Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1316: Sensible good boy

Shenghang hurriedly replied and immediately changed his mind, "No, no, then you pay the bill."

Since my father insists on doing this, let him pay the bill. If this is the case, I will give Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi an explanation when I go back. If my parents invite them to dinner, they may feel happier.

"Humph" Sheng Guocheng glared at his son unconvincingly, but he felt comfortable in his heart.

Wen Jin was also a lot milder at this meeting, and asked his son, "Hanghang, why don't you stay today and have a meal with your dad and me."

"No, I have to rush back to the company in a while, there are some things to deal with." Sheng Hang said, it is not that he does not want to dine with his parents, it is really something.

"When does your company plan to operate? When will you inherit our Sheng family's enterprise?" Sheng Guocheng asked. Thinking of this in my heart, I became a little angry again, because this wayward son didn’t want to manage the family’s business. As a result, the current family’s business was managed by the manager he was looking for, and he had to work hard at his company. Know how he planned in his head? When

Come back to manage the family business?

"Dad, I have no plans to give up my company, nor do I plan to manage the family business," Sheng Hang said, "and the family business is now managed by a recruited manager. Isn't it great, you and my mother Isn’t it great to check financial statements every month and take profits?"

"What's so good? Those managers don't know how long they can work, can they compare to you?" Sheng Guocheng said, his son is his own son, a descendant of the Sheng family, who can be managed, what else is there besides the cooperative relationship?

Sheng Hang shrugged, naturally knowing the answer in his heart.

"Okay, you can't temper your temper in front of Hanghang? He is our son, not your subordinate." Wen Jin would speak for his son.

Sheng Hang thanked his mother in his heart. He wanted to say that every time he confronted his father, whom his mother would favor, of course it was him, and he was proud of this.

Sheng Guocheng adjusted his emotions, looked at his son, his tone eased a lot, and said, "If there is something at work that can't be solved, don't hold on to it and call me."

After all, the son is still young. Whether it is in personal connections or in experience, there will definitely be difficulties.

"Well, I know, but everything is fine for the company now, there is no difficulty for the time being." Shenghang replied.

Sheng Guocheng nodded.

Sheng Hang chatted with his parents for a while, and then left home. This time he left home, which was the opposite of last time. He was very happy. Even this kind of happiness is beyond description in his heart.

That night, Shenghang told Zhenzhen and the child the good news when he and Zhenzhen had dinner at home.

After Han Zhenzhen heard this, he was very happy, and looked at each other with Sheng Hang for a while, feeling very satisfied.

Xiaodouzi was also happy, but had his own thoughts, and asked Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng, after I see your father is better than Mommy, shall I call Grandpa and Grandma?"

"Well, my parents are your grandparents." Sheng Hang answered the children.

"Okay, okay, I have grandparents too." Xiaodouzi said happily.

Han Zhenzhen looked at her daughter's happiness, and felt even more happy. In fact, Sheng Hang's parents are her grandparents.

auzw.com Xiaodouzi was immersed in his thoughts, and said gruffly, "I have so many family members now, grandpa and grandma, uncle, grandpa and grandma, of course."

"Mum and Uncle Sheng are the most important thing," Xiaodouzi looked at Mommy and Uncle Sheng, and said when he looked at Uncle Sheng, "Uncle Sheng, when you and Mommy get married, I can compare your dad." "Well, soon you will be able to call my dad." Sheng Hang has this confidence and thinks that he can marry Zhenzhen soon. While giving her status, he will also become her husband, plus Xiao Douzi will call herself Dadbi. In the future, she and Zhenzhen will have their own children. These

, Are very happy things.

"Hehe, Uncle Sheng, I'm looking forward to it."

"I look forward to it too."

Han Zhenzhen looked at him, feeling a little uncomfortable. He wanted to tell Shenghang and the children about this, but he was a little hesitant. But now that Shenghang would accept it slowly in his heart when he said it, the children were worried that they would scare the children.

In the end, Han Zhenzhen didn't say, the three of them continued to eat dinner.

Before going to bed at night, Sheng Hang and Han Zhenzhen discussed food. Han Zhenzhen said to Sheng Hang, "My time doesn't matter. Xiaodouzi can do everything except school time. It depends on your work time."

"Then it should be the weekend, but the last two weekends won't work. I may have to work a little bit, or maybe go on a business trip." Shenghang said that the company has been a bit busy recently and I can't determine the time.

"Well, don't worry, anyway, my uncle and aunt have agreed to meet with us, so I don't worry about anything in my heart." Han Zhen stayed in Shenghang's arms and said, this is a good thing for himself and Xiaodouzi. You can feel at ease a lot.

"Well, my dad will invite you to dinner with Xiaodouzi, so there is nothing to worry about. Don't think about it," Sheng Hang said. "After we meet, my parents will agree with us. Sooner or later."

"I hope so too." Han Zhenzhen said, thinking about the bright side, he also hopes so.

Sheng Hang put a kiss on Han Zhenzhen's forehead and said, "Our hope will come true, don't worry."


A few days later, Shenghang probably determined the next time, and called his parents back, saying that he might have been busy in the last two weeks, and then check the time to make sure.

Of course, Sheng Guocheng and Wen Jin had no objection. They only told their son to let him pay attention to his body and don't be too tired.

This week, Shenghang arranged the company's affairs, and then he would go on a business trip on Friday and come back next Tuesday.

On Thursday night, Sheng Hang and Han Zhenzhen accompany their children to rest.

Xiaodouzi knew that Uncle Sheng would fly to another country tomorrow, so he held Uncle Sheng's hand before going to bed.

"Uncle Sheng, you have to finish your work and come back early. Mom and I will miss you." Xiaodouzi said to Uncle Sheng.

"Well, yes, I will be back right after I finish my work," Sheng Hang replied to the child, and then told the child, "Xiaodouzi, you and your mommy will live at your uncle's house these days, and wait for Uncle Sheng to come back. I will pick you up."

"You have to be obedient, listen to your mommy, and also listen to your grandpa, grandma and uncle, and be a sensible, good boy." Sheng Hang said.

"Yes, I've always been good, Uncle Sheng." Xiaodouzi said.

"Well, Uncle Sheng knows." "Then I will sleep," said Xiaodouzi, "Good night, Uncle Sheng, good night, Mommy."

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