Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1298: I don't allow

When Sheng Hang saw the child coming, he squatted down and waited for the child to come and hug the child.

Afterwards, Sheng Hang looked at Han Zhenzhen and said, "Since Xiaodouzi doesn't want to go back, let her stay here. There are two rooms here. The second bedroom is reserved for Xiaodouzi."

Han Zhenzhen looked at Sheng Hang's serious expression and didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiaodouzi stayed in Uncle Sheng's arms and acted like a baby, "Uncle Sheng, I do not want to go back."

"Okay, then don't go back, but Xiaodouzi must be good, and you can't annoy your mommy." Sheng Hang said, wanting to keep the child, but didn't intend to argue with Zhenzhen.

Xiaodouzi nodded and said nothing.

Sheng Hang looked at Han Zhenzhen and said again, "Let the children stay, and you stay too."

I don't just want the child to stay, but also want her to stay. If this little home is the home of the three of them, that would be great.

Han Zhenzhen felt a little throbbed when he heard Sheng Hang's words, but he cared more about the child.

Since the child wants to stay, "Xiaodouzi, then you can play with Uncle Sheng for a while, Mommy will accompany you, and we will go home later."

Han Zhen really compromised, and he obeyed the child.

But in the hearts of Shenghang and Xiaodouzi, such an answer is not very satisfying, but it is better than simply rejecting it.

Xiaodouzi is very smart. He looked at Mommy and nodded, indicating that he agreed.

Han Zhenzhen was relieved by the child's promise, and Sheng Hang didn't say anything.

In the next time, Xiaodouzi chatted with Mommy, Shenghang sat aside and listened, occasionally saying a few words, the atmosphere of the three was still warm.

"Mommy, let's have dinner with Uncle Sheng, okay?" Xiaodouzi asked Mommy.

Han Zhen really didn't really want to think so much, and said to the child, "Let's have dinner with Uncle Sheng another day. For dinner today, we will go home and eat with grandpa and grandma.

"No, I want to have dinner at Uncle Sheng's house." Xiaodouzi insisted.

"No, we will go home later."

"I'm not going back," Xiaodouzi finished speaking, leaning against Uncle Sheng, and said, "I'm going to be at Uncle Sheng's house."

Sheng Hang hugged the child and did not speak immediately.

Han Zhenzhen looked at the child, feeling a bit angry, "Little Bean, listen to what Mommy said."

"No, no, I won't listen." Xiaodouzi resisted.

Han Zhenzhen was also angry, stood up, looked at the child, and shouted directly, "Han Yiqin, how did I teach you before?"

Xiaodouzi was frightened and cried by Mommy's anger, pouting and slowly crying.

Sheng Hang hurriedly coaxed the children, "Little Bean, don't cry, don't cry first."


Sheng Hang picked up the child, walked to the second bedroom, and said as he walked, "Little Douzi, don't cry, listen to Uncle Sheng, you can play in the room for a while, let Uncle Sheng talk to your mommy, OK ?"

"Woo, Uncle Sheng." Xiaodouzi would be very fragile inside, and just want to rely on Uncle Sheng.

After reaching the room, Sheng Hang closed the door before hearing the child's voice.

auzw.com "I don't want to go back with Mommy, I don't want to compare with my new dad, I want Uncle Sheng." Xiaodouzi said.

Sheng Hang understood that the child did not want to go back, and comforted the child by saying, "I know, Xiaodouzi, Uncle Sheng promised you that you won't go back tonight, and your mommy will stay."

"Really?" Xiaodouzi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Uncle Sheng.

Sheng Hang met the child's gaze and nodded, "Really, this is the home of the three of us. We are all living here tonight."

"Well, good."

Shenghang comforted the child, let the child sit on the bed and play the game on his mobile phone, and then he left the room with confidence.

When he came to the living room, Sheng Hang didn't talk to Han Zhenzhen first, he took her arm and walked to the master bedroom.

"Sheng Hang, what are you doing? You let me go." Han Zhen really doesn't know why Sheng Hang is so overbearing? Without a word, he pulled himself to the master bedroom, feeling a little worried.

Sheng Hang still did not speak until he pulled Han Zhenzhen into the master bedroom. After closing the door, Sheng Hang directly pushed Han Zhenzhen behind the door and kissed him.

Han Zhenzhen was surprised by Sheng Hang's sudden kiss. He kept resisting and wanted to shout, but was afraid that the child next door would hear it, so he could only endure it.

Sheng Hang kissed Han Zhenzhen for a long time before letting go. Seeing Han Zhenzhen's angry expression, she guessed what she was going to do next.

When Han Zhenzhen raised his hand, Sheng Hang also raised his hand, and when Han Zhenzhen waved his hand down, he grabbed Han Zhenzhen's wrist.

"You, bastard." Han Zhenzhen scolded, why did he kiss himself? What qualifications does he have?

"What can I do if I'm a bastard?" Shenghang had a bad tone, and asked seriously, "Do you have to explain to me first, what did you do today? What did you do with that man?"

Han Zhenzhen was stunned, and immediately reacted in his mind. Sheng Hang knew that Xiaodouzi should have told him.

Shenghang didn't hear Han Zhenzhen's answer, and said again, "It takes more than two o'clock to eat a meal, what else did you do?"

Sheng Hang thought that Han Zhen really answered, he would be angrily asking himself why he asked these things, he thought of it in his heart, and also thought of a countermeasure, but he didn't think of it.

Han Zhenzhen replied calmly, "I just ate a meal, I left after eating, and then called you."

Sheng Hang was taken aback, is this an explanation?

Han Zhenzhen didn't have the resistance he had just now. He looked at Sheng Hang and asked, "So you and Xiaodouzi came back from the Children's Paradise because of this?"

Because Han Zhen's tone was really calm, Sheng Hang was also much gentler.

"Xiaodouzi has been unhappy, you should know." Shenghang replied.

"Yeah." Han Zhen nodded, he knew the child's emotions a long time ago.

Sheng Hang thought he would care about something else, and asked, "How about that man?"

Han Zhenzhen did not evade this question, and answered seriously, "Not very good, I didn't understand it seriously."

"Why? Not enough understanding at one time?" Sheng Hang was jealous, very dissatisfied with Han Zhenzhen's answer.

"No," Han Zhenzhen explained, "I didn't think about getting to know him."

"Haven't thought why go on a blind date?"

"That's because I promised my parents before, and there is no way, so I went."

"Just because of this?" Sheng Hang asked again, but in his heart, he was obviously better and more comfortable than before.

"Well, if I didn't promise my parents before, I wouldn't go." Han Zhenzhen said. Sheng Hang did not speak any more, but suddenly pulled Han Zhenzhen into his arms and hugged him tightly, his tone returned to the past, very gentle, and said, "True, don't go on blind dates in the future, I don't allow it."

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