Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1329: We... never separate

"Since I'm full, Mommy will tell you one thing." Han Zhen really prepared himself and said to the child.

"Well, Mommy, you say, I'll listen." Xiaodouzi nodded.

Han Zhenzhen looked at the child's face and said seriously, "Xiaodouzi, in fact, what Mommy wants to tell you is your dad's."

Upon hearing this, Xiaodouzi's expression immediately changed.

Dadbi is the Dadbi that all children have, but the Dadbi that I have never had.

Han Zhen really knew that this topic would hurt a little bit in the heart of the child, but now that it came out, let's finish it.

"In the past, Mommy seldom told you about your dad's ratio. Today, Mommy wants to tell you," Han Zhenzhen would be very nervous, but the language can be organized. He continued, "Actually, your Uncle Sheng, just Your dad."

Xiaodouzi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Uncle Sheng with a look of surprise. He never thought that Uncle Sheng was his dad.

This dad ratio is not the dad who got married with Mommy, but the dad who was with Mommy and gave birth to his own.

Xiaodouzi understands this, because when she was living with her mom, she told herself how she came.

"When Mommy was in school, she fell in love with your dad. Later, because of some things, Mommy and your dad separated. But once, it was a reunion of our classmates. Mommy met your dad, and about you."

"At that time, Mommy was abroad, in the city we used to live in. Mommy didn't come back to find your dad, and she took the initiative and gave birth to you. Mommy never told your dad, so he did everything. I don't know." Han Zhenzhen said.

Listening to this, Xiaodouzi kept looking at Uncle Sheng, his eyes were slowly red, and he wanted to cry.

Han Zhenzhen continued, "In these years, Mommy hasn't contacted your dad until we came back this time, but Mommy never told your dad." "A few days ago, your dad knew about you. We talked about the life experience last night, and today Mommy is going to tell you this," Han Zhenzhen looked at the child, apologizing, and said, "Xiaodouzi, your uncle Sheng is your dad, your biological dad, we And your Uncle Sheng are the family

people. "

As soon as Han Zhenzhen finished speaking, the child cried.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" said nothing, and suddenly started crying loudly.

The cry of the child made Han Zhenzhen and Sheng Hang panic.

Sheng Hang hurriedly said, "Xiaodouzi, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I owe you and your mom too much, I'm sorry for you."

Xiaodouzi didn't speak, but just cried and shook his head. Obviously, what he wanted was not an apology, not an apology at all.

Sheng Hang didn't know what to say, a little anxious, looking towards Zhenzhen.

Han Zhenzhen also said guiltily to the child, "Xiaodouzi, it's Mommy's fault. Mommy keeps telling you and telling your dad. If you want to blame, blame Mommy."

Because of the child's crying, Han Zhenzhen and Sheng Hang's eyes were red, and the atmosphere in the whole family at this moment was a little sad.


Shenghang saw that the child was coming over, so he stood up and walked in front of the child.

After two steps to the child, Sheng Hang picked up the child.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Xiaodouzi still couldn't help crying, but his two little hands had already embraced Uncle Sheng. No, it was his father.

Dad, I have my dad, or Uncle Sheng.


"Little Douzi, don't cry first," Sheng Hang comforted the child and said to the child, "You have any requirements, or you want to beat or scold me."

Xiaodouzi didn't speak, but just cried.

Shenghang comforted it for a while, but it was useless.

But Xiaodouzi cried and cried, tired from crying, his voice gradually stopped, and his mood was better than before.

Han Zhenzhen would have stood beside Shenghang and the child long ago, worrying about the child in his heart.

Seeing that the child stopped crying, Han Zhenzhen said again, "Xiaodouzi, I'm sorry."

Xiaodouzi didn't plan to cry anymore, looked at Mommy, shook his head, and signaled that Mommy is not to blame.

Then, Xiaodouzi looked at Dabby, and looked at Dabby's face. In fact, he was still acceptable.

I originally compared Uncle Sheng as a dad, because a long time ago, Uncle Sheng was the best candidate for his father to compare.

Now, Uncle Sheng is actually his own relative to his relatives, relatives to relatives, and even more than anything else. What a joy.

Xiaodouzi looked at Dadbi seriously, suddenly said, "Dadbi."

With the two clear words, Sheng Hang's whole heart melted, and he nodded hurriedly and promised, "Well, I am here, I am."



Xiaodouzi slowly became happy. Although there were tears on his face, the corner of his mouth raised a smile, and he happily shouted again, "Daddy."

"Yeah." Sheng Hang kept responding.

"Dad, I love you." After Xiaodouzi finished speaking, he suddenly embraced Dad with both hands and got into Dad's arms.

Sheng Hang also hugged the child tightly and replied, "I love you too, my baby."

At this moment, Sheng Hang was grateful, thank God, thank you really, for giving yourself such a good gift, really thank you.

"Hehe, I have a dad, and I am like all kids, I have a dad." Xiaodouzi said happily.

"Well, you have your dad and mom, as well as grandparents, grandparents, and uncles. Xiaodouzi is the happiest child." Sheng Hang said.

Han Zhenzhen was aside, watching Sheng Hang and the children, listening to their conversation, and he was excited and happy.

Sheng Hang held the child in one hand and freed the other hand, pulling Zhenzhen on the side into his arms, holding two of his favorite people.

"In the future, our family of three will never separate." Shenghang said firmly.

"Well, I don't want to be separated from Dad than Mommy." Xiaodouzi first answered happily.

Han Zhenzhen also said, "Well, we will never separate."

On this day, Sheng Hang took Han Zhenzhen out to play with the children. The three of them were happier than anything before, especially Xiaodouzi, who was more willful, because in the future, my dad will love myself more than mommy. A lot of love, of course, has to be capricious.

"Daddy, I want to eat ice cream." Xiaodouzi, tired of playing, told him what he wanted. Sheng Hang was planning to buy it for his children, but Han Zhenzhen stopped him.

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