Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1288: Uncle Sheng, you have to come on

As soon as the child acted like a baby, Sheng Hang's whole heart melted, and immediately stretched out his hands, took the child into his arms, and stood up.

Xiaodouzi also embraced Uncle Sheng's neck with enjoyment, and looked at Uncle Sheng happily.

Sheng Hang looked at the child and asked her, "Why don't you call me before you come?"

"Want to give you a surprise." Xiaodouzi said happily, acting like a baby in front of Uncle Sheng.

"Well, it did give me a surprise." Sheng Hang nodded and replied.

Afterwards, Shenghang looked at the staff around him, and then at the drinks and snacks on the coffee table. It seemed that his staff did not treat Xiaodouzi badly and did a good job.

"You, this month's bonus, doubled." Shenghang said to the employees.

When several employees heard it, they didn't believe it at first, and then slowly accepted the good news in their minds and immediately thanked them happily.

"Thank you Mr. Sheng."

"Mr. Sheng, thank you."

"Don't thank me, thank my little princess if you want to. You are all thanks to her." Sheng Hang said.

Several employees are surprised, Mr. Sheng’s little princess? What does it mean?

"Hehe, Uncle Sheng, the sisters are very good, I like them." Xiaodouzi said with a grin.

"Well, their bonuses doubled in the quarter after that." Shenghang said directly.

Several employees were stunned again. Is this feeling of salary increase really true?

Xiaodouzi smiled and nodded.

Shenghang saw that the child was very happy, and he was also happy. He said to the child, "Go and sit in my office, eh?"


Shenghang hugged the child and walked to the elevator entrance, and the employees behind him slowly calmed down and were very happy.

"Great, my bonus doubled."

"Thank you Xiaodouzi, this kid is really cute."

"In the future, Xiaodouzi will come to the company and we have to treat her better, so maybe Sheng always doubles our annual bonus."

"That is, we must be good to Xiaodouzi."

"But then, what is the relationship between Xiaodouzi and Mr. Sheng? Mr. Sheng said Xiaodouzi is his little princess."

"We don’t know what the relationship is, but we can see that Mr. Sheng loves Xiaodouzi very much. We just need to remember to be nice to Xiaodouzi in the future, and leave the rest alone. If we let Mr. Sheng know about our gossip, we Work is worrying."


Sheng Hang came to the office holding Xiaodouzi, asked the assistant to pour a glass of juice for Xiaodouzi, and then chatted with Xiaodouzi.

"Xiaodouzi, you are here, does your mom know?" Sheng Hang asked.

"Mummy doesn't know. I ran out of school secretly and took a taxi to come here." Xiaodouzi replied.


Sheng Hang was startled, thinking of these things in his heart. He was a little scared. Fortunately, nothing happened to the child. If something happened, he would be worried about death, and the real side would definitely be very sad.

After taking a sip of the juice, Xiaodouzi said to Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng, I came to you. I have something to tell you."

Sheng Hang didn't know what the child told him, he just nodded and asked, "Well, what's the matter?"

Xiaodouzi suddenly became serious. He stretched out a small hand, took Uncle Sheng's hand, and said to Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng, my mommy"

"What's wrong with your mom?" Shenghang instinctively became nervous when he heard Han Zhenzhen.

"My mommy, maybe I have to find a new dad for me." Xiaodouzi said.

Sheng Hang breathed tightly and felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

During this period of time, I didn't contact Han Zhenzhen. I wanted to make her feel less angry. After a while, I would find her again and have a good chat with her, but I didn't expect her to have such a plan.

Who allowed her to find another man? Who allowed her to find Xiaodouzi's dad again?

Xiaodouzi looked at Uncle Sheng and continued, "Uncle Sheng, I like you. Even if you make mistakes, I like you too. I want you to be my dad. I don’t want other uncles to be my dad. No."

The child's words made Sheng Hang very happy. Originally, he was really dissatisfied with Han Zhen, because the child's words gradually disappeared.

In fact, although I am really dissatisfied with Han Zhen, I am not really angry because she is not an ordinary woman. She is the woman I love in my heart. I protect her and love her by myself. How can I really get angry with her?

Xiaodouzi seemed to have not finished speaking, and continued, "Uncle Sheng, will you go and chase Mommy back? Will you protect me and Mommy in the future?"

"Okay, Uncle Sheng promises you, and will definitely do it." Sheng Hang almost agreed without hesitation.

For me, I don’t need to think much about this kind of question. Protecting Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi is my own thought, and I have always been firm in my heart. Therefore, the child’s words are my own thoughts and I can completely agree to it.

However, Sheng Hang looked at the child and asked, "You came today to tell Uncle Sheng this?"

"Well, I'm worried you don't know. If Mommy finds me a new dad to compare, then I won't be able to be with Uncle Sheng in the future." After Xiaodouzi finished speaking, he went into Uncle Sheng's arms. .

Sheng Hang understood the child's meaning and stretched out his hands to embrace the child, held the child in his arms, and continued to talk.

"Little Bean, don't think too much," Sheng Hang comforted the child, "Uncle Sheng promises you that in this life, we will never leave you and your mommy. We will always be together."

From seeing Zhenzhen again, I didn't intend to leave Zhenzhen, let alone give up Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi.

"Really?" Xiaodouzi didn't believe in Uncle Sheng's words, but because of such firmness, his little heart was a little excited, so he confirmed again.

Sheng Hang nodded and said seriously, "Really, Uncle Sheng did a bad job before. I'm sorry you and your mommy, but after that, it won't happen. Nothing like that will happen again."

"Uncle Sheng, you really love Mommy, right?"

"Well, really." Sheng Hang replied, his heart can't really be true.

"Hehe, that's all right." Xiaodouzi smiled happily, and he didn't have to worry about anything anymore.

After that, Xiaodouzi encouraged Uncle Sheng to say, "Uncle Sheng, you have to work hard, you must get Mommy done."

"Well, I will."

Here, the two chatted very happily. Shenghang also completely forgot about work. For him, Xiaodouzi is much more important than work.

On the other hand, Han Zhenzhen sorted out Xiaodouzi's clothes at home. Because the season was about to change, the children's clothes had to be rearranged and should be put away. Suddenly, Han Zhenzhen's phone rang, and Han Zhenzhen didn't know who was calling, so he got up and walked over to pick up the phone.

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