Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1279: Don't tell me again

Sheng Hang knew Han Zhen really meant, but he didn't let go of holding her.

"Sit down, I'll take the baby and get out of the car," Sheng Hang finished speaking, then added in a low voice, "First tidy up the clothes."

I didn't control it just now, and pulled the real clothes.

Only then did Han Zhenzhen realize that his clothes seemed to be a little messy. When Sheng Hang kissed him just now, his hands moved uneasily, causing

Han Zhenzhen blushed and lowered his head, indicating that he was listening to Shenghang.

Sheng Hang was happy when he saw such a well-behaved woman with a smile on his lips.

Shenghang got out of the car first, went to the back row, and helped the child unfasten the seat belt.

Xiaodouzi was free, and happily tore off the blanket on her body, stretched out her hand to Uncle Sheng, begging for a hug.

Sheng Hang hugged the child and got out of the car. After waiting for a while, he saw Han Zhenzhen getting out of the car.

Han Zhenzhen walked over, stood in front of Shenghang, and said to him, "Put Xiaodouzi down, I will bring Xiaodouzi in."

"Yeah." Sheng Hang knew Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi should go home.

After standing on the ground, Xiaodouzi reached out and took Mommy's hand.

Han Zhenzhen held the child in one hand, carrying his own bag and the child's schoolbag in the other hand, and said to Shenghang, "Then you go back early and drive carefully on the road."

"Well, you go back first, I watched you go in, I'll leave." Sheng Hang said, still worrying about Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi.

Han Zhen really nodded.

"Uncle Sheng, goodbye." Xiaodouzi stretched out another empty hand and waved to Uncle Sheng to say goodbye.

"Well, I have to listen to your mommy when I go back." Sheng Hang replied to the child.

"Yeah, I know."

Before Han Zhenzhen took the child into the yard, he looked at each other with Sheng Hang and said goodbye with his eyes before taking the child in.

Sheng Hang watched Han Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi disappear, and made sure that they had entered the villa before turning around and returning to the car and starting the car to leave.

When Han Zhenzhen walked in with Xiaodouzi at home, he saw his father, mother and brother sitting in the living room.

"Dad, mom, brother, why don't you guys have a rest?" Han Zhen was really surprised that his parents and his brother were waiting for himself and Xiaodouzi.

"Waiting for you and Xiaodouzi to come back," Zhou Hui said, stood up, walked in front of her daughter and granddaughter, and continued, "I can't see Xiaodouzi, I can't sleep this night."

"Hehe, grandma, I'm back now." Xiaodouzi smiled and ran to her grandma.

Han Zhenzhen watched the child stay in his mother's arms crooked and didn't say anything.

The family sat in the living room for a meeting, it was too late, so everyone went to rest.

Han Zhenzhen and her daughter returned to the room. Just after they were lying on the bed after washing, Han Zhenzhen's cell phone rang.

"Mommy, mommy, there is a phone call." Xiaodouzi said excitedly.

"Yeah." Han Zhenzhen answered and went to get his mobile phone.

"Who is calling?" Xiaodouzi asked Mommy, leaning on her side, not wanting to be separated from her at all.

Han Zhenzhen took a look at the phone before answering the child, "It's your Uncle Sheng."

auzw.com "Wow, Uncle Sheng misses you again."

"Don't talk nonsense, I will answer the phone first." Han Zhenzhen answered the child.


Han Zhenzhen answered the phone and heard Shenghang's voice, "True, are you sleeping with Xiaodouzi?"

"Not yet, I just finished washing and I am about to rest." Han Zhenzhen replied.

"Well," Sheng Hang replied, and then said, "I just miss you and Xiaodouzi, and I can't help but want to call you and listen to your voice."

Han Zhenzhen heard Sheng Hang's words and didn't know how to answer, so he hurriedly changed the subject, "Let's talk with Xiaodouzi for a while, but don't talk too long, it's too late."

"Good, good." Shenghang agreed.

Han Zhenzhen handed the phone to Xiaodouzi, Xiaodouzi chatted with Uncle Sheng happily, and Han Zhenzhen accompanied him.

Looking at the smile on the child's face and the way he was happy when he spoke, Han Zhenzhen was thinking in his heart that he should create more opportunities for the child in the future, even if it is to make up for his previous debt to the child.

Sheng Hang was indeed very trustworthy. After chatting with the child for a while, he coaxed the child to rest early.

Xiaodouzi said goodnight to Uncle Sheng on the phone, then hung up and handed the phone to Mommy.

"Mommy, let's sleep. Uncle Sheng said he wants to sleep too. Let's sleep with Uncle Sheng." Xiaodouzi said to Mommy.

Han Zhen really knew what the children meant. The children said they were sleeping at the same time, not together.

"Well, you lie down first and Mommy turns off the lights."


On Saturday morning, Sheng's house and Shenghang were still sleeping, but they were woken up by their mother who knocked on the door and came in.

"Hanghang, get up." Wen Jin said, and went to the window to draw the curtains.

When Sheng Hang felt light shining on his eyes, Sheng Hang opened his eyes, glanced at his mother by the window, then closed his eyes and said impatiently, "Mom, today I am not going to work, I will be late. Get up again."

"No, your dad and I have things to arrange for you to do it." Wen Jin said.

"Let's talk later." Sheng Hang finished speaking, turned around and went to sleep.

But Wen Jin did not intend to let his son go like this, went to the bed, and continued to wake up his son.

Therefore, under Wen Jin's urging, Sheng Hang got up helplessly.

After washing, changing clothes, Shenghang went downstairs, not knowing what his parents had to do by himself, went to the living room and sat down and asked his father, "Dad, my mom said you have something to arrange for me to do, what is it? ?"

Sheng Guocheng did not answer his son's question, but asked his son, "You have no dinner at noon today, right?"

"Yeah, no." Sheng Hang replied, planning to take a day off today, and then call Han Zhenzhen in the evening to see if she can bring the children out tomorrow, invite them to lunch, and take them around in the afternoon.

"Then you go to dinner with your Uncle Dong's daughter at noon." Sheng Guocheng said.

When Sheng Hang heard this, his expression changed instantly, and when he looked at his father, he understood in his heart that Mom and Dad wanted to go on a blind date.

"Dad, you are" Sheng Hang said to his father.

"Yes, we arranged for you to go on a blind date with Xinyue," Wen Jin would answer his son and said, "Your daughter Xinyue of Uncle Dong's family has just returned from a business trip. After we communicated with Uncle Dong, we decided Letting you meet today, Xinyue agreed."

"I don't agree," Sheng Hang said, standing up angrily, preparing to leave, but before leaving, said to his parents, "Dad, Mom, I will never go to such things in the future, and don't tell me again. "

After speaking, Sheng Hang turned around and strode to the stairwell, preparing to return to the room. "You stop for me." Sheng Guocheng was also angry and stopped his son.

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