Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1300: Like white?

"True." Sheng Hang yelled helplessly, having a headache that the woman resisted herself so strongly.

"Sheng Hang, no, can you stop making trouble?" Han Zhenzhen said while resisting.

"I didn't make trouble, I'm serious." Sheng Hang's voice was louder, not a shout, but Han Zhen really calmed down.

Sheng Hang didn't feel Han Zhenzhen resisted any more, and tried to calm down his emotions as much as possible. He said to Han Zhenzhen, "True, stay with me tonight, I won't hurt you."

I will not mess with her, but as a normal man, sometimes there are things

"If I didn't control what I did, I will be responsible for you for the rest of my life." Shenghang considered the consequences and said directly.

"No, neither of us can." Han Zhenzhen refused. He couldn't accept living with him in his heart, no.

"Why not? Really, I love you, I am serious." Shenghang forced.

Han Zhen really knew that he could not escape, so he raised his head to meet Shang Shenghang's gaze, looked at him, and shook his head.

"No, I can't accept it in my heart." Han Zhenzhen said.

"Can you accept my love for you, or can't accept our living together?" Sheng Hang asked directly and clearly.

Indeed, the intimacy between myself and Zhenzhen has not reached this level. There was no such relationship in the past, and there is no such relationship now.

Han Zhenzhen couldn't answer for a moment, so he looked at Shenghang and didn't know how to answer?

Can't accept his love? Maybe not.

Can't accept living with him? It doesn't seem to be. The close relationship between himself and him can be described as a negative distance, so that there is nothing to worry about about sleeping in the same bed.

But what can't you accept?

Escape in the heart? Still unwilling to face the reality? Or is it true that you don't want to face it?

Sheng Hang waited for Han Zhenzhen to answer, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear. Sheng Hang held Han Zhenzhen's face in both hands, looked at her, and said seriously, "True, tell me, do you hate me in your heart?"

Han Zhenzhen shook his head, never hated him, never.

Sheng Hang continued to ask, "If I showed my love to you, confessed to you, and proposed to you as before, would you accept me little by little?"

Sheng Hang's words are very clear, and Han Zhenzhen also knows what it means. At this time, there is no persistence in his heart, just relying on his sincerity, looking into Sheng Hang's eyes and answering him.

"Maybe." Because I love him in my heart, and there is Xiaodouzi between myself and him.

"Then don't reject me, don't reject me, don't worry too much," Sheng Hang said, "True, I will never hurt you, never will."

"What I think in my heart is to protect you and the child, and to use all my love to love you and love the child." Sheng Hang said very seriously.

Han Zhen was really moved. He knew that this man hadn't lied. He could see everything in his eyes, and what he said was from his heart.

Suddenly, Han Zhenzhen stretched out his hands, hugged Sheng Hang, and took the initiative to get into Sheng Hang's arms.


Sheng Hang felt that Han Zhen was really taking the initiative, and hugged her. Knowing the defense she had in her heart, she let it go, and she immediately felt relieved.

The two held them like this. After a long time, Sheng Hang said, "Have you washed it?"

"Well, when I was washing with Xiaodouzi just now, I also washed," Han Zhenzhen finished speaking, let go of Shenghang, and said to him, "Go and wash."

"Okay, you help me tidy up the clothes over there. I wash them quickly." Sheng Hang said, afraid that Han Zhenzhen was gone, so he found something simple for her to do.

Han Zhen nodded, "I see."

Sheng Hang went to wash, Han Zhenzhen went to the closet to sort Sheng Hang's clothes, and gradually his thoughts fell into contemplation.

In fact, this kind of feeling really feels like a small family of three, sleeping with the children, and then getting along with the one you love in the same space. This kind of intimacy and warmth is the life I have always longed for.

For too long, too long, I have never had love before, and there is such a strong and special affection, so at this moment, I am happy and happy in my heart.

Han Zhenzhen's thoughts gradually returned. After finishing his clothes, he put Shenghang's clothes in the closet, and then saw his shirt in the closet. Han Zhenzhen knew that he did not have pajamas, so he must look for one of Shenghang's clothes as pajamas.

After hesitating for a long time, Han Zhenzhen took out a white shirt. Before Shenghang had finished washing, he hurriedly changed into the shirt and went to sit on the bed.

After Sheng Hang came back from washing, when he saw the woman sitting on the bed with her own clothes, the corners of Sheng Hang's mouth raised in an arc.

It seems that she is smart and reassures herself that she knows what to do.

Han Zhenzhen met Sheng Hang's gaze for a few seconds, then lowered his head shyly, not daring to look at Sheng Hang.

Sheng Hang smiled and walked over, opened the quilt to go to bed, and sat down beside Han Zhenzhen.

"Like white?" Sheng Hang asked in a relaxed tone.

"No, I just don't want to wear dark ones, so I chose this one," Han Zhenzhen was still a little bit shy, and said after answering, "I didn't tell you in advance, would you blame me?"

"How come." Sheng Hang said with a smile. How can I blame her if I am too happy?

After that, Shenghang continued, "I was not thoughtful, so I should prepare some daily necessities for you and Xiaodouzi earlier."

Xiaodouzi is a child, and the clothes he wears are very casual, so loose T-shirts can also be worn as pajamas. Just now he and Zhenzhen didn't worry at all.

"No, Xiaodouzi and I will stay for the night, and there is no need to prepare those." Han Zhenzhen said.

Sheng Hang was dissatisfied with these words, stretched out his long arms, took Han Zhenzhen into his arms, looked at her, deliberately showed a little seriousness, and said, "I didn't plan to let you stay only one night."

Han Zhen was really confused and didn't understand Sheng Hang's meaning, so he looked up at Sheng Hang.

Sheng Hang understood what she was thinking from Han Zhenzhen’s expression, and continued, “True, this is my home, and it is also the home of you and Xiaodouzi. You can live here anytime without time limit. , There is no time limit."

"It's really not necessary, me and Xiao" Han Zhenzhen's lips were sealed before he finished speaking.

When Sheng Hang's domineering kiss hit, Han Zhen really had no parry at all, and could only bear it.

After the emotional kiss ended, Han Zhenzhen was not as shy as before, but became a bit more confident. "You said you won't hurt me, and you are not allowed to mess around." Han Zhenzhen looked at Sheng Hang angrily, and decided in his heart that it was all his fault.

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