Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1308: Did you wake you up?

"Alright." Xiaodouzi finished happily, and kissed Uncle Sheng again.

Han Zhenzhen also smiled and said to the child, "Mommy's mission this weekend, except to accompany you, is to make good food for you."

"Well, Mommy, I want to eat your meal."

"Okay, let's go home now, and I will cook for you tonight."


Shenghang drove Han Zhenzhen and his children and returned to his home.

Xiaodouzi is already familiar with this home, so returning home is like returning home, very free.

Han Zhenzhen and Sheng Hang will buy things, as well as the things brought from the Han family. After they carry them into the room, Han Zhenzhen arranges for Sheng Hang, "You take these things to the room. These are my clothes and Xiaodouzi’s clothes. I will arrange them later. , These are all ingredients, put them in the kitchen."

"Okay, I'll take it, you go take a break with Xiaodouzi, and make dinner later." Sheng Hang said. "No, I will accompany Xiaodouzi to wash her hands and let her play by herself, and I will cook dinner. It's not early now." Han Zhenzhen said, usually at home, there is a nanny to cook, and I don't worry about the time, but Now, the three of them live together, and they have to take care of Shenghang and their children’s drinks.


After hearing Han Zhenzhen’s words, Sheng Hang nodded and said, "Well, it’s been hard work, really, I’ll cook with you."

"Yeah." Han Zhenzhen nodded, thinking that with his help, dinner might be ready soon.

Sure enough, the next small home is very warm. Xiaodouzi sits alone in the living room and plays, watching TV, and playing mobile phones. Xiaodouzi can do whatever he wants.

In the kitchen, Han Zhenzhen was cooking and Sheng Hang started. The two had a tacit understanding and cooperated very well. Han Zhenzhen didn't feel that Shenghang was in the way, so a hearty dinner didn't take long.

"Mummy, I'm hungry."

Han Zhenzhen just finished the last dish when he heard the child shouting in the living room.

Han Zhen really smiled and said to Sheng Hang, "You take Xiaodouzi to wash your hands and eat, and I will bring these dishes to the table."

"Okay, be careful, don't burn it." Shenghang reminded Han Zhenzhen.

"I know." Han Zhenzhen replied with a smile. He is not a child and will pay attention.

After washing his hands, Xiaodouzi sat at the dining table and looked at the delicious food on the dining table. Xiaozui was already greedy.

When Mommy was not paying attention, Xiaodouzi reached out, pinched a dish, and put it into his mouth immediately.

Sheng Hang saw the child's behavior, but smiled without saying anything.

Xiaodouzi ate happily and was super satisfied after eating.

"Hehe, it's delicious." Xiaodouzi said without holding back.

Han Zhenzhen turned around and looked at the child's expression, and he knew she had eaten it.

"How did Mommy teach you before?" Han Zhenzhen asked with some seriousness.

"Be polite and pay attention to hygiene," Xiaodouzi first answered Mommy's words, and then said his own thoughts, "But Mommy, now only you and Uncle Sheng, can I not pay attention to politeness? And, I have to wash my hands. You see, my hands are very clean."

Han Zhenzhen looked at the child's cute appearance. He couldn't bear to blame. He could only smile and said to the child, "There can be no next time."

"Well, Mommy, I remember." Xiaodouzi smiled happily.

The three of them sat together for dinner, Shenghang took care of the children for dinner, taking care of Zhenzhen from time to time.


All three of them had a delicious meal, especially Xiaodouzi. They had a great appetite and ate a lot.

There is not much food left, and it is not a waste of food. Han Zhenzhen puts what can be stored in the refrigerator, and gives Shenghang the rest of the washing work.

Shenghang is very happy to let Zhenzhen go to the kitchen with his children and busy himself.

Han Zhenzhen accompanies the child to take a bath. When he comes out of the shower, Sheng Hang has also cleaned up the kitchen. Han Zhenzhen arranges Sheng Hang to accompany the child to do his homework and arrange the clothes he brought from home.

Xiaodouzi is very serious about his homework tonight, and his efficiency is very fast. In one night, he finished all the homework for the weekend.

"So happy, I won't have to do homework in the next two days." Xiaodouzi said happily.

"Well, in the next two days, your mom and I will play with you. This weekend, you can relax." Shenghang said to the child.

"Well," Xiaodouzi finished speaking, and took the initiative to approach Uncle Sheng's arms, hugging Uncle Sheng, and said, "Uncle Sheng, let's go to the next room to find Mommy."

"it is good."

Han Zhenzhen will organize his clothes in the master bedroom and put his clothes in Shenghang's closet.

"Mommy, are you finishing up?"

Han Zhenzhen heard the child's voice, looked at the door, and Sheng Hang came in with the child.

"Well, finishing up." Han Zhenzhen answered with a smile.

"Then let's chat and play together, okay?" Xiaodouzi said happily, without any drowsiness at all.

"Well," Han Zhenzhen nodded, "then sitting on the bed or on the sofa?"

"It's here."

The three of them sat down on the big bed in the master bedroom, and Han Zhenzhen and Sheng Hang chatted with their children.

It wasn't until more than ten o'clock that Xiaodouzi was sleepy. Shenghang took the child to the second bedroom to sleep with Han Zhenzhen.

After the two settled their children, they left the second bedroom and returned to the main bedroom.

"You go take a bath." Han Zhenzhen said to Sheng Hang.

"Yeah, but before taking a shower," Sheng Hang said intentionally, and then suddenly grabbed the back of Han Zhenzhen's head, went forward and kissed her.

Recently, I have kissed this woman quite a few times, but every time I feel that it is not enough, and after one time, I want to kiss her again. Shenghang really doubts that if I become addicted like this, will I have to be intimate with her many times a day?

Han Zhenzhen felt Sheng Hang’s kiss. This time he did not refuse at all, but he did not respond. He just let him bully. Anyway, he was his own, and his heart had already been given to him. nothing much.

Sheng Hang was very satisfied with Han Zhen's really good-looking, and ended the kiss, looked at the beloved woman in front of him, and said softly, "Change your clothes and sleep first, don't wait for me."

Sheng Hang knew that Han Zhenzhen had finished washing, so she let her rest early.

"Yeah." Han Zhen really nodded.

Sheng Hang went to take a bath, Han Zhenzhen changed his pajamas, lay on the bed, closed his eyes to rest, but did not really fall asleep.

Sheng Hang may be reluctant to part with Han Zhenzhen, so he took a shower and came out, seeing the woman lying on the bed, Sheng Hang was full of happiness.

After lying down beside Han Zhenzhen, Sheng Hang stretched out his hand to hug Han Zhenzhen. Although his movements were light, Han Zhenzhen still woke up.

"It's finished?" Han Zhenzhen asked, rubbing into Shenghang's arms. "Well," Sheng Hang answered, kissed Han Zhenzhen on the forehead, and said apologetically, "Did you wake you up?"

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