I knew you wouldn't promise. I've thrown away that bracelet, and you'll never find it again in your life." she whispered in a very cold voice.

He wanted to treat her well, but her words made him no longer find any reason and excuse.

Although he didn't believe what she said, her stubborn attitude completely angered him.

"You're telling the king in this gentle way, aren't you?" his voice was suddenly cold, and there was an inexhaustible anger in his eyes, saying: "don't regret it."

I thought he would attack her cruelly and abuse her as before. The people behind her didn't move, but it didn't make her relax her vigilance.

Because the feeling of being watched and looked at was unprecedented strong. Fang Yan even keenly noticed that his hand holding her waist trembled slightly.

"Li Qiu..."

Fang Yan seemed to hear these two words, like blurting out and whispering to himself.

"Where did the mark on your body come from?" Rong Chengjin clasped her slender hand and closed it tighter because of the change of mood, but her sight fell on her back waist for a moment.

There were several strange and charming flowers on the original snow-white skin. Although it was incomplete and the color deviated from his memory, it was enough to set off his dusty memory for many years.

It was her mark alone.

"What mark?" Fang Yan was confused by him.

In an instant, the heartbeat was calmed down. Rong Chengjin recovered her reason and reached out to touch the flowers on her back.

Not tattoos, just ink.

He suddenly understood and fished Fang Yan from the desk.

Sure enough, there was an ink painting that had been rubbed beyond recognition under her.

I think it was the wet ink and the sweat on her that made the picture printed on her back.

"Where did this painting come from?" Rong Chengjin asked, pointing to the drawing paper on the table.

Fang Yan didn't expect that he would care so much about the painting. Thinking of his disorder just now, he couldn't help but have some conjectures in his heart.

"Want to know? Untie the acupoints for me first." Fang Yan timely talked with him about the conditions.

Rong Chengjin glanced at her deeply. In the end, she didn't say much and waved a little around her waist.

Fang Yan suddenly felt relaxed and hurriedly picked up the clothes hanging on his arm and wrapped his body firmly.

He was about to jump off the desk and distance himself from him. Unexpectedly, his long arms were horizontal, supporting her on both sides of her body and encircling her between his arms.

"You haven't answered me yet." Rong Chengjin looked directly at her with an unprecedented depth of eyes.

"I drew it." Fang Yan answered truthfully, and thought secretly.

Rong Chengjin asked in a calm voice, "to be exact, is it copied?"

How does he know? Fang Yan secretly guessed his mind and said, "so what?"

Her answer made Rong Chengjin flash a bright color at the bottom of her eyes. It seemed that she couldn't believe it and asked, "have you seen her? When?"

"I haven't seen it. How can it be called copying." Fang Yan only subconsciously understood "she" as "it". However, the rare excitement in his tone was really suspicious. She secretly noticed his look and said: "I saw it inadvertently today. I thought the peanut was unique, so I drew it."

"Today? It's impossible." Rong Chengjin almost denied her words without thinking about it, but then he seemed to think of something and asked, "where?"

Fang Yan knew that even if he didn't say it, as long as he asked wuden, he could know her whereabouts like the back of his hand. Therefore, he did not hide it and said, "it's in Jinxiu Villa in the west of the city."

As soon as the voice fell, she felt the bondage between her waist loose. The person who had firmly imprisoned her a second ago had gone out like the wind.

He was so impatient that Fang Yan returned to his mind for a while, but he couldn't tell what it was like.

Rong Chengjin came to ask the teacher for punishment to get back the bracelet. Now, he even forgot about the bracelet because of a painting and left so eagerly. Isn't it that this painting is more important to him than the bracelet?

Of course, the reason why she told him so readily was to lead to the mystery behind it. It seems that her intuition is indeed right. There must be some mystery hidden in this seemingly ordinary embroidery picture.

Moreover, what can make Rong Chengjin so abnormal may be related to the girl mu.

In this way, master Meiying embroidered it on his designed dress. The so-called answer to the question correctly to get this dress is not a marketing gimmick at all, but for another purpose?

Fang Yan suddenly felt a strong sense of foreboding in his heart. It seemed that something bad was brewing and happening, and he was unconsciously involved in it.

That night, Fang Yan asked Shuyu and Xiangming to pay attention to the trend of Rong Chengjin. Rong Chengjin hurried out of the house after she left here. It was nearly midnight when she came back.

Fang Yan knew where he had gone without asking, but she didn't expect that Rong Chengjin had a woman's dress in her hand when she returned to the house.

In other words, he has met master Meiying and answered her question correctly?

Fortunately, mingyuke also used it to bet with herself that the things they couldn't argue about were most likely related to another woman, and Rong Cheng was still a woman she cared about very much. This is really a great irony.

However, it was not entirely good for her. She was worried that there was no place to check the matter of Miss mu. Rong Chengjin's move undoubtedly guided her.

Li Qiu? She remembered that Rong Chengjin blurted out these two words before.

This should be a person's name. Fang Yan almost subconsciously thought of the surname, "Mu Liqiu?"

Fang Yan secretly wrote down the name.

The bracelet didn't appear until the next day. Rong Chengjin came to investigate again. Fang Yan was surprised and guessed something vaguely at the same time. He must have something more important, so he didn't care about her for the moment.

This was confirmed when Fang Yan was ready to go out of the house again. The bodyguard waiting by the carriage changed the Deputy student's face.

"Why don't you see Wufeng?" Fang Yan asked the bodyguard.

"Go back to the princess, my subordinates are fearless. They are ordered by the Lord to temporarily replace the fengless guard to protect your safety." the guard slightly lowered his head and lowered his eyebrows, and answered sonorously and forcefully.

"So." Fang Yan nodded. It seems that Wufeng has another job, and all this seems to be related to yesterday.

Without further hesitation, Fang Yan got into the carriage and ordered the groom to go straight to Jinxiu Villa.

At the destination, Fang Yan still let people wait outside and entered the magnificent house alone.

Shopkeeper Zhang obviously had been waiting for a long time. When he saw her, he quickly and respectfully came forward to salute and greet her. He looked around cautiously and saw that no one was paying attention. Then he took her to the backyard.

Such a careful appearance gives Fang Yan the illusion that he wants to steal a lover.

When one of the doors was opened, there was a warehouse filled with all kinds of silk. Fang Yan was wondering. The shopkeeper didn't know which mechanism he touched. A dark board on the ground slowly opened to reveal a dark secret way.

"Madam, don't be alarmed. This secret road leads to the house in the back street. The people you want to see are waiting there now." shopkeeper Zhang lit a lantern and handed it to her hand. He said, "I have to make arrangements here, so I won't go with you."

Then he told her how to open the mechanism from the secret way.

Relying on his own skills, Fang Yan was not afraid of fraud. Carrying a lantern, he went down the secret road.

Nothing happened all the way. After walking for less than a minute, there were steps up, and a faint light leaked out from the slightly open wooden door on the steps.

Fang Yan opened the wooden door while wondering why Rong Chengxuan was doing such a mysterious secret way in the capital.

In front of her was an ordinary house, even a little humble. The sun came in from the window and fell on the young man by the tea table.

The cloud white brocade robe embroidered with Xiuzhu set off his plumpness and handsome, especially his charming peach eyes, which made the outstanding face more beautiful, so incompatible with the whole room.

This man is really Rong Chengxuan.

Rong Chengxuan leaned slightly in his chair, but his sight fell on the wooden door since he heard the footsteps. At first sight of Fang Yan, there was a bright color in his eyes.

"Some days are gone, Lord Chen." Fang Yan smiled at him, walked forward gracefully and sat down in the chair opposite him.

"I can't believe it when shopkeeper Zhang says you want to see me." Rong Chengxuan stares at her and doesn't hide his joy. "To tell you the truth, I didn't expect you to come to me so soon."

"Didn't lord Chen himself say that if I need help, I can come here to find you?" Fang Yan said half jokingly and half seriously: "are those generous words just your polite words?"

She still hasn't changed at all. Even if she asks for help, there will never be a little humble in her clear eyes. However, as long as he gazed into those eyes, he would have an impulse to meet all her wishes.

Even if you know there will be no return.

"Come on, what do you want me to help you?"

In fact, he would come here to attend the appointment. Fang Yan expected that he would not refuse. However, she was still curious, "before that, I still want to ask why you want to help me? If I understand correctly, you should still hate me the last time you met?"

Rong Chengxuan's face changed slightly. She was right. He really hated her when he knew that everything she said and did was just cheating him to use him.

Because he never trusted a woman like this.

The feeling that he was really betrayed once made him want to ask her why she did this to him.

However, he didn't even have a chance to see her alone.

Gradually, he found that he missed those days with her very much. The idea of wanting to see her was like growing grass in his heart, spreading wildly and uncontrollable.

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