Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1293: Do you only care about my employees?

Han Zhenzhen will be stern now, raised his head, looked at Xiaodouzi, and said sternly, "Hurry up and eat."

After speaking, Han Zhenzhen looked at Sheng Hang, his tone was not very good, and said, "Eat."

"Okay, listen to you." Sheng Hang replied with a smile. It is already a blessing and an honor for him to be able to listen to her and be controlled by her.

Sheng Hang and the child looked at each other, they both laughed happily, and then continued to eat.

After lunch, Shenghang hugged the child, Han Zhenzhen walked beside Shenghang, and the three of them walked out of the restaurant together. The back looks really like a family.

Back in Shenghang’s office, Han Zhenzhen said to Shenghang, “You’re busy with work in the afternoon. I will take Xiaodouzi to the lounge, let her sleep for a while, and help her with homework in the afternoon.”

Sheng Hang shook his head and refused to agree, and said, "Let's take a nap with Xiaodouzi and help her with homework in the afternoon."

"No, you pay it today" Han Zhen was interrupted by Shenghang before he could finish speaking the truth.

"Zhenzhen, I don't have a job today." Sheng Hang said, for himself, Zhenzhen and the children are his own jobs.

Han Zhenzhen didn't know what to say next.

Sheng Hang just smiled at Han Zhenzhen, and then went to the lounge holding Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi was lying on the bed. Before his lunch break, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately reached into his pocket.

"What's wrong?" Han Zhenzhen saw the child's movements and asked the child.

Xiaodouzi didn't answer Mommy immediately, he smiled, then took a small note from his pocket and handed it to Uncle Sheng.

Shenghang took the note, not knowing what it was, and asked Xiaodouzi, "Xiaodouzi, what is this?"

"Uncle Sheng, today I saw a sister downstairs whose lipstick is very beautiful, so I asked my sister for the address where to buy it. Here, this is the address. You can buy one for my mom too." Xiaodouzi said.

Sheng Hang nodded hurriedly after listening, "Okay, I know, I will buy it myself tomorrow."

"Okay," Xiaodouzi smiled satisfied, "then I'll go to bed, Mommy, good afternoon, Uncle Sheng good afternoon."

"Well, go to sleep." Sheng Hang replied.

Han Zhenzhen didn't want to say a word, wondering in his heart, is this his own daughter? How can I do things that I don't want every time.

After the child fell asleep, Sheng Hang took Han Zhenzhen's arm and walked out of the lounge lightly.

Coming to the office sofa, Sheng Hang sat down first, then dragged Han Zhenzhen to let her sit on her lap.

"You" Han Zhenzhen was nervous and wanted to leave, but Shenghang was so tightly imprisoned that Han Zhenzhen couldn't do without.

"Just sit here." Sheng Hang said.

"No, your employees will misunderstand this." Han Zhenzhen said.

"Do you only care about my employees?" Shenghang asked, "If there were no misunderstandings from my employees, you would be willing to do this, right?"

"Han Zhenzhen couldn't answer at once, lowered his head, and didn't dare to look into Sheng Hang's eyes.

Sheng Hang looked at Han Zhenzhen, knew she would not answer, and said, "Don't worry, no staff will come in. The assistant will not disturb us today, and no one else will come in."

auzw.com After Sheng Hang said, he wrapped Han Zhenzhen's body in his arms with one hand, let her lie in his arms, and said, "I'll hold you like this, take a rest. , I will sleep too."

"I don't want to rest," Han Zhenzhen said, "If I leave, you lie down and rest for a while."

This sofa is big enough for Shenghang to lie down and rest. Although it is not as convenient as resting on the bed, it is better than sitting like this.

"Don't move, I want to hold you like this." Sheng Hang said, he has been with her for a long, long time, and hasn't been so close. At this moment, getting along like this is too extravagant for him. How can you let her go?

Han Zhen really wanted to say something, but seeing Shenghang's eyes closed, he started to rest.

Han Zhenzhen didn't say what he said but remained silent.

At first, Han Zhenzhen couldn't sleep, so he looked around like this and occasionally looked at Shenghang, but the office was too quiet, Han Zhenzhen looked and watched like this, and began to feel sleepy in his mind, and then slowly fell into Shenghang. Fell asleep in his arms.

Until three o'clock, Sheng Hang woke up and saw the sleeping person in his arms. Sheng Hang was extremely contented and smiled.

Looking at it this way, Sheng Hang couldn't help it, stepped forward and kissed Han Zhenzhen's lips.

Han Zhenzhen was gradually awakened by the vague movements. When he opened his eyes and saw Sheng Hang's face, Han Zhenzhen was a little embarrassed and said hurriedly, "I'm going to see if Xiaodouzi has woke up."

"Well, slow down." Sheng Hang reminded when he saw Han Zhenzhen trying to escape, worried that she would not be able to walk steadily if she was not fully awake.

Han Zhen really nodded, stood up hurriedly, and walked to the lounge.

In the lounge, Xiaodouzi woke up a long time ago, sitting on the bed and playing with his mobile phone.

After Han Zhenzhen came in, he saw the child sitting on the bed, walked over and sat down by the bed.

"Mommy, when will you and Uncle Sheng give me tuition?" Xiaodouzi asked in a childish voice.

"Now, Mommy will take you to wash up first, and then give you tutorials." Han Zhenzhen said.


Han Zhenzhen took the child to wash briefly, and then sat in Shenghang's office, and the two of them taught the child homework together.

Usually, Xiaodouzi is not so serious about studying, but today in front of Mommy and Uncle Sheng, Xiaodouzi is very serious, asking Mommy and Uncle Sheng if they don't understand, and then doing homework seriously.

The atmosphere of the three people getting along was very warm and warm. No one noticed it. Time has been advancing rapidly. When Xiaodouzi finished his homework, it was already past five.

"Wow, it's so late." Xiaodouzi said in surprise when he saw it over five.

"Well, are you hungry?" Han Zhenzhen asked the child.

"I'm a little hungry, Mommy," Xiaodouzi replied.

At this time, Han Zhenzhen didn't speak, and Sheng Hang said first, "Then let's go eat together."

"No need," Han Zhenzhen refused Shenghang's kindness, looked at Shenghang and said, "I brought Xiaodouzi home for dinner, and the family is still waiting for us."

"Zhenzhen" Sheng Hang cried out beggingly, trying to make Han Zhenzhen change his mind.

Xiaodouzi would not be willing to go home now, and said, "I want to have dinner with Uncle Sheng, Mommy."

Han Zhenzhen heard the child's meaning and looked at the child without speaking.

Xiaodouzi continued, "Mommy, let's have dinner with Uncle Sheng, okay?" Shenghang also seized the opportunity and said to Han Zhenzhen, "True, let's eat together tonight, over there, Tell your uncles and aunts about them, and they won't be able to go back to eat, we will eat outside."

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