Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1270: What do you want a cell phone for?

I need such an opportunity so much that I can get close to Zhenzhen, get close to children, and play with them.

"Okay, okay, I want to play with my uncle."

Xiaodouzi and Uncle Sheng had a very happy chat, and they talked a lot.

In the back, the two disappeared and became more familiar.

"Uncle, I like you the most. You must chase my mommy and I will help you." Xiaodouzi said to Uncle Sheng.

"Okay," Shenghang was even more satisfied, "With the help of Xiaodouzi, I believe I will catch up with your mommy in the near future."

"Well, I must catch it," Xiaodouzi said, "Anyway, the future dad in my mind, the person I live with Mommy, must be you, Uncle Fang, not Uncle Fang."

The words of the child gave Shenghang great confidence and encouragement. Shenghang thought about it and asked Xiaodouzi, "Xiaodouzi, can you remember the phone number of your uncle?"

"Yes, my memory is not bad, you tell me, I will write it down."

"Okay, remember, yes" Shenghang told Xiaodouzi the phone number.

"Well, uncle, I will remember," said Xiaodouzi, "if Mommy has any news from now on, I will call you quietly."

"Well, you can contact your uncle with whose cell phone, remember to tell your uncle as soon as possible." Sheng Hang said, knowing that Xiaodouzi does not have a mobile phone yet, so he is also thinking, do you want to buy a mobile phone for Xiaodouzi?

"It's a must, I know all this, uncle." Xiaodouzi said.

"Well, our little beanie is so smart."

"Hehe, my uncle is also very smart and handsome."

Xiaodouzi and Uncle Sheng talked for a long time before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

After putting the phone back to its original place, Xiaodouzi sat on the bed, thinking about it.

In order to contact Uncle Sheng later, do I have to apply for a mobile phone from Mommy? There are also children in the class who bring children's mobile phones, so it is normal to bring your own mobile phones.

After thinking about it, Xiaodouzi decided that he would apply for a mobile phone from Mommy today, so that he can contact Uncle Sheng at any time in the future, and he can also help Mommy and Uncle Sheng get closer at any time, great. .

Xiaodouzi slid off the bed, then put on his own slippers, did not change pajamas, did not wash, just walked out of the room and went to find Mommy.

Downstairs, Han Zhenzhen accompanied his mother and was sitting on the sofa discussing the purchase of some kitchen utensils for the family. When he saw the child coming down from the stairs, Han Zhenzhen was surprised and hurriedly got up and walked forward.

"Xiaodouzi, why did you run downstairs?" Han Zhenzhen said, walking up to his daughter and picking her up.

Xiaodouzi stayed in Mommy's arms, kissed Mommy first, and then replied, "I didn't see Mommy. If I miss Mommy, I will come downstairs."

Han Zhenzhen also kissed his daughter, and deliberately said to her daughter in disgust, "I hate it, I kiss mommy without brushing my teeth."

"Mommy, you dislike me." Xiaodouzi muttered.

Han Zhen was really happy to see the child like this. He smiled and said, "What do you think?"

auzw.com "If you hate me, I will pester Mommy, and I will kiss Mommy again." Xiaodouzi finished, and went to kiss Mommy again.

Of course Han Zhenzhen was very happy, and he was very sweet in letting the child kiss himself.

Zhou Hui will come over here, and said with a smile, "You mother and daughter are so close in the morning, I really care about it."

"Grandma, I want to kiss you too." Xiaodouzi said, leaving Mommy's arms a little and leaning over to kiss grandma.

Zhou Hui hurried forward and asked her granddaughter to kiss herself, very happy.

Xiaodouzi was tired and crooked in front of mommy and grandma for a while before she was taken upstairs to wash.

Han Zhenzhen washed the child and changed his clothes before taking the child downstairs again.

At this time, Han Qingshan and Han Haohong were also in the living room, and the family sat chatting together.

Xiaodouzi chatted with the adults for a while, and couldn’t stay in the room anymore. He wanted to go outside to play. Han Zhenzhen wanted to go out with the child, but he saw that his brother and the child were playing well, so he listened to his brother and asked him to accompany the child. Go play.

In the yard, Xiaodouzi was playing with his uncle happily, and he still hadn’t forgotten his previous careful thoughts, but Xiaodouzi would like to apply for a mobile phone to Mommy, so he can also apply to his uncle, so

Xiaodouzi held his uncle's hand, and suddenly said to his uncle seriously, "Uncle, can you satisfy my wish?"

"Of course it can," Han Haohong petted this niece very much and asked her, "What do you wish for?"

"I want a mobile phone," said Xiaodouzi, and continued to explain, "Many of our classmates have mobile phones, and I want them too, and uncle, if I have a mobile phone, I can contact you and mom anytime. It will be more convenient."

"Yeah." Han Haohong nodded. It is true. If the child has a mobile phone, she can contact herself and Zhenzhen as soon as she has anything to do at school. There is no need to contact herself through the teacher, and there is no need to waste too much time. .

"Then uncle, did you agree?" Xiaodouzi asked uncle with expectation. Shui Ling's eyes were full of waiting surprises.

"Well, uncle promised you that if you have time in the afternoon, uncle will go to the city and buy you a cell phone." Han Haohong said.

"Okay, okay, uncle, I love you so much." Xiaodouzi finished speaking and looked at uncle with a smile.

But I was thinking in my heart, so that I can often contact Uncle Sheng in the future, call Uncle Sheng from time to time, and send text messages to Uncle Sheng.

Looking at the child's smile, Han Haohong was very happy. The child's pure and sunny smile warmed his heart.

After eating lunch at noon, Han Haohong left home and went to the city, but did not tell his family what he was going to do in the city.

Before dinner in the evening, Han Haohong came back and brought a child's mobile phone to the child, but Han Zhenzhen stopped it.

Han Zhenzhen didn't expect that his brother would go to work in the afternoon to buy a mobile phone for Xiaodouzi.

"Brother, Xiaodouzi is still young and doesn't need a mobile phone." Han Zhenzhen said to his brother.

Before Han Haohong spoke, he heard Xiaodouzi say.

"No, I need it, I need a mobile phone." Xiaodouzi said, and wanted to go forward and grab the mobile phone in his uncle's hand.

I really want a mobile phone, so I can call Uncle Sheng and send text messages.

But Xiaodouzi hadn't taken two steps before she was caught by Mommy. Han Zhenzhen didn’t let her daughter go to pick up the mobile phone. While holding her hand with one hand, he looked at her daughter and asked in a serious tone, "What do you want a mobile phone for? Children don’t need a mobile phone. Mi bought you a cell phone, but you can’t ask for your uncle’s cell phone this time.

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