Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 109: Gong Yi returned home

He Zikai stood still in front of Mi Ying and looked at Mi Ying.

"Not as good as you?" He Zikai coldly threw out three words and continued, "How many projects have you planned since entering the Ministry of Culture?"

Wow! Except for Cheng Nuo and Gu Yao, everyone in the Ministry of Culture was shocked.

When the president said so, everyone remembered that it seemed that Mi Ying had not completed a plan alone. She assigned work to others every time, and then reviewed other people's plans. Every time she criticized and cursed, she appeared to be very professional.

But really, she has never completed a plan by herself.

"Me" Mi Ying trembled, she didn't know what to say, the facts, she knew best in her heart.

Just as everyone was waiting for Mi Ying to answer, Mi Ying suddenly changed her expression, greeted with a smile, and took a step forward, approaching He Zikai.

"Zi Kai, you know that I am the director of the Ministry of Culture and manage the entire department. How can I take over the planning project by myself? Your joke is not funny at all." Mi Ying said, holding He Zikai with a smile His arms deliberately showed that they were very close to He Zikai.

I am a well-known daughter, and I have known He Zikai a long time ago. People in these departments know that, so they will stick to He Zikai. They can only think that they and He Zikai are not only the relationship between the boss and the subordinate, but also the closer friendship.

He Zikai didn't expect Mi Ying to act like this, and immediately reacted. The first thing was not to push Mi Ying away, but to look at Cheng Nuo.

Worried that she will misunderstand and get angry.

Cheng Nuo did not receive He Zikai's gaze, and before He Zikai looked at him, his gaze shifted aside.

My husband is being held by another woman, this kind of scene, I don't want to see it, it is a bit dazzling.

"Let go." He Zikai retracted his gaze, screamed, and while shaking off his arm, he also pushed Mi Ying away.

Mi Ying staggered and stepped back a few steps before standing still.

At this moment, she became more embarrassed, and everyone looked at her.

"Director Mi." He Zikai stared at Mi Ying, extremely angry, "He Yi never raises idlers. Your job needs to be investigated."

After speaking, He Zikai turned slightly, and An Lin immediately received the message not far away.

An Lin stepped forward and respectfully responded to "Mr He", waiting for He Zikai's instructions.

"Notify the Personnel Department that Mi Ying is demoted to an employee, and at the same time, evaluate the work ability of each employee of the Ministry of Culture, and use the internal promotion system to run for director." He Zikai ordered.

"Yes." An Lin answered.

Every word of the president is like a military order in the hearts of employees.

The employees of the Ministry of Culture are ecstatic. Not only have the department changed its leaders, but everyone has the opportunity to be promoted. How can we not be happy with such joyful things?

Cheng Nuo did not expect that He Zikai would make such a decision. Instead of seeing He Zikai, he looked at Gu Yao. Seeing Gu Yao's smiling expression, Cheng Nuo felt relieved.

To be honest, I don't recognize Miying's ability very much in my heart, and she does not recognize her style of doing things.

Mi Ying was so stupid at the news, she plopped and sat on the ground, staring blankly in front of her with a blank expression.

He Zikai ignored Mi Ying, looked over, and saw Cheng Nuo's expression lightened a lot, and then he calmed down.

auzw.com I wanted to come to the Ministry of Culture to inspect and work. By the way, I looked at her. I didn’t see her for a moment, and my heart was flustered, but I didn’t expect to see the Ministry of Culture as soon as I walked to the door. Of this scene.

Mi Ying beat her before and made things difficult for her several times. This time, I wanted Mi Ying to have no chance to target her own woman.

If it weren't for the sake of knowing Mi Ying a long time ago, she would have gotten out of He Yi Building.

He Zikai looked at Cheng Nuo one last time, turned around, and walked out of the Office of the Ministry of Culture.

He Zikai returned to the office, and after reviewing the documents for a while, he heard a knock on the door.

He Zikai responded, and when he saw that the person coming in was Song Jingye, his face was a little surprised.

"Why? Why are you so surprised when you see me these few times?" Song Jingye said jokingly, and sat down opposite He Zikai.

"I didn't say anything in advance, of course I was surprised." He Zikai restrained his emotions and showed a calm appearance.

"You said it in advance last time, aren't you surprised?" Song Jingye said.

He Zikai didn't take Song Jingye's words and signed his name on the document, then put the document aside, and then looked at Song Jingye.

"Something?" He Zikai asked in a cold tone.

Song Jingye was accustomed to He Zikai's cold temperament, and didn't care at all, "There is something."

After a pause, Song Jingye continued, "Gong Yi has returned to China with the news that I just got an hour ago."

In an instant, He Zikai's brows frowned, and his eyes looked at Song Jingye a little more puzzled.

"So suddenly?" He Zikai said.

Gong Yi, president of gd financial international, gd financial international is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, and its financial projects are spread all over the world. Gong Yi himself is a legendary myth. He entered the stock market at the age of twelve and is called the "small stock god". gd financial international is his master Built up, the assets and value he now has are among the best in the world's financial industry.

He Zikai met Gong Yi at an international business dinner before and knew a little bit about him. He knew his hometown was Westport. Gong Yi went to Ottawa when he was six years old.

And recently I heard news that Gong Yi will return to China for the Lehua City project in Xigang City, but he did not expect that the Lehua City project is still a month away and he will come back so early.

t5?m:?2 ('iu?m?6 eggs? 5m vortex?? Fu???4 "Well, I was also a little surprised." Song Jingye nodded and said, "A busy man like Gong Yi, time should be It’s very urgent. In order to participate in a Lehua City project, it is a bit unexpected to come to Xigang City a month in advance."

He Zikai did not speak, and was not very familiar with Gong Yi. He didn't know his character and style of work. He only knew that every decision he made in his career would make a lot of money.

Song Jingye suddenly remembered something and immediately said, "By the way, I also heard a piece of news, but I don't know if it is true or not."

"What?" He Zikai asked.

"When my friend told me the news of Gong Yi's return, by the way, he heard the gossip. Gong Yi came back this time and seemed to be looking for a girl. I heard that it was his childhood sweetheart." Song Jingye said, because it was gossip. I'm not so sure.

"So he came to Xigang City so early." He Zikai took the sentence.

"Well, it may be the reason." Song Jingye nodded, "but the news is not very certain. In case Gongyi came to Xigang City in advance to learn about the business situation and intends to invest in Xigang City, it is not impossible. After all, this is his son. Where I grew up."

He Zikai felt that Song Jingye's words also made sense. Everyone has nostalgia for the place they once lived, and it is not surprising that they want to do something for the place they once lived and develop their careers.

"Lehua City project, Nuoer is responsible for planning, I will let An Lin prepare other materials." He Zikai changed the subject, and he was ready to meet Gong Yi on the Lehua City project.

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