Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1142: This is the office

Long Yixi didn't answer, because Chenyu wouldn't believe it if he said no harm. The question he asked was contradictory.

If he says hurt, he will be angry, if he says no hurt, he doesn't believe it, so should he answer?

"Chenyu, I know what to do with her, and she knows better, so these have nothing to do with you." Long Yixi said.

"Xiaomei's business is my business, and it can't be anything to do with me." Wen Chenyu said, with a firm tone. In the future, he must protect Xiaomei and not let her suffer any harm.

Long Yixi heard Wen Chenyu's determination and did not continue.

Wen Chenyu looked at Long Yixi for a while, then changed the subject, "Jalle and Yiling, what are you going to do?"

"I called Yiling," Long Yixi said. "The Pei Jiale matter has nothing to do with me."

She told Yiling this time that she had already touched her bottom line, but she wanted to really break out, but her heart hadn't reached that level.

After that, if she stayed safe and guarded herself, she would have passed this matter, but if she dared to do anything else and hit her back by herself, it would not be the punishment and the result she deserved.

"Yixi, even if you don't love Jiale, it will never be possible for you and Xiaomei, because of your father" Wen Chenyu didn't go on talking about this.

Long Yixi didn't say anything, because everyone knew in their hearts and many things were clear.

After that, the two chatted without a word, and in the end there was no result. Fortunately, even if the two were for He Xiaomei, they did not destroy their brotherhood.

Before Wen Chenyu left Guanshan Villa, he said to Long Yixi, "Tomorrow I will go to AE."

"Welcome to you." Long Yixi replied, but she knew in her heart why Chenyu would go to AE tomorrow.

Want to take He Xiaomei away? It also depends on your permission.

The next day, in the morning, after He Xiaomei got up, she washed and ate, and then took a taxi to go to work on time.

When he came to the ae group, He Xiaomei told the front desk staff and went directly to Shiming. Because He Xiaomei’s office at ae, as well as the situations that he paid attention to during work, were arranged by Shiming himself, so the front desk staff It is also not clear about the specific arrangements.

Fortunately, Shiming had already arrived at the company at this meeting. After He Xiaomei found Shiming, and after the two politely greeted him, Shiming took He Xiaomei to the office next to the head office of Long.

"He designer, this is your future office." Shi Ming said.

He Xiaomei looked at the spacious and high-end office, feeling a little surprised, and said to Shi Ming, "I don't need such a good office, you just need to arrange an office space for me."

My office environment in Runcheng is not so good, so when I see ae's office environment, I am surprised at the same time, but I can't accept it.

"Designer He, these are all arranged by Mr. Long, so I can't be the master," Shi Ming replied, "The office of Mr. Long is next door. You can wait for Mr. Long to come and tell him your thoughts."

He Xiaomei nodded, naturally knowing Shiming's embarrassment.

Shi Ming continued, "Also, designer He, your future work will be arranged by Mr. Long himself, so you have only one boss at ae, that is Mr. Long. If you have any questions, please report to Mr. Long. Everyone You are at the same level or lower level. I hope that what I have said will give you a psychological preparation for getting along with other people in the company in the future."

"Well, I see, thank you, Assistant Shi." He Xiaomei answered politely.

In fact, when Long Yixi arranged this for Shiming that day, he knew it well, but he didn't expect that the office would be so high-end, and his position in ae would be so high.

"No thanks, I should do it," Shi Ming said, "He designer, then you are familiar with the environment here, I have to go ahead."

auzw.com "Um, good."

After Shi Ming left, He Xiaomei sat down in the office, and he probably got acquainted with the environment in the office, and He Xiaomei began to work.

Ten minutes later, Long Yixi came to the company, and Shi Ming had already stood at the door to greet him.

"Mr. Long, good morning." Shiming greeted.

"Well," Long Yixi answered. When walking to his office, he looked at the office next to him and asked Shi Ming, "Is she here?"

"Designer He has already arrived. This meeting should be in the office." Shi Ming knew who Mr. Long said she was without guessing.

"Go ahead," Long Yixi said.


Long Yixi walked to the door of He Xiaomei's office alone, opened the door and walked in without knocking.

He Xiaomei is going online, because she didn't get the job arranged by Long Yixi, she didn't know what to do.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, when He Xiaomei looked up at the door, she saw Long Yixi coming in.

He Xiaomei hurriedly stood up.

"Morning." Long Yixi greeted He Xiaomei and walked in front of He Xiaomei.

"Well, early," He Xiaomei replied, and then asked Long Yixi, "I want to tell you something."

Long Yixi walked to He Xiaomei and looked at her, "Let's talk."

"You re-arrange the office space for me. I only need an office space. I don't need to arrange such a large office for me." He Xiaomei said. She is still not used to working in such a good office. Extravagant, after all, this company is not its own.

Long Yixi looked at He Xiaomei without answering. When suddenly a hand stretched out to hug her, he took a step forward, and his lips were directly close to her lips and kissed.

He Xiaomei didn't expect Long Yixi to be in the office. He Xiaomei was almost nervous, and immediately struggled with both hands.

Fortunately, Long Yixi did not force her to come, and after he tasted a little bit of sweetness, he also let go of her under the struggle of He Xiaomei.

"You, you bastard" He Xiaomei said angrily, and then glanced at the door. Fortunately, when Long Yixi came in just now, she closed the door, otherwise others would really discover it.

This man, dare to mess around in this situation, he really is

He Xiaomei was so angry that she was breathing quickly.

Long Yixi looked at her and said in a low voice, "It's not like this before. Why are you so nervous?"

Long Yixi thought that He Xiaomei's shortness of breath was caused by the nervousness of kissing herself.

"Can you pay attention to the occasion?" He Xiaomei said, and then said, "This is the office, not your home."

"So, do you remember the kiss at my house?" Long Yixi asked, with a different meaning in her eyes. She clearly remembered the kiss she took the initiative yesterday.

He Xiaomei moved her mouth, trying to say something, but couldn't say it.

Finally, He Xiaomei simply changed the subject and said, "I want to change offices."

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