Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1115: I'll stay with you

"Long Yixi." He Xiaomei did not hold back, and suddenly called Long Yixi.

"What's the matter?" Long Yixi turned his head, looked at He Xiaomei, and asked her, worried about what was wrong with her body.

"Do you usually cook at home?" He Xiaomei asked.

Hearing He Xiaomei's words, Long Yixi knew that He Xiaomei was going to chat with herself, and she was not feeling well, so she turned around and continued to wash the dishes, but she also answered He Xiaomei, "No, there is a nanny at home to cook."

"Oh," He Xiaomei answered, and then whispered, "I think you are not stupid. I thought you used to cook at home."

Although it was a low voice, Long Yixi heard it, and Long Yixi asked He Xiaomei, "In your eyes, I am stupid for the first time doing something?"

This **** woman, what does her image of herself look like in her heart?

"Nor." He Xiaomei replied, what she wanted to say later, but she couldn't say it, but she was happy in her heart, because from Long Yixi's question, she guessed and was very sure that he should wash the dishes today. It was the first time, even if it was not the first time, it was a few of the first few times, absolutely rare in his life.

After hearing He Xiaomei's three words, Long Yixi didn't hear anything from her again, so he couldn't answer anything.

Fortunately, the dishes were washed quickly. After Long Yixi finished washing, he came out of the kitchen, and then took He Xiaomei to sit on the sofa in the living room.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi beside her and wanted to ask something, but she didn't know how to ask?

"If you want to talk, what's the hesitation in front of me?" Long Yixi saw He Xiaomei's hesitation and said.

I don't like the appearance of this woman very much. She is no stranger to herself. She used to be in front of her, but she was much more courageous. She said whatever she wanted. How could she hesitate?

He Xiaomei pursed her lips, and then asked, "When are you going back?"

After listening, Long Yixi immediately turned his head and looked at He Xiaomei, staring at her with deep eyes.

Is she trying to drive herself away?

Seeing Long Yixi's expression, He Xiaomei immediately knew his inner emotions, and said hurriedly, "I, I just, it's not appropriate for you to stay here, I"

"What's wrong?" Long Yixi asked her, before waiting for her to answer, he added, "It's not that I haven't slept."

"" A word made He Xiaomei completely speechless, wondering what else to say?

Yes, I have slept in a hotel before. Although there is no such thing, he is in his own home now, and he always feels a little inconvenient.

Long Yixi would not care about He Xiaomei’s emotions at all, and would not guess what she was thinking, just asking her, "Want to watch TV?"

He Xiaomei retracted her thoughts, shook her head, and replied, "I want to go to rest."

"Then go to wash first." After finishing speaking, Long Yixi picked up He Xiaomei again to wash, without any intention to leave.

Seeing that Long Yixi didn't intend to leave, He Xiaomei was even more helpless, so she accepted the fact that he had stayed bit by bit in her heart.

After the two of them washed up, Long Yixi sat down on the bed holding He Xiaomei and told her, "Don't lie down first, I will pour water, and then go to bed after taking the medicine."

"Well, I know." He Xiaomei also remembered that she hadn't taken medicine yet.

Long Yixi went to pour water, brought medicine, and watched He Xiaomei after taking it, then helped her lie down, and then lay down himself.

The wall lamp at the bedside was on. Although it was not very bright, the two could see each other face to face.


"You have to go to work tomorrow, take a break early." He Xiaomei said to Long Yixi.

Looking at her at this moment, Long Yixi felt a lot of emotions in her heart.

The silence of the night can calm the heart, so naturally there will be more things that can be thought of, and the woman is right in front of her at this moment, and the throbbing in her heart is very clear.

Long Yixi still did not control her impulse, did not answer He Xiaomei's words, but moved forward and sealed He Xiaomei's lips.

He Xiaomei had reason in her mind. After feeling Long Yixi's kiss, He Xiaomei immediately put her hands on Long Yixi's shoulders and pushed him away.

Long Yixi felt He Xiaomei's actions, because the next thing was still in her mind, so Long Yixi didn't use any force this time. When she pushed herself, she also left with cooperation.

He Xiaomei took a few breaths, looked at Long Yixi in front of him, and said, "Don't mess around."

At this moment, Long Yixi also had reason in his mind. He met her gaze and replied, "Now, I can't hurt you."

After speaking, Long Yixi stepped forward again and kissed He Xiaomei.

The lingering kiss lasted for a long time. Long Yixi had other thoughts in his heart, impulsiveness, and even a physical reaction, but in the end, Long Yixi didn't do anything to He Xiaomei. The reason in his head kept restraining his actions. Don't allow yourself to mess around.

When He Xiaomei was kissed dimly by Long Yixi, she heard a sound in her ear when she had little reason.

"Go to sleep, I'll be with you." Long Yixi said.

He Xiaomei felt relieved immediately, she didn't think about anything else at this moment, just wanted to immerse herself in the true feelings in her heart at this moment.

He hummed softly, which was regarded as answering Long Yixi, and then He Xiaomei stretched out her hand, hugged Long Yixi, rubbed it in his arms, and found a comfortable position to sleep.

In such a warm and familiar embrace, He Xiaomei felt very at ease.

The strength between Long Yixi's hands also tightened a bit, hugging her, closing his eyes and going to sleep.

This time, the two slept very soundly.

The next morning, after Long Yixi and He Xiaomei woke up, they washed up. Long Yixi knew that Hao Lu and Zhuo Wenwen would bring breakfast to He Xiaomei, so he didn't worry about it.

"Tai Qin is coming today too?" Long Yixi asked He Xiaomei.

"Well, she will come later to change my dressing." He Xiaomei replied.

Long Yixi nodded and said, "Then you sit in the living room and wait. If Hao Lu and the others arrive first, have breakfast first, and then wait for Tai Qin after eating."

"Yeah." He Xiaomei answered.

"I'm leaving now." Long Yixi said, she wasn't sure if Hao Lu and the others would arrive first or Tai Qin would arrive first. If Tai Qin could see that she was here, it would be fine, but Hao Lu and the others would see It will be a little inconvenient.

The news has caused trouble to this woman before, and if some of her things are shared among colleagues, these are situations that I don't want to see.


"Well," He Xiaomei said after nodding, "Then you, pay attention to safety on the road."

Long Yixi didn't speak, but leaned in and kissed He Xiaomei for a while, which was regarded as an answer to her, and then left.

He Xiaomei looked at Long Yixi's back until his back disappeared and the door was closed, and He Xiaomei's thoughts could not be recovered for a long time.

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