Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1099: I never loved her

He Xiaomei had felt the pain from the beginning, but she had been enduring it. There was sweat on her forehead, and she couldn't care about it. Her hands had been holding the bed sheet tightly, trying to endure the pain.

When Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei's appearance, the pain in her heart was no less than hers. At this moment, this situation hurts her body and her heart.

It's just that Long Yixi didn't think deeply at this time, what is He Xiaomei's position in her heart, what is her own thoughts about He Xiaomei, is love? Still hate? Or just a normal worry?

After a while, Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei's pain and couldn't bear to look any more.

"Tai Qin, wait." Long Yixi suddenly stopped.

Tai Qin was taken aback for a moment, then stopped and looked at Long Yixi.

He Xiaomei didn't know what Long Yixi was going to do at this time, and slowly looked at Long Yixi.

Long Yixi slowly lifted He Xiaomei from the bed, sat down on the edge of the bed, and let her fall into his arms, and then he hugged her tightly.

He Xiaomei felt that this posture was indeed a little more comfortable than before, and she didn't have much strength to struggle in this way, so just take this posture.

"Turn your head around." Long Yixi said to He Xiaomei. After speaking, he stretched out a hand and turned her head around so that she could look at her chest without looking at the wound.

He Xiaomei didn't say a word this time, nor did her body resist, letting Long Yixi move like this.

Long Yixi was satisfied with He Xiaomei’s obedientness and obedience. Then she looked at Tai Qin and said to her, "Go ahead."


When the wound was treated, it was already an hour later, and He Xiaomei would not feel the pain at the beginning. After the whole body relaxed, she felt very tired.

Tai Qin looked at He Xiaomei and said to Long Yixi, "Let her sleep."

"When I go to bed, I will feed her breakfast first." Long Yixi said.

Tai Qin nodded, knowing that the waiter in the restaurant had brought breakfast just now, and said to Long Yixi, "Then I'm going to order breakfast, you feed her first."

"Well," Long Yixi answered, "Thanks."

Tai Qin smiled.

After Tai Qin brought a bowl of porridge, Long Yixi held the porridge in one hand and a spoon in the other, preparing to feed He Xiaomei the porridge.

He Xiaomei is still lying in Long Yixi's arms as before, but this will smell the fragrant porridge, and she has no appetite.

"I don't want to eat." When He Xiaomei saw Long Yixi put the spoon next to her mouth, she turned her face and said three words.

Long Yixi's face darkened a bit, and he lowered his voice and said to He Xiaomei, "Open your mouth."

He Xiaomei heard the displeasure in Long Yixi's tone and had to open her mouth.

He didn't want to eat, but Long Yixi's domineering, He Xiaomei couldn't resist, so she drank a bowl of porridge reluctantly.

"I'll get you some porridge again." Long Yixi said, preparing to gently put her on the bed to serve the porridge.

He Xiaomei suddenly took Long Yixi's arm with little force, but Long Yixi still stopped moving.

"I don't want to eat anymore, Long Yixi," He Xiaomei said weakly, "I want to rest."

The expression just now was tense, and he was tired a long time ago and wanted to lie down and take a good rest.


Seeing her look like this, Long Yixi's heart felt soft again, thinking that she also had a bowl of porridge just now, at least her stomach won’t be hungry for a short time, so, "Well, but take medicine first and rest after eating. ."

He Xiaomei nodded.

After Long Yixi put the bowl and spoon on the table aside, he supported He Xiaomei with both hands, let her lean on the pillow, and then went to pour water and get the medicine.

After taking the medicine, He Xiaomei lay flat on the bed with the help of Long Yixi.

"You, go to dinner, and Tai Qin." He Xiaomei said to Long Yixi.

Both of them have not eaten yet, and Tai Qin has just helped herself to deal with the wound, she is very hard.

He Xiaomei continued, "Help me, thank her."

Although I don't know what is the relationship between Tai Qin and Long Yixi, but I also want to thank Tai Qin, she really helped herself.

"I know," Long Yixi said to He Xiaomei this time, with a gentle tone in his tone, and then exhorted, "Don't move and rest well."

"Yeah" After He Xiaomei answered, she closed her eyes.

Long Yixi watched her rest, then stood up straight, took the bowl and spoon on the side, and left the bedroom.


Hearing the sound of the bedroom door closing, He Xiaomei opened her eyes again and looked at the ceiling. At this moment, she was thinking about the outside picture, the picture of Long Yixi and Tai Qin getting along.

Tai Qin is a beautiful doctor. She and Long Yixi seem to have a very good relationship. Could it be that they

At this time, in the restaurant, Tai Qin saw Long Yixi coming and said with a smile, "Sit down, thank you for ordering me a breakfast."

"Thinking that you came here so early, you definitely didn't have breakfast, so I ordered it." Long Yixi said.

After speaking, Long Yixi said again, "Thank you for today, and I may have to trouble you during this period of time."

Hearing Long Yixi's kind words, Tai Qin said with a smile, "No thanks, Yixi, as a doctor, these are all things I should do, let alone we are friends."

After speaking, Tai Qin's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Long Yixi seriously, and said something more serious, "But Yixi, Xiaomei is the woman you like?"

Long Yixi didn't speak, lowered his head and ate breakfast.

Is it the woman you like? Eight years ago, I would simply admit that she was the woman I liked, but now, even if I have her in my heart, I would not admit it so directly.

Because my heart is contradictory, my father's affairs, my real thoughts, and real methods, I can't figure out what is going on.

Tai Qin waited for a while, did not hear Long Yixi's answer, and continued, "I can see that you are very special and very good to her. Pei Jiale can't compare with her."

"She doesn't have that qualification," Long Yixi said suddenly, "I have never loved her."

Tai Qin naturally knew that Long Yixi said she was Pei Jiale.

"So the person you love should be Xiaomei?" Tai Qin said.

Long Yixi did not answer immediately, but after a long pause this time, he still answered, "No."

After answering, Long Yixi didn’t plan to discuss this anymore. He changed the subject and said to Tai Qin, “I will transfer all the treatment and medical expenses this time to your account.”

"Don't tell me this," Tai Qin also followed his words, knowing what he meant in his heart, he didn't want to talk about He Xiaomei, "Let Xiaomei's injury heal first, let's talk about these things later. ."

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