Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1291: it's not your fault

Han Zhenzhen looked at Shenghang, he might be worried in his heart, so he had a bad attitude towards Shenghang, and was very angry, "Mr. Sheng, I am educating my children. It has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Also, there is no relationship between us, my child has nothing to do with you, so I hope you will never see my child again." Han Zhenzhen restrained his nervousness and said these words because he was very scared in his heart. I'm afraid that Shenghang will come to grab the child with him.

As long as Shenghang explained that Xiaodouzi would go home and educate her, so that they would not have the opportunity to meet in the future.

"True." Sheng Hang disagreed, and wanted to refute in his heart, but before he could say the rest, he heard the child's hurried voice.

"I don't want to. I will see Uncle Sheng again in the future. I like Uncle Sheng and I want to be with him." Xiaodouzi said immediately. He didn't care if Mommy would get angry. Everything wanted to follow his own heart. Ideas come.

The child's words made Han Zhenzhen even more angry, and he couldn't control it. While Han Zhenzhen looked at the child, he threw away the child's hand and stared at the child angrily.

"Like him? Want to be with him, don't you?" Han Zhen asked the child fiercely, but his heart was already hurting.

Xiaodouzi looked at Mommy and said nothing.

Han Zhenzhen waited for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, then you can live with him in the future and let him take care of you."

"My mommy is useless, so I don't have to suffer with me anymore." Han Zhenzhen finished speaking, turned around, and was about to leave.

"No, I don't want it," Xiaodouzi burst into tears suddenly, and immediately reached out and grabbed Mommy's clothes to prevent Mommy from leaving, "I don't want Mommy to go, Mommy, don't go, don't go ."

Han Zhen really struggled and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Sheng Hang also blocked Han Zhenzhen, and blocked Han Zhenzhen from letting her go.

"Really, calm down first and listen to me." Sheng Hang took Han Zhenzhen's arm with both hands, trying to calm her down.

"Let go of me, you let me go." Han Zhenzhen began to resist Shenghang. Compared with his daughter, he wanted to resist Kai Shenghang, because in his heart, he would rather not have Shenghang than his daughter.

Sheng Hang increased his strength a bit, and did not let go, nor did he give Han Zhenzhen a chance to break free.

Xiaodouzi cried and shouted, "Mommy, Mommy"

Han Zhenzhen resisted while feeling aggrieved. After a long time, he finally lost his strength. He looked at Shenghang with red eyes, but he was begging for Shenghang in his heart.

Sheng Hang, please, don't take my child, don't take Xiaodouzi, let me give our child, okay?

"Really." Sheng Hang couldn't understand the emotions in Han Zhenzhen's eyes, but he felt very distressed in her heart.

"Woo, Mommy, Mommy" Xiaodouzi was also crying heartbreakingly.

Han Zhenzhen's eyes gradually shifted from Sheng Hang to the child. Seeing the child's sadness, Han Zhenzhen slowly stopped resisting, and the love for his daughter in his heart completely came to his heart. There would be no blame and anger. ?

There was no noise, and the scene slowly calmed down, but Han Zhen really didn't have any strength at all, and his center of gravity didn't stand firmly and fell down.



The two people around him noticed that something was wrong at the same time. When they immediately shouted, Sheng Hang held Han Zhenzhen with his hands, pulled her hard and pulled her into his arms.

Han Zhen really fell helplessly into Shenghang's arms, making it difficult to breathe.


"True, true" Shenghang was worried.

"Oh, Mommy." Xiaodouzi also worried, crying even more sadly.

Sheng Hang felt that this was not the answer, and said to Xiaodouzi, "Xiaodou, take two steps back."

"Yeah." Xiaodouzi answered, not knowing what Uncle Sheng was going to do, but he still took two steps back.

Sheng Hang was afraid of hurting the child. After the child stepped back two steps, Sheng Hang slammed Han Zhenzhen sideways and walked to the lounge in the office.

"Xiaodouzi, come here." Shenghang didn't forget to tell the children when he hurried to the lounge.

Sheng Hang knew that she was really reluctant to give up her children, and she needed her to be with her, and she couldn't even let her out of her sight, so she cared about it as well.


Sheng Hang hugged Han Zhenzhen and walked into the lounge. Xiaodouzi followed. Shenghang put Han Zhenzhen on the bed and helped her cover her quilt. He looked at the weak Han Zhenzhen and said distressedly, "Jinzhen, let Xiaodouzi first Stay with you for a while and I will pour you a glass of water."

After speaking, Sheng Hang looked at the child and said to the child, "Xiaodouzi, accompany your mommy, Uncle Sheng go out for a while and come back soon."


After Sheng Hang left, Xiaodouzi lay on the side of the bed, holding Mommy's hand without speaking.

Han Zhenzhen looked into the eyes of his daughter Shui Lingling and didn't know what to say.

My daughter likes Shenghang and wants to be with him, perhaps because of the nature of family love, she can't change it.

Han Zhenzhen suddenly felt that the person who made trouble just now seemed to be him.

"Mommy, I'm sorry." Xiaodouzi finally spoke first and apologized to Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen shook his head, a smile came out from the corner of his mouth, and replied weakly, "It's not your fault."

Hearing Mommy's words, Xiaodouzi wanted to get closer to her. The next second, Xiaodouzi leaned over to her side, hugged her with her hands, and pressed her head against her arms.

Han Zhen understood his daughter's actions and thoughts naturally, and he stretched out his hands and hugged his daughter.

Han Zhenzhen wanted to understand that he didn't mean to blame his daughter. He just said to her, "Xiaodouzi, promise Mommy, no matter what you want to do in the future, you must tell Mommy in advance, you know?"

"Well, I know it, and I remember it." Xiaodouzi answered obediently.

Han Zhenzhen didn't speak any more.

Xiaodouzi asked Mommy again, "Mommy, I will see Uncle Sheng from now on, will you object?"

Han Zhenzhen looked at the ceiling, thought about it, and replied, "No objection, but you must tell Mommy before you see Uncle Sheng."

"Okay, no problem." Xiaodouzi smiled happily and made a hehe sound.

When Han Zhenzhen heard the children's laughter, he felt some comfort in his heart, and he was much more relaxed.

Think about it, I owe too much to my child. I haven't given her a healthy family since childhood and didn't make her feel the love of the father. Now that she wants to get along with Shenghang, how can she bear to stop it? It was my own impulse just now, but now I think about it, I will not stop it anymore. As long as the child does not leave him and Shenghang does not **** the child with him, then I will try my best to satisfy her child's wishes and ideas.

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