Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1305: That woman is not as good as me

"No, Mommy, I like you as much as Uncle Sheng."

"Really?" Han Zhenzhen asked deliberately.

Xiaodouzi coquettishly approached Mommy, got into Mommy's arms, and said, "Really, Mommy, I love you too."

"Well, I also love my little beans."

"Hee hee, hey."

In the next few days, Shenghang called every day, and Han Zhenzhen also answered them. After chatting with Shenghang for a while, he asked the children to talk to him.

Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui learned that their daughter and granddaughter have gotten closer to Shenghang, and they talked once.

"You said Zhenzhen and Shenghang will go on like this, will they be together?" Zhou Hui asked Han Qingshan.

"Why won't you be together?" Han Qingshan asked, probably because he knew that Shenghang was Xiaodouzi's dad, so he was determined that they would be together, "If Shenghang dares to play with my daughter and hurt our Han family People, I can't spare him."

Zhou Hui nodded and agreed with Han Qingshan's thoughts, "I hope they can be together, Shenghang and us are true, and can be together forever."

The grievances and sufferings my daughter has suffered, I feel uncomfortable when I think about it. I hope that this time, they can be together and stay together.

Han Qingshan suddenly asked Zhou Hui, "I really told you that she and Shenghang have plans to get married?"

Zhou Hui shook his head, "No, maybe Shenghang hasn't told his family yet, right?"

Marriage is definitely a matter for the two families. If Zhenzhen and Shenghang consider it well, then they must tell their families to decide this matter.

Han Qingshan thinks about it, it seems that he is too impatient, "Well, then wait and see to see their thoughts and plans, we will listen to the real thoughts at that time, and then discuss with Haohong."

"Well, that's fine."

On Friday, in the morning, Han Zhenzhen and the nanny went to the supermarket to buy vegetables. When they got home, they received a call from Shenghang.

"Really, you have nothing to do today, right?" Sheng Hang asked.

"Well, it's okay, I just went to the supermarket to buy some food with the nanny, and prepare to cook lunch later." Han Zhenzhen replied.

"Are your parents at home?"

"This will not be there, I guess I will be back at noon." Han Zhenzhen said.

Sheng Hang thought about it, but didn't speak immediately.

Han Zhenzhen guessed that Sheng Hang had something to say, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Really, I want to invite you out for dinner at noon, and then we will pick up Xiaodouzi from school in the afternoon and go to my house in the evening, okay?" Sheng Hang asked.

Han Zhen really thought about it, didn't refuse, and said, "Okay, then I will pack up and bring some clothes by the way."

Han Zhen really thought, over there, mom and dad, just tell them when the time comes.

"Okay, then I will pick you up now?"

"Well, yes."

After the two talked, they hung up the phone, Han Zhenzhen told the nanny, went upstairs to change clothes, and packed his and Xiaodouzi's clothes.

Half an hour later, Shenghang came to Han's house. Han Zhenzhen saw that his parents had not come back, so he had to call his parents and said that he was going to eat out with Shenghang, and then he left with Shenghang.


The two came to the restaurant in the city, it was almost twelve o’clock. Shenghang had booked a position before. They sat in the best position in the restaurant. Shenghang very gentleman handed the menu to Han Zhenzhen and asked her to order. dish.

Han Zhen really ordered what he liked, and then gave Shenghang the menu.

Shenghang randomly ordered a few and asked the waiter to place the order.

"Aren't you busy with work today?" Han Zhenzhen chatted with Shenghang while waiting for food.

"Well, I'm not busy. The important work has been done a few days ago. There are no important things today. Just go back to the company in the afternoon to handle some small things." Shenghang replied.

I know that I will accompany Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi this weekend, so I have finished the important work of this week on Wednesday and Thursday, so I can spare time today to accompany Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi at night.

Han Zhen really nodded, indicating that he knew it.

Sheng Hang asked again, "Really, when you finish eating, do you want to go home first, or go to the company with me? I will go back to the company in the afternoon."

Han Zhen really thought about it and asked Shenghang, "If you go to the company, will it interrupt your work?"

"No," Shenghang replied, "I won't be very busy when I go to the company. I just deal with a few things. If you can stay with me, that's even better."

In fact, I want Zhenzhen to accompany me and feel at ease with her by my side.

Han Zhenzhen felt that since he didn't bother, he would go to the company. If he went home, it would be boring to stay at home alone.

"Well, then go to the company. In the afternoon, we will pick up Xiaodouzi from school together." Han Zhenzhen said.

"it is good."

After the two had lunch, Shenghang drove the car and took Han Zhenzhen to the company.

Because it’s not the first time to go, Han Zhenzhen doesn’t feel nervous, just

After arriving at the door of the company, Shenghang got off the car and went around to the other side. After helping Han Zhenzhen out of the car, he took Han Zhenzhen's hand and prepared to enter the company.

"Sheng Hang, you" Han Zhen is really uncomfortable, wanting to get rid of Sheng Hang's hand.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Hang looked at Han Zhenzhen and asked without letting go.

"That's not great, let go." Han Zhen said embarrassedly. Although he accepted Shenghang, he showed it to his employees and disclosed his relationship with him. He was not ready yet, so he didn't want to such.

"What's wrong? You are my woman. If you don't pull you, do you plan to let other men pull you?" Sheng Hang asked, but in his heart, except for himself, which man would dare to hold her hand? , I must be desperate with that person, of course, except for her father and brother.

Han Zhenzhen couldn't answer, he was his woman, yes, his words seemed to be correct.

Sheng Hang also didn't intend to wait for Han Zhenzhen to answer, but the temperature became milder and said, "Let's go, go in."

Han Zhen really nodded, and didn't insist on his ideas anymore.

Sure enough, when the two of them walked from the company lobby to the office, they received a lot of attention, and even whispered behind them.

"Wow, it's amazing, is that woman Mr. Sheng's woman?"

"You think they are so close, you must be."

"She is good-looking and has a good body. She matches President Sheng quite well."

"What a good match, I think that woman is not as good as me."

Sheng Hang and Han Zhenzhen heard the voices behind them to some extent. Sheng Hang looked at Han Zhenzhen and did not speak. Han Zhenzhen would have his own thoughts in his heart, but he didn't say anything. After all, when others are watching, he doesn't want to be with him. Sheng Hang leaned closer to speak, otherwise these people would be behind, maybe something would come out.

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