Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1104: Willing to listen to her

"Oh, I'm here, I'm listening." He Xiaomei hurriedly replied, quickly retracting her thoughts.

After speaking, He Xiaomei said, "Brother Qin Yan, you don't use the construction site to see me. Everything is fine for me and me, and I will often go back to the urban area later. Then we will meet in the urban area."

After hearing what Xiaomei said, Qin Yan asked in surprise, "Go back to the city often? Then you don't have to live on the construction site all the time?"

"This, the later work arrangement is just a rough idea, the specifics are unclear, but you still have to live on the construction site. As for how often you will go back to the city, look at the specific work arrangements." He Xiaomei said.

"Well, I can understand." Qin Yan replied.

He Xiaomei returned to normal emotions and thoughts, and continued to say to Qin Yan, "Brother Qin Yan, you should pay attention to food and rest at work. When I return to the city next time, I will call you and we will eat together. "

"Okay, when you come back next time, I will buy some food and go to your house, and I will cook for you myself." Qin Yan said happily.

He Xiaomei glanced at Long Yixi from the corner of the light, but replied, still following Qin Yan's meaning, "Well, OK, I'm back to the city to call you."

After speaking, He Xiaomei said, "Brother Qin Yan, let's not talk for now, I have to rest, and I have to go to work tomorrow."

"Okay, then you rest, remember to call me if you have something to do."


As soon as He Xiaomei hung up the phone, she felt the movement of Long Yixi holding herself with her hands suddenly changed.

Long Yixi immediately grabbed He Xiaomei's arm with both hands and asked He Xiaomei, "Are you and Qin Yan not living together?"

What Qin Yan said just now seemed to mean this.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi, looked at him nervously, and knew what he had always thought, because she had indeed lied to him before, and he thought she was living with Qin Yan.

But today, it seems that there is no way to hide it, so tell him the truth.

"Well, we didn't live together." He Xiaomei admitted, but didn't intend to tell her true relationship with Qin Yan.

"Always live separately?" Long Yixi asked again, still a little unbelievable about this fact in his mind, because he was too surprised.

"Yeah," He Xiaomei replied, "After we came to Wangcheng, Qin Yan bought the house by himself. My parents bought the house, which is a small apartment."

Listening to He Xiaomei's words, Long Yixi's heart instantly seemed to open a door, very bright.

They didn't live together, it was great, they didn't.

After confirming the news, Long Yixi asked He Xiaomei again, "Have you never lived together?"

He Xiaomei nodded.

"He, didn't treat you" Long Yixi wanted to ask, but felt it was too awkward, and asked again, "The first time you were there?"

He Xiaomei didn't expect Long Yixi to ask this, but looking at Long Yixi's eyes, in front of this man, He Xiaomei's heart was already throbbing at this moment, and there was more than a ripple.

"Answer me." Long Yixi asked, because this was too important for him.


He Xiaomei thought about it for a long time, and after summoning his courage, he answered, "Well, mine is still there."

The first kiss was once given to him, but Chu Ye, I haven't handed it out yet, because I want to give it to the person I love.


At this time, Long Yixi finally smiled, smiling happily.

She doesn't belong to others, let alone Qin Yan.

It seems that God is destined to let her keep the first time and keep seeing herself.

Suddenly, Long Yixi stretched out his hands, hugged He Xiaomei in his arms and hugged tightly.

At this moment, I don't think about anything in my heart, I only miss her, only her alone.

It's great, her first time is still there, she is still a simple girl.

He Xiaomei was so held by Long Yixi, with various thoughts in her heart. He was so excited because she knew her first time was still there? Does he have his own in his heart?

However, his father's business was the hurdle he and he couldn't overcome, and Pei Jiale.

He Xiaomei enjoys this kind of embrace and being close to him, but she knows in her heart that there is no future for herself and him, and there is no future at all.

The two did not know how long they had embraced before He Xiaomei said, "Long Yixi, let's go back."

Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei and looked at her eyes. The unspeakable feeling in her heart was very beautiful.

"Well, go back." At this moment, I am willing to listen to her. If she wants to go back, then go back.

Long Yixi hugged He Xiaomei to the car, and then drove back to the hotel.

When I returned to the hotel, it was late. Long Yixi could see that He Xiaomei was a little tired, and said, "Go to wash first, and then go to bed after taking the medicine."

"Yeah." He Xiaomei answered.

Long Yixi hugged He Xiaomei to the bathroom and put her on the sink, but instead of washing her as usual, he walked forward again and kissed her lips.

He Xiaomei was a little awake again by the sudden kiss, the sleepiness in her mind disappeared, but her hands stretched out instinctively, trying to push Long Yixi away.

Long Yixi would not allow her to push herself away for a while, stretched her hands, clasped her two hands together, held it with one of her big hands, and then stretched the other hand into her clothes and started Stroking.

He Xiaomei felt the big warm hands on her skin, and she immediately sat up straight, her whole body tense, trying to avoid the kiss, but when she leaned back, there was a mirror behind her, and she couldn't avoid it. Moreover, his hands are imprisoned by him, and he has no way to move, only

Long Yixi's hand slid across her skin, and gradually touched it up.

He Xiaomei felt like she was going to collapse, because of his movements, her body gradually became hot.

When Long Yixi felt He Xiaomei's breathing was very short, he let go of her reluctantly.

He Xiaomei, don't breathe, and hurriedly said, "Don't, don't you"

He Xiaomei was very afraid of Long Yixi's chaos. He was so domineering eight years ago, now he is even more domineering than eight years ago, and she is really worried about his actions.

Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei, and after a while, suddenly released the hand that was holding her hands, wrapped her hand around her back waist, wrapped her in her arms, and embraced her.

Lying on He Xiaomei's shoulder, Long Yixi kissed her earlobe lightly, his other hand moving in her clothes.

"You" He Xiaomei was very uncomfortable, but it was like this, she couldn't stop Long Yixi at all.

"Don't move, be good." Long Yixi said in a hoarse voice.

He Xiaomei heard Long Yixi's voice, her whole brain seemed to be drugged, and she was really obedient.

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