Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1310: Mommy, do you... agree?

Han Zhenzhen did not answer immediately, but asked him, "Where is Xiaodouzi?"

"Eating breakfast outside." Sheng Hang said.

Han Zhen really thought about it and said, "Then I will get up and have breakfast with you."

"it is good."

"You help me get my clothes off." Han Zhenzhen said, sitting up, and now in front of Shenghang, there is no need to hide anything. The experience of last night, between himself and him, no longer divides each other.

"Yeah." Sheng Hang took Han Zhenzhen clothes and waited for her to put them on.

"Is there any physical discomfort?" Sheng Hang asked caringly, worried about her body.

Han Zhenzhen shook his head and replied, "No, there is a little pain, but it is normal."

Hearing the truth, Sheng Hang still felt uncomfortable in his heart and apologized to Zhen.

"I'll take you to the bathroom." Sheng Hang said, without waiting for Han Zhenzhen's answer, holding her to the bathroom.

The master bedroom has a bathroom, so the children can't see the actions of the two of them, and Han Zhenzhen did not refuse.

After a brief wash, Han Zhenzhen and Shenghang walked out of the master bedroom and saw the children having breakfast while playing with their phones.

"Xiaodouzi." Han Zhenzhen walked over.

"Mummy, you are up," Xiaodouzi looked at Mommy and asked happily, "Good morning."

"Well, good morning," Han Zhenzhen replied to the child, and then his tone became more severe, "I'm still playing with my phone while eating? Xiaodouzi, is this the right thing to do?"

Xiaodouzi curled his mouth, knowing that he had done something wrong, and handed the phone to Mommy obediently and said, "Mommy, I was wrong, you can confiscate my phone."

When Uncle Sheng went to the room to call Mommy, he was bored. He secretly went back to the room and took the phone out to play. But this time, Mommy still taught him.

Han Zhenzhen took the child’s mobile phone and did not confiscated it. Instead, he put it aside, sat down beside the child, and said, "Let’s eat. We have finished eating before you can play on the phone."

"Okay, but I want to kiss Mommy first." Xiaodouzi said, leaning over and kissing Mommy's face.

Han Zhenzhen is also very cooperative with the child, after letting the child kiss, he will kiss the child himself.

Sheng Hang sat opposite the two of them, watching them so happy, he was also happy.

Now, as long as he is really happy and Xiaodouzi is happy, he is happy every day.

After the three of them had breakfast together, Han Zhenzhen played with the children for a while, and when Shenghang was finished, he could accompany the children before Han Zhenzhen applied to rest.

Of course Shenghang and Xiaodouzi wouldn't have any opinions, but Xiaodouzi was a little puzzled. After Mommy went to rest, Xiaodouzi asked Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng, did Mommy not rest last night? I look so tired today. "

"Well, your mom suffered from insomnia last night, so she was so tired." Of course, Shenghang wouldn't tell the child the real reason, otherwise she would really know it and she would definitely blame herself.

auzw.com "Oh, then let Mommy take a good rest," Xiaodouzi certainly doesn't think too much, but this will focus on Uncle Sheng's face and ask Uncle Sheng naively , "Uncle Sheng, I found that you are also a bit weird today."

"" Sheng Hang was taken aback and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You look so happy," Xiaodouzi said seriously, "Uncle Sheng, why are you so happy?"

why? Sheng Hang thought to himself, maybe it was because he had his beloved woman last night?

A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, Sheng Hang thought for a moment and replied to the child, "Uncle Sheng is so happy because of you and your mum."

"Hehe, Uncle Sheng, I am happy to be with you," Xiaodou said with a smile, but there are other thoughts in his little head, and said, "But, Uncle Sheng, are you with Mommy, the most Happy?"

Sheng Hang felt so in his heart, but knew that he couldn't answer the child truthfully, "No, you and your mummy, I can't be less, so I am the happiest to be with you two."

I know that a child is really everything. I value my child more than herself, and I have a strong feeling for the child, so neither of them can be less.

Xiaodouzi hugged Uncle Sheng happily and said, "Well, Uncle Sheng, Mommy and I will never leave you."

"Well, I won't leave you either."

All day, the three of them stayed at home. Han Zhenzhen cooked lunch and dinner. Xiaodouzi didn’t feel bored at home all day. Instead, he was very happy. He was so cute and cute in front of Mommy and Uncle Sheng. .

On Sunday, after the three of them had breakfast, Shenghang took Zhenzhen and the children out for a ride in the suburbs. The three of them ate at the farmhouse at noon and went to the park in the afternoon. Shenghang did not send Zhenzhen and the children until dinner. Back to Han's house.

Originally wanted to have dinner with them, but Shenghang thought about it. Since Friday, Zhenzhen and the children have been with him. There is no one at home this weekend, so let's leave the time tonight to his family.

Before Xiaodou went home, she was so tired of uncle Sheng's arms that she didn't want to leave, "Uncle Sheng, I really can't bear you."

"Uncle Sheng can't bear you either," Sheng Hang replied to the child, "but you and your mommy will live at home tonight. If you want to go to Uncle Sheng, tomorrow night is fine. After school tomorrow afternoon, Uncle Sheng will pick you up. "

Of course Xiaodouzi agreed, but it's useless to agree with him. I have to ask Mommy to agree.

"Mommy, do you agree?" Xiaodouzi asked Mommy.

Han Zhenzhen looked at the child’s expectation, and then at Shenghang’s nervousness, and his heart

"Well, yes, I have no opinion," Han Zhenzhen replied, but then said, "When I go home, I will discuss with your grandmother. If your grandmother has no opinion, we can often go to your Uncle Sheng's house."

Usually these things in the family are controlled by my mother, so I can discuss this matter with my mother at that time. Anyway, my father and brother will know eventually.

"Good, good." Xiaodouzi was happy.

Shenghang was also happy and nodded, it couldn't be better.

After greeted Shenghang, Han Zhenzhen took the child home and returned home, Xiaodouzi acted like a baby next to her grandpa and grandma again.

Han Qingshan and Zhou Hui must have spoiled their granddaughter. They hadn't seen each other for two days, and they missed it very much. They were happy to play with their granddaughter.

At dinner, Han Zhenzhen wanted to take care of the children, but he was not in his turn. Seeing his parents taking care of the children, Han Zhen really felt relieved.

"Really, it's fortunate that we have Xiaodouzi in our family. Otherwise, our parents' daily nagging and caring must be on both of us." Han Haohong said to his sister. "Yes," Han Zhen really understands, "Because of the little beans, we both successfully liberated."

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