Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 130: My little girl

With a natural movement, He Zikai pushed the man a few meters away while throwing the man's arm away.

Cheng Nuo was still struggling, exhausting all the strength of his whole body, when he felt a big palm pulling him over, he touched an explanatory chest.

"Let go, you let go." When Cheng Nuo tried to struggle again, he suddenly smelled a familiar smell, and the struggling movement stopped immediately.


He Zikai circled Cheng Nuo with her hands to let her stay in her arms safely, staring at the man not far away with her angry eyes.

An Lin also stood by, clenching his fists tightly, wishing to step forward and beat the man.

Is he blind? Actually dare to touch his wife.

Cheng Nuo recovered himself in He Zikai's arms, raised his head, looked at his profile, and cried out affectionately, "Akai."

"Yeah" He Zikai answered, then lowered his head and asked, "Is it all right?"

After this woman went out, I didn't have the mind to sit there. There was still some time before the project started. I finally decided to come out and find this woman. Without her by my side, my heart was empty.

But as soon as I walked out of the conference hall, I saw this scene in front of me. I suddenly regretted agreeing to come out and wanted to kill the man.

Cheng Nuo shook his head and replied intimately, "It's okay."

Because they were in the corridor, Cheng Nuo and He Zikai knew that they could not get so close to each other so as not to be seen by people passing by.

Cheng Nuo came out of He Zikai's arms and arranged his clothes.

The middle-aged man not far away from "He He" saw He Zikai, and he panicked.

Could it be that this beautiful woman is an employee of He Yi Empire?

He Zikai glanced at the man, then looked at An Lin.

An Lin received He Zikai's gaze and said, "If I remember correctly, he is the boss of Huake Trading Company."

When the middle-aged man heard that An Lin was right, he couldn't help but shudder, and his heart became even more frightened.

According to the rumors, He Zikai wants a company or a person to survive in Xigang City, so this company or this person will never have a good life for more than a day. So now Assistant He Zikai is targeting himself?

"Then, that, I, I didn't do anything to her?" The middle-aged man stammered, "No, if you don't believe me, you can ask and ask her."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he looked at Cheng Nuo asking for help.

But Cheng Nuo didn't look at the middle-aged man. Her sight was attracted by a figure at the other end of the corridor.

He Zikai and An Lin did not go to see Cheng Nuo, their eyes were always on the middle-aged man, and his actions were within their expectations.

"She, you shouldn't touch it." He Zikai opened her lips lightly, and every word she said carried a murderous intent.

The woman who touched herself has only one end.

The middle-aged man was so scared that his legs were trembling, he didn't know what to do?

"I, I, I, I'm leaving now." After speaking, the middle-aged man immediately turned around and staggered to the elevator entrance, not even the conference hall.

Seeing the figure of the middle-aged man disappear in the elevator entrance, He Zikai and An Lin looked back, and then looked at Cheng Nuo.


But when he saw Cheng Nuo's expression, He Zikai's brows frowned, and his mind was even more puzzled.

She was fine just now, but at this time, her expression was obviously very surprised, her eyes staring into the distance dullly, could it be that she was frightened by what happened just now?

When he thought of this, He Zikai's heart ached, because she was not good and didn't protect her.

"Nuoer, it's okay, there is" He Zikai said softly, reaching out her hand, trying to wrap her waist and give her a sense of security, and the word "I am" in her mouth has not been uttered, just watch To Cheng Nuo's reaction.

Cheng Nuo seemed to have not listened to He Zikai's words at all, staring at the man not far away, silently affirming that he was Gong Yi.

"Gong Yi" Cheng Nuo called Gong Yi's name naturally, and then ran to the person on an impulse.

He Zikai's hand was placed in the air, and while his side was empty, he heard Cheng Nuo yell "Gong Yi."

Suddenly, He Zikai's whole heart was stunned. For the first time, Nuoer left her side unexpectedly, and it was still so sudden, and she was still called Gong Yi.

Seeing such a situation, An Lin was also confused by Zhang Er's monk. He didn't know what the situation was. He looked at He Zikai and then at Cheng Nuo not far away.

Cheng Nuo desperately ran in front of Gong Yi. There were many people around him, but among them, he was the most dazzling one. Just like when he was a child, among his peers, he always wore a halo and was very dazzling. , Very good little boy.

Cheng Nuo's affectionate gaze had been fixed on Gong Yi since long ago. He grew taller, and he looked mature, even more handsome.

When I was a child, the big brother who protected me and the best friend I wanted to rely on the most, I thought I would never see him again in my life. They lived in different countries and lived their lives. But, here, I saw him. He, then, how could he just pass by like this?

Gong Yi walked towards the entrance of the conference hall with a light pace, vaguely saw a woman running here not far away, and he had never paid attention to a strange woman, so naturally he was not interested in seeing her clearly.

Turning his face, Gong Yi ordered Yin Fei something while walking.

Cheng Nuo was ten meters away from Gongyi, suddenly stopped, panting, and yelled joyfully, "Gong Yi"

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m?6蛋?5m vortex?? 馟???4 A quiet sound, two simple words, made what Gong Yi was about to say to Yin Fei suddenly stopped.

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Gong Yi's footsteps suddenly stopped, and the people behind him also stopped immediately. Except for Gong Yi, everyone else looked at Cheng Nuo not far away.

Cheng Nuo looked surprised, waiting for Gong Yi to turn his head, see his face clearly, and make sure that he did not recognize the wrong person.

Gong Yi turned his head slowly, and when he saw people not far away, the expression on his face changed.

Nono, it's really Nono, my little girl.

These days, it’s been so hard to find her, but today, it was such an unexpected meeting.

"Gong Yi, it's really you." Cheng Nuo smiled happily now, and finally dared to be very, very sure that he was Gong Yi.

Gong Yi felt joy in his heart, but the sudden scene still made him feel a little unreal.

Taking a step, Gong Yi walked in front of Cheng Nuo, every step he took, he felt that he was a step closer to his little girl and his happiness.

Gong Yi didn't notice at all. There were two pairs of eyes not far away, staring at him.

Gong Yi stood still in front of Cheng Nuo, lowered his head, and looked at Cheng Nuo's face seriously.

"Little girl." Gong Yi said, calling out affectionately.

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