Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1161: I should call your father

"Well," He Xiaomei understood, thought about it for a moment, and said, "Well then, Xiaodouzi and I will go shopping in the nearby shop, just waiting for you, and then we will go to the mall and buy some clothes for Xiaodouzi. Toy, all right?"

"Okay, you decide everything."

He Xiaomei was very satisfied, and after making this agreement with Long Yixi, she hung up the phone.

"Mother Xiaomei, is Uncle Long's phone number?" Xiaodouzi asked Xiaomei's mother while raising his head.

"Yes, your Uncle Long waits to accompany us." He Xiaomei answered with a smile, looking at Xiaodouzi, more and more cute, she really likes such cute Xiaodouzi.

"Good, good."

He Xiaomei took Xiaodouzi's hand and went shopping nearby.

Long Yixi arrived very quickly, and arrived in twenty minutes. Seeing Xiaomei and Xiaodouzi, Xiaomei still carried a small shopping bag, which should be something for the child.

Long Yixi walked over and picked up Xiaodouzi, and asked Xiaomei, "Are you tired? Would you like to find a place nearby and take a break?"

"I'm not tired, Xiaodouzi is very obedient, we also have a rest while playing." He Xiaomei replied.

Xiaodouzi also said, "Uncle Long, Xiaodouzi is not tired."

Long Yixi looked at the child, with a little smile on his face, and replied, “Well, it’s fine if you don’t get tired, then let’s continue shopping.

In the next time, the three of them were shopping together. Long Yixi was holding her baby, and He Xiaomei was walking beside Long Yixi. The three really looked like a family of three. The father was very tall and handsome, the mother was very beautiful, and the children were very cute. With two small hands around his father's neck, he was very cute in his arms.

When he came to the mall, He Xiaomei picked up clothes for Xiaodouzi, and Long Yixi was only responsible for holding Xiaodouzi and following Xiaomei.

"Xiaodouzi, do you like this color? Why don't you try this skirt?" He Xiaomei picked a bubble skirt, which was white, and asked Xiaodouzi.

"Mother Xiaomei, I like this dress, but I want the pink color." Xiaodouzi said his thoughts.

He Xiaomei smiled and nodded, "Then try pink, okay?"

"Yeah yeah."

He Xiaomei took Xiaodouzi to the fitting room to try on clothes, accompanied by the shopping guide, and Long Yixi sat in the lounge chair waiting for them.

When Xiaodouzi came out wearing a pink bubble skirt, he looked at Uncle Long and shouted, "Uncle Long, do you think I look good in this?"

Long Yixi looked at Xiaodouzi and had to admit that Xiaodouzi looked very nice in this suit.

"Well, it looks good." Long Yixi replied.

He Xiaomei also said this time, "I also think it looks good."

The shopping guide also said to the side, "Well, your daughter is very beautiful and has white skin. She looks good in pink, and this is the latest model of our brand. The design is very novel and unique."

Upon hearing the shopping guide, both Long Yixi and He Xiaomei knew that the shopping guide had mistakenly thought that Xiaodouzi was his daughter. The two looked at each other and He Xiaomei saw the love in Long Yixi's eyes.

At this moment, He Xiaomei suddenly thought, if she and Yixi have a child, they should be cute too?

Xiaodouzi also understood what the shopping guide sister said. After looking at the shopping guide sister, Xiaodouzi said childishly, "Sister, you said I'm pretty, right?"

"Well, it's beautiful."

"That's because my father and mother are beautiful." Xiaodouzi answered with a grin.


The shopping guide smiled and looked at the two adults, nodded and said, "Indeed, your father is handsome and your mother is beautiful."

This family of three is really enviable. The parents have very good genes, and the daughter is even more beautiful.

He Xiaomei had planned to explain it before, but when he heard Xiaodouzi's conversation with the shopping guide, that plan suddenly disappeared.

I could see that Xiaodouzi would be very cute, and she wanted to have a complete family, a mother and a father, so that outsiders would admire her and praise her as a happy child, because these little beans used to She hasn't had it, at least she hasn't had a father, and maybe others have not praised her so much.

Long Yixi naturally thought of what He Xiaomei could think of.

Long Yixi stood up, walked in front of He Xiaomei and Xiaodouzi, and said to the shopping guide, "This is it, please remove the tag and let the child wear it like this, and wrap the old clothes for us."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

Long Yixi nodded, and then said to Xiaomei, "You accompany Xiaodouzi to rest here, I will pay the bill."


Five minutes later, Xiaodouzi was wearing a beautiful dress, one hand holding Uncle Long, and the other holding Xiaomei's mother. He was in a good mood and was walking around the mall.

He Xiaomei and Long Yixi knew that their children were in a good mood, and their moods also improved.

"Xiaodouzi, shall we buy another pair of shoes? The new princess dress should also be equipped with a pair of princess shoes." He Xiaomei said to Xiaodouzi.

"Well, Ms. Mei, you can help me pick the shoes. I like everything you pick."


After that, the three of them went to the shoe area, bought a pair of shoes for Xiaodouzi, and then went to the toy area to buy some toys. It was already past four in the afternoon. Long Yixi drove the car and took them home by the way. Shi Ming asked Shi Ming to arrange for someone to come over and drive the car that Xiaomei had driven back to Guanshan Villa.

On the way home, Xiaodouzi was not as happy as when he was in the mall, but looked a little unhappy.

When He Xiaomei found out for the first time, with a playful tone, she asked Xiaodouzi, "Xiaodouzi children's shoes, what's wrong with you?"

"Mother Xiaomei, I did something wrong." Xiaodouzi lowered his head and replied silently.

"" He Xiaomei didn't understand, and asked, "Where did I go wrong? Why don't I know?"

"When I bought the skirt before, I told that sister that you and Uncle Long are my parents." Xiaodouzi admitted that she was wrong.

He Xiaomei suddenly came over in her heart, knowing the reason for the child's gloom, thinking about the child's mood at the moment, she felt sorry for the child, and at the same time, she was really happy because she taught her child really well.

Hearing what the child said, Long Yixi comforted the child and said, "Xiaodouzi, you have done nothing wrong."

Xiaodouzi raised his head suspiciously and looked at Uncle Long who was driving forward.

Long Yixi saw Xiaodouzi looking at herself in the rearview mirror and continued, "Xiaomei is your mother, right?"

"Well, yes."

"Then in the near future, I will marry Xiaomei, Xiaomei is my wife, should you call me daddy?" Long Yixi did not directly explain to Xiaodouzi, but used questions to guide her and let her alone miss you.

"It seems to be," Xiaodouzi replied, "I should call your father."

"So, do you think you did something wrong?" Long Yixi asked again.

"Yes, you and Xiaomei's mother are my parents." Xiaodouzi suddenly reacted, and his intonation became higher.

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