Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1164: Can i call you dad?

After that, Han Zhenzhen came back from his cousin, and played with He Xiaomei and the children in Wangcheng for many days. Until the day before leaving, Han Zhenzhen said to Xiaomei, "Xiaomei, can I go to bed later at night? I think Chat with you."

He Xiaomei knew that Zhenzhen would be leaving tomorrow, and she didn't know when she would meet her next time, so between and Zhenzhen, she wanted to chat with her alone, and talk about the feelings between the sisters.

"Well, otherwise," He Xiaomei said her thoughts, "tonight, let Yixi accompany Xiaodouzi to sleep, and we will sleep in the guest room."

Han Zhen was really surprised and asked, "Will Yixi agree to this?"

Yixi takes care of Xiaodouzi. Of course, he can rest assured, but with such a noble status as Yixi, would he agree to take care of Xiaodouzi?

"I will talk to him for a while, and I should agree to it." He Xiaomei said, in fact, she has arranged this way, but also has other ideas, that is, Xiaodouzi has never felt the love of his father. After letting her and Yixi get closer, maybe Xiaomei Bean will be happier in his heart.

"Well, then you can ask Yixi first. If he disagrees, after I sleep with Xiaodouzi at night, we two can chat in the living room alone." Han Zhenzhen said, living here during this time. Having been disturbing the lives of Xiaomei and Yixi, I was already very guilty, so I tried not to disturb them before I left, so I wouldn't disturb them.

"Well, it's okay, let me ask Yixi first."

In the afternoon, Long Yixi got off work. After returning home, he played with Xiaodouzi for a while, and he was called to the study by He Xiaomei.

There were only two of them in the study, so Long Yixi and He Xiaomei didn't care much. Long Yixi was sitting on the stool, and He Xiaomei was sitting in Long Yixi's arms.

"You have something to tell me?" Long Yixi asked the woman in his arms.

"Well," He Xiaomei raised her head to look into Long Yixi's eyes, "Yixi, can you accompany Xiaodouzi to sleep tonight? Take care of Xiaodouzi, I want to sleep with Zhenzhen for a night."

Hearing this, Long Yixi's brows frowned, and she was unwilling in her heart. She didn't want to sleep separately with this woman, but she resisted the impulse in her heart and did not say it.

He Xiaomei saw his look changed, and knew he was surprised, and continued to explain, "Yixi, I think this way, mainly because of two points."

"One thing is, Zhenzhen will leave tomorrow. Next time I meet Zhenzhen, I don't know when, so I want to sleep with Zhenzhen for one night. Let's talk and talk about it," He Xiaomei said , "Although we are with Zhenzhen these days, because of Xiaodouzi, the two of us couldn't talk in front of our children, so we never said it."

"One more thing, I want you to get along with Xiaodouzi. You know, Xiaodouzi has never been with her dad since she was born," He Xiaomei said cautiously, "Xiaodouzi's heart I long for my father’s love, and I get along well with you these days. Although she keeps calling you Uncle Long, in fact, she should have regarded you as a father a long time ago. For example, when you just came home, she ran to you. Go to be cute and act cute by your side, let you hug her, Xiaodouzi's performance, you should be able to see her inner thoughts, right?"

"Well, I know this." Long Yixi replied. Of course he could clearly see the child's pure mind.

Usually Han Zhenzhen takes her alone. She rarely has the opportunity to act like a baby. So after getting acquainted with herself during this period of time, the child's instinct for fatherly love has already been shown.

"Then you know the reason now, can you promise me?" He Xiaomei asked.

Long Yixi nodded, looked at the woman in his arms, and said, "Well, I promise you."

"Although you are very important to me, I am not willing to be separated from you for one night, but I also know that you are really friendly with you, what the child thinks, so tonight I will take care of Xiaodouzi, you and Zhenzhen Let’s talk together. Tomorrow morning, we will take them to the airport together.” Long Yixi said.

"Yeah." After He Xiaomei answered, she put her head on Long Yixi's shoulder, and she didn't forget to rub her in his arms.


"You don't want me to mess around here, just behave."

Suddenly, Long Yixi's warning sounded.

He Xiaomei was so frightened that she didn’t dare to move anymore. She knew that he had endured very hard during this period, so his body was very sensitive.

Long Yixi felt that He Xiaomei was relieved, and the fire that had risen in his heart slowly went down, and then leaned down and kissed her for a while before he was satisfied.

At dinner, He Xiaomei took care of Xiaodouzi for dinner, and said to her, "Xiaodouzi, Xiaomei's mother wants to tell you something."

"what is the matter?"

"Tonight, change your sleeping place, you go to the master bedroom to sleep with your Uncle Long, and I sleep with your mommy in the guest room, so tonight, your Uncle Long will take care of you to sleep, OK?" He Xiaomei asked Xiaodouzi's opinions.

"Wow," Xiaodouzi suddenly covered his mouth with one hand in surprise, looked at Uncle Long with wide eyes, and asked, "Uncle Long, can I sleep with you?"

"Well, you can."

"Okay, okay, I want to be with Uncle Long," Xiaodouzi clapped her hands happily, and then said to Mommy, "Mommy, you sleep with Xiaomei's mother tonight, and I will accompany you tomorrow night."

"Yeah" Han Zhenzhen felt relieved when his daughter was happy.

After dinner, He Xiaomei and Han Zhenzhen accompanied Xiaodouzi. After bathing and changing into pajamas, they were taken to the master bedroom by Long Yixi.

Long Yixi had seen Xiaomei taking care of Xiaodouzi in the previous nights, so she would take care of the children without being in a hurry.

Xiaodouzi was lying on the bed obediently, and after watching Uncle Long lay down, Xiaodouzi felt very happy.

I used to sleep with Mommy and couldn't feel that tall look. Now that Uncle Long is by his side, I have never felt completely relieved and happy in my heart.

"Very happy?" Long Yixi asked, looking at Xiaodouzi.

"Hehe," Xiaodouzi covered her mouth and smirked, "Of course I am happy, because I can sleep with my dad tonight."

After speaking, Xiaodouzi left his mouth and asked Uncle Long, "Uncle Long, can I call your father tonight?"

"I promise, I will only call tonight, and I will call you Uncle Long tomorrow morning."

Long Yixi knew that it was the child's desire for father's love, so he agreed, "Well, it's okay."

"Dad," Xiaodouzi yelled happily, and then asked, "I want to sleep with you."

Long Yixi didn't speak, but took the initiative to reach out and took Xiaodouzi into his arms, as if he was holding his own daughter.

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