Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1156: Thank me sincerely

Therefore, on Sunday, the two of them basically did not leave the house, and their meals were called takeaways. In the evening, Long Yixi used the ingredients from the refrigerator to make a simple dinner for the two.

During the meal, Long Yixi said, "Xiaomei, why not hire a nanny for the family."

He Xiaomei stopped eating and looked up at Long Yixi. Before speaking, she heard Long Yixi continue to say, "In this way, we can eat at home every morning and evening, and the hygiene at home is also Someone will clean it."

During this period of time, I lived in the villa. Except for the occasional cleaning of the room and living room, the other rooms were not cleaned. This is not an option for a long time.

"Well, it is also true. If we cook in the morning and evening, we will be in a hurry, and if the house hygiene is cleaned once a week, we will have to spend a busy day cleaning on the weekend." He Xiaomei said, because the villa is too big, even if I want to do it Some housework, it is also very difficult to do them alone, and these few times, Long Yixi is cooking, and I still feel sorry for him.

"Then it's settled? I will arrange for Shiming tomorrow to find a nanny at the housekeeping service."

"Well, that's fine."

In the next few days, Long Yixi and He Xiaomei had been living together, and a new nanny came to the house, an aunt in her fifties. Long Yixi and He Xiaomei called her Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu works very hard. Because of Long Yixi’s high coldness, Aunt Wu always feels nervous when she speaks in front of Long Yixi. She is afraid that she will lose her job if she says something wrong. But in front of He Xiaomei, Aunt Wu looks very kind and likes it. The character of the hostess He Xiaomei can also talk to her, so after a few days of getting along with her, the relationship is still very harmonious.

Aunt Wu wanted to call Long Yixi and He Xiaomei Mr. and his wife, but He Xiaomei said that they were not married and that Aunt Wu was older. Just let her call her name directly. Aunt Wu felt that it was wrong. After the two discussed it, they decided. Aunt Wu called Long Yixi her husband and called He Xiaomei.

On this day, after Long Yixi and He Xiaomei got off work, Long Yixi sent He Xiaomei home, and then went to a meal by himself.

When He Xiaomei returned home, she smelled the scent of food. He Xiaomei hurriedly put down her bag and walked to the restaurant.

Aunt Wu saw that He Xiaomei was back and greeted with a smile, "Xiaomei, you are back."

"Well, Aunt Wu." He Xiaomei replied.

Aunt Wu looked around He Xiaomei again, and then asked wonderingly, "How about sir? Didn't you come back together?"

"He has a dinner tonight. After sending me back, he will go to the dinner, so he will be back later." He Xiaomei answered Aunt Wu.

"Well," Aunt Wu made it clear, and then said politely, "Then you sit down and eat. I'm ready for dinner."


After dinner, He Xiaomei watched TV for a while and went upstairs to rest.

After ten o'clock, Long Yixi returned home. After arriving at the bedroom on the second floor, Long Yixi gently pushed open the bedroom door, and saw the woman sleeping on the bed. Suddenly, Long Yixi felt quite at ease.

With the light of the wall lamp, Long Yixi walked to the bed, leaned down, and put a kiss on He Xiaomei's forehead, very lightly, and then left before going to wash.

Ten minutes later, after Long Yixi was lying on the bed, he just took He Xiaomei into his arms and saw He Xiaomei open his eyes.

"I woke you up." Long Yixi said apologetically.


"No," He Xiaomei replied, "Actually, I didn't sleep very deeply. When you kissed me just now, I felt it and knew that you were going to wash."

"Yeah." Long Yixi responded, looking affectionately at the woman in his arms.

"Why come back so late today? Did you eat for a long time?" He Xiaomei asked.

Long Yixi didn’t feel annoyed by He Xiaomei’s questions at all. On the contrary, he liked the feeling of being questioned and being held in charge. He patiently answered her, “Well, I talked about work while eating, and other things. Some things, so it’s so late."

After finishing speaking, Long Yixi promised to say, "After I took you home, I went directly to the hotel. When I arrived at the hotel, it would be more than six o'clock, and then until more than nine o'clock, I stayed in the hotel and didn't go to anything else. local."

"Well, I know," He Xiaomei replied, looking at Long Yixi's eyes, "I didn't say anything to doubt, why did you explain so much?"

"I'm afraid you will be thinking wildly."

"I didn't think about it." He Xiaomei replied.

"There is no best," Long Yixi said, "Xiaomei, as long as you remember, I will never betray you, and I will never do anything I am sorry for you, just remember these."

"Okay, I remember." He Xiaomei replied like a child at this time.

After talking about this, He Xiaomei changed the subject again and started talking, "Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi will come to see the city this Friday. Should we plan for the future after Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi come?"

"Well," Long Yixi nodded, "From tomorrow, I won't arrange work for you anymore. You have finished your work in these two days. When Han Zhenzhen and her daughter arrive, you will stay with them. Take a stroll in Wangcheng."

"On Friday, let's go to the airport to pick up the plane, okay?" Long Yixi asked He Xiaomei.

He Xiaomei nodded, "It's okay. Then I will postpone my work. For urgent work, I will be busy in the study at home for a while, and try not to delay the project schedule."

"The time Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi stay in Wangcheng shouldn't be too long, maybe not more than a month, so during this time, my work will be arranged like this." He Xiaomei said.

Long Yixi did not agree, but said according to his own ideas, “Don’t worry about your work. I will help you with your other tasks. Only the design aspect. You come personally. Within this month, the design work will not There are many, so designing a few drawings occasionally is easy for you."

"Are you going to help me work?" He Xiaomei asked in surprise.

"Is there a problem?" The woman who helped her was justified.

"It's not a problem, but" He Xiaomei heard Long Yixi say halfway through.

"There is no problem, that's it," Long Yixi said, hurriedly to end the problem, "Okay, don't think about it, I will decide your job, then rest assured to accompany Han Zhenzhen and her daughter, you two It should have been a long time since I saw each other, so stay with her more so that you will feel happier."

He Xiaomei is very grateful to Long Yixi for knowing herself so much and for knowing the importance of Zhenzhen in her heart.

"Well, Yixi, thank you." He Xiaomei said.

Long Yixi would look at He Xiaomei's gaze now a bit dangerous, "Xiaomei, thank me sincerely?"

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