Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 127: Noah, miss you so much

An Lin spoke very clearly, and He Zikai also meant the same.

He Zikai felt that no matter what they said, they were also Nuo'er's family, so they didn't make any cruel decisions to them, and only let them leave Xigang and Nuo'er's side, so that Nuo'er's figure would not be affected.

My only purpose is to put that beloved little woman in the safest place. She is only responsible for beautiful and carefree living. I will help her take care of the rest.

"Hehe" Cheng Shanshan suddenly chuckled twice and looked at He Zikai, "One hundred thousand yuan? He Zikai, you are really generous, I can tell you with certainty now that I will not leave without ten million, don't think I am good bully."

Cheng Shanshan knew that He Zikai was rich, and since his purpose was to let him leave Xigang City, he had to make more money in front of him before leaving Xigang City.

Anyway, in this city, I can no longer break into the circle of nobility, and I have had relationships with so many men. If I go to a new city and start getting to know the men around me, it would be a good thing.

After listening to Cheng Shanshan's words, He Zikai suddenly looked fiercely at Cheng Shanshan.

At the same time, An Lin took out a gun and pointed it directly at Cheng Shanshan without any warning.

When Cheng Shanshan saw the gun in An Lin's hand, his legs were so frightened that he immediately knelt on the ground.

Cheng Zhiming and Xia Pei were also frightened, but they didn't dare to go forward to make a request for their daughter, and they never even thought about protecting her from her daughter.

They stood still and did not dare to move, fearing that An Lin's spear would be pointed at him if he moved a little bit, and if there was a sound, his life would be completely over.

In the face of death, Cheng Zhiming and Xia Pei were very selfish to protect themselves first.

"Ten million?" He Zikai repeated, opening her lips lightly, "Do you think you are worthy?"

Cheng Shanshan looked at He Zikai and An Lin again. He didn't dare to say a word. He was still very scared, afraid that An Lin would kill him in the next second.

I don't want to die, I haven't lived enough yet, there are still a lot of things I want to do, I can't die.

"If you don't want to leave," He Zikai said coldly, "I will put you in jail for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Cheng Shanshan finally burst into tears with fright, and in his heart, he fully believed that He Zikai indeed had this ability.

"No, no, I'm going, I'm going, really going." Cheng Shanshan said suddenly excitedly.

Some of the things I have done before have already violated the law, but I don’t want to live in a caged life. That kind of life will collapse on its own. Resolutely cannot.

Seeing Cheng Shanshan had agreed, He Zikai looked at Cheng Zhiming and Xia Pei, waiting for their answers.

"I want to go to Turkey." Cheng Zhiming demanded.

He Zikai did not speak.

"I, I am going to America." Xia Pei said.

He Zikai still did not answer.

An Lin glanced at He Zikai's profile and knew his answer. Then he looked at the three people in front of him and said, "Yes, now, go to the airport with our people."

After An Lin finished speaking, the two rows of people in black walked forward. They stood by Cheng Zhiming, they took Xia Pei’s arm, and the other two pulled Cheng Shanshan up from the ground and walked out. A private room.

Only He Zikai and An Lin were left in the private room.

He Zikai glanced at his watch. It was already past seven o'clock. When he thought of the little woman waiting for her dinner at home, her heart instantly warmed a lot.

auzw.com "Send someone to accompany them abroad to make sure they leave Xigang City." He Zikai ordered.

"Yes." An Lin replied, in fact he had the same plan in his heart.

He Zikai returned home and saw Cheng Nuo wearing an apron, carrying a dish from the kitchen to the dining room.

Cheng Nuo also saw He Zikai, with a happy smile on his face, and said, "Come back, wash your hands and eat."

I didn't know when He Zikai would be back, and worried that it was too late, so I let Aunt Lan go to rest first.

He Zikai couldn't even change his shoes, walked straight to the restaurant, dragged Cheng Nuo into his arms, and then frantically sealed her lips.

"Um" Cheng Nuo was not mentally prepared at all. I wonder what happened to this man? As soon as I come back

Cheng Nuo wanted to resist, but He Zikai confined her arms with one hand, not giving her a chance to resist.

Cheng Nuo felt that the resistance was fruitless, and in the end he didn't resist, let the man go crazy.

He Zikai kissed for a long time before letting go of Cheng Nuo.

"Nuoer, miss you very much." He Zikai gasped in Cheng Nuo's ear as he said.

"Me too." Cheng Nuo had already disappeared half of his reason by the kiss just now. When he heard his voice, he had already fallen into his world.

Into He Zikai's embrace, Cheng Nuo felt this warm and greedy embrace.

He Zikai hugged Cheng Nuo tightly. After a long time, the two people separated and sat down to eat together in the restaurant.

The good time has been spent until the day before the start of the Lehua City project.

He Yi Building, in the office of the Ministry of Culture, Cheng Nuo sits at his desk, busy working.

Suddenly, the internal phone on the desk rang, and Cheng Nuo answered the phone naturally, greeting professionally, "Hello, Cheng Nuo, Ministry of Culture."

"It's me." He Zikai's voice came over the phone.

"" Cheng Nuo was startled, wondering why he is calling himself now? And it was the company's internal call.

"Come up," He Zikai said, with a special tenderness in his voice.

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m?6 ovo?5m vortex?????4"" Cheng Nuo is still puzzled, "What's the matter? It's working time now."

Cheng Nuo worried that when he went to the president's office during work hours, he would not be seen badly by other colleagues, and the election of the Lehua City project would be coming tomorrow.

"Lehua City project, there are some things for you to tell." He Zikai said that she really wanted to tell her to pay attention to the situation when participating in the project election tomorrow, and the more thoughts in her heart were to meet this woman.

Sitting in the office, with the figure of this woman in his head, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Oh" Cheng Nuo replied, thinking it was the first time that he represented He Yi to participate in such a big project, he should have a good chat with He Zikai and let him tell him something he didn't understand.

But these can also be said at home at night, such as when eating, sitting in the living room and watching TV.

Cheng Nuo didn't understand, but he hung up the phone and reported to the department director, saying that Mr. He was looking for himself for the Lehua City project and asked himself to go to the president's office.

After receiving a nod from the department director, Cheng Nuo went to the top floor of He Yi Building with the planning book.

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