Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1108: I have no future with him

When He Xiaomei finished listening, she couldn't believe it in her mind. How could this be? Moreover, he and Long Yixi and Pei Jiale's three affair, but in the end, in the eyes of the public, the most affected person is Long Yixi, his character and worth, and the stock price and development of ae.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi again, and looked at each other with Long Yixi, and there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Long Yixi stood there and did not walk in front of He Xiaomei, but she was sure in her heart that she knew, Chen Yu told her.

Wen Chenyu did not hear Xiaomei's answer on the other end of the phone, and then said, "Xiaomei, I know this is not true. Yixi must take care of you and take you to dinner because you are injured."

Wen Chenyu didn't believe that Xiaomei would like Yixi, let alone what happened between Yixi and Xiaomei, and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way to deal with this news, but Xiaomei, where are you now? You tell me, I will come to find you."

He Xiaomei’s sensibility has come back now, and Pei Jiale will definitely care about this news, so between herself and Long Yixi

He Xiaomei took a deep breath and said to Wen Chenyu on the other end of the phone, "Chenyu, I'm at the Tellhow Hotel in the suburbs, can you come and pick me up?"

When Long Yixi not far away heard this, he strode forward immediately.

"Okay, then I will come over now." Wen Chenyu said on the other end of the phone.

"Well, I" He Xiaomei wanted to say something, but before she finished her words, Long Yixi snatched her phone away.

Long Yixi took He Xiaomei's hand, placed it beside her ear, and said to the phone, "You don't need to come over, I will take care of her."

"Yixi," Wen Chenyu yelled helplessly, "You took care of Xiaomei before, and I have nothing to say, but after that, do you still have time to take care of Xiaomei? There are many things that need to be handled by you, and Jiale also I need you to explain, how can you take care of Xiaomei?"

In Wen Chenyu's heart, she is only taking care of Xiaomei as Yixi, and it is the care of colleagues, at best between friends, and has no other purpose.


"I'll take care of my business, don't come here." Long Yixi finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

Long Yixi did not return the phone to He Xiaomei immediately, but took it in his hand.

He Xiaomei did not ask Long Yixi for her mobile phone, and just sat on the bed like this, the atmosphere between the two suddenly calmed down and fell into embarrassment.

After a long time, He Xiaomei said to Long Yixi, "You go out first, I want to take a break."

Actually, I'm very confused now, I don't know what to do? I don't know if Wen Chenyu will come to the hotel? Long Yixi refused him just now, will he come again?

After hearing He Xiaomei's words, Long Yixi didn't say anything, turned around and walked to the door, still holding her mobile phone in his hand.

But as soon as I walked to the door, before closing the door, the phone rang again.

Long Yixi picked it up and took a look. When he saw the name displayed on the screen of the phone, Long Yixi's expression shook. Then, without too much hesitation, he turned around and walked in front of He Xiaomei.

auzw.com He Xiaomei also heard her mobile phone rang, and saw Long Yixi coming over, her face was very serious, and He Xiaomei could not guess who was calling.

"Your dad's call." Long Yixi said, handing out the phone to He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei became nervous when he heard the call from her father. She immediately stretched out her hand, and after receiving the call, she hurriedly connected her to her ear.

"Hey, Dad." He Xiaomei said hurriedly.

"Xiaomei, how is your injury?" He Zikai's first sentence on the other end of the phone asked about her daughter.

Because my daughter is in Wangcheng, I usually pay attention to the news in Wangcheng. I just saw a piece of news and looked at the daughter in the photo. I was worried in my heart, so I called my daughter immediately without thinking.

"Well, it's okay, it's much better." He Xiaomei replied, guessing in her heart that dad must have read the news before calling herself.

"How was it hurt?" He Zikai asked, her tone of voice restrained and calm.

"I accidentally injured myself on the construction site. When I went to work on the construction site, I wore shorts and didn't change my shoes, so I was injured by the steel bar on my ankle." He Xiaomei told her dad truthfully. In front of me, I didn't want to hide anything.

He Zikai on the phone understood it, and asked her daughter, "How is it now? Has the wound healed?"

"Well, it has healed, but the stitches have not been removed yet, and the stitches will be removed in a few days. It will be better slowly." He Xiaomei said.

"Well," He Zikai answered, there were too many words in his heart that he couldn't say. The feeling of distressing her daughter could only be kept in her heart, and then she asked, "Then in your recent life, has anyone taken care of you?"

In fact, He Zikai just wanted to know, besides Long Yixi, is there anyone with her daughter?

He Xiaomei also knew what her dad wanted to ask, but she lied in front of her dad. She was not good at it and could only answer truthfully, "Long Yixi is taking care of me recently."

He Zikai heard her daughter's answer and asked again, "Can you live alone? Or I and Nuoer will stay with you for a while."

The daughter is alone in Wangcheng, and there are no relatives around her. Only Qin Yan is familiar with her. In addition, her daughter is injured now, and I really feel uneasy, and want to go with Nuo'er to see her daughter.

"No, Dad," He Xiaomei replied, "I can do it myself. I can walk now. I can still take care of my basic life. I don't have to go to work during this time. I will go home and live in the afternoon. Brother Qin Yan, or other friends of mine do me a little favor, that's it."

He Xiaomei would apologize in her heart, because her father did not mention Long Yixi, she guessed that her father must be angry in her heart, or her father had his own thoughts.

He Zikai heard her daughter say this on the phone, and did not intend to force her to say, "Well, then you must take care of yourself."

"I will, Dad," He Xiaomei finished speaking and made some preparations in her heart before she continued, "Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you and my mother."

He Zikai did not speak, waiting for her daughter to continue.

"Actually, I saw Long Yixi soon after I came to look at the city. We still have work cooperation," He Xiaomei confessed to her father, but also clarified to her father, "But, Dad, I know in my heart that I and him have no future. , I will not destroy his life, his family, I really will not do that."

Listening to these words of He Xiaomei, Long Yixi next to him knew everything in his heart, but this would be because the person on the other end of the phone was her father, and he didn't say anything or do anything.

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