Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1138: This time...thank you for saving me

He Xiaomei closed her eyes gently. Although she was not sleepy, if she kept her eyes open like this, she didn't know how to face him when Halong Yixi came out?

When He Xiaomei heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, He Xiaomei was shocked and did not open her eyes.

Long Yixi had no clothes on his upper body, only a bath towel wrapped around his waist. After walking out of the bathroom, he looked at the bed at first glance and saw He Xiaomei lying on the bed. Suddenly, Long Yixi felt very comfortable.

When I took a bath before, I was worried that she would be unbehaved and play tricks, but this will see her, all the worries are gone, and I feel very comfortable.

It's just that she seemed to be asleep, her eyes closed, and she didn't look at herself.

Long Yixi walked to the other side of the bed, took off the bath towel on his body, wearing trousers on his lower body, and then Long Yixi lay on the bed, gradually extended his hands, and took He Xiaomei on the side into his arms.

When He Xiaomei felt Long Yixi's hand, when she wanted to resist, she had no chance.

Long Yixi hugged her from behind He Xiaomei, lying in her ear and said, "Really asleep?"

He Xiaomei struggled twice and said, "You let me go."

"You turn around first." Long Yixi said, turning He Xiaomei's body with both hands.

He Xiaomei would have to open her eyes, but when she opened her eyes, she saw Long Yixi’s chest

He Xiaomei's eyes widened instantly, and she said in surprise, "You, you"

"how do I?"

"Why don't you wear clothes?" He Xiaomei asked.

"You wear it, don't believe you touch it." Long Yixi said, grabbing He Xiaomei's hand and touching it under her.

He Xiaomei would react faster, she immediately broke away from Long Yixi's hand, clasped her hands tightly together, placed it on her chest, and looked at Long Yixi's eyes.

I don't touch it, even if he wears his lower body, but does not wear his upper body, how dare he hug himself like this?

"Why? Don't check it?" Long Yixi asked, but he was not angry at all in his heart, let alone anxious.

"No," He Xiaomei replied, her whole body tense, and said to Long Yixi, "You, you go and put on your shirt."

"What if you don't wear it?" Long Yixi asked. At this moment, He Xiaomei's nervous look was a bit cute in her own eyes.

"Then, then I will go to sleep next door." He Xiaomei said, anyway, she wouldn't sleep with him like this.

To be able to lie down in his bed and sleep, he has done many ideological struggles in his heart. Some things are understood by everyone, and even some things cannot be done, and even no idea at all. But he is like this, in his heart Is unacceptable.

After finishing speaking, when He Xiaomei was about to turn around and leave, she just turned around and was imprisoned by Long Yixi's hands.

Long Yixi's expression was a little colder than before. He looked at He Xiaomei's profile and said, "Don't move, I'll go wear it, you are not allowed to move."

This woman is really stubborn, and she has to execute it after she has said it. She really can't help it.

He Xiaomei didn't move, and lay down again on the bed, and then saw Long Yixi getting up and leaving with her side light.

After a while, he came back, indeed wearing pajamas.

Only then did He Xiaomei look at Long Yixi.


Long Yixi also looked at He Xiaomei, and after lying down, said to her, "Come here."

He Xiaomei couldn't take the initiative, but looking at Long Yixi's cold face, she moved her body next to him.

Long Yixi was extremely dissatisfied with her moving a little distance, stretched out his hand to fish her over, and then said nothing, approached her lips directly and kissed.

He Xiaomei wanted to break free, but without a chance, one hand of Long Yixi was confined around her waist, and the other hand was on the back of her head.

After a long time, Long Yixi let go of He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei would not have the thought of struggling because of the kiss just now, and she leaned against Long Yixi softly, adjusting her breathing.

"If you are good, I won't mess around." Long Yixi said, looking at He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei did not speak, and stared at Long Yixi for a while, expressing her anger and anger.

"What? Dissatisfied with me?" Long Yixi asked, "You can pay back your dissatisfaction. You can pay me back how I kissed you just now."

"The beauty of thinking." He Xiaomei said. Of course, she knew Long Yixi's meaning and purpose, so how could she promise him? Calling his heart as he intended, I can't do it myself.

Hearing He Xiaomei's voice, Long Yixi's mouth raised slightly. Although she rejected herself, she was very satisfied in her heart.

"Okay, don't be angry, can't we get along well?" Long Yixi's mood softened first.

He Xiaomei's emotions gradually relaxed. Although she didn't answer, she had a well-behaved expression, which was already the best answer.

The room suddenly became quiet, Long Yixi did not speak, He Xiaomei did not speak, and the breathing of the two of them calmed down.

"Xiaomei." Long Yixi suddenly called kindly.

"Huh?" He Xiaomei answered.

"In the future, no matter what you do, be careful." Long Yixi said.

He Xiaomei knew that Long Yixi was reminding herself that he was kind, but because of his kindness, her heart was throbbing, and the love that was originally peaceful in her heart began to fluctuate and even jumped because of his concern.

Long Yixi did not wait for He Xiaomei's answer, and continued, "Next time I won't necessarily show up in time, so you have to think more before doing anything."

She is very smart, with normal principles and observations of things. As long as she thinks and sees with her heart, she will definitely feel and discover something. So as long as she is more careful in the future and keeps a little eye on, she will not put herself in danger. In it.

"Well, I know." He Xiaomei replied.

I knew that not only did he know what he meant, but also that not only next time, but also in the future, he would not appear in such a timely manner.

Because he is going to be engaged or getting married. In the future, the person he will appear to save in time is Pei Jiale, who will not save himself again.

Thinking of this, He Xiaomei suddenly felt inexplicably sad, and then began to think of the things from eight years ago, those beautiful campus times, and the various things she and Long Yixi did together.

After thinking about it, He Xiaomei's eyes were red, and suddenly instinctively stretched out her hand, hugged Long Yixi, and rubbed her head into Long Yixi's arms and buried it in his chest.

Long Yixi felt He Xiaomei's actions, and was surprised at first, but when he accepted them all in his mind, he was extremely happy.

Holding her hand tightly again, the two hugged each other.

"Long Yixi, thank you for saving me this time." He Xiaomei said, without him, I really can't imagine the consequences.

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