Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1332: Xiang Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi

After that, Shenghang said another thing, "True, we may have to move in the later period."

""Han Zhenzhen was taken aback, guessing and asked, "Go live with your parents?"

Sheng Hang shook his head, looked at the real eyes, and said, "No, the three of us live in, just change to a bigger house."

"I have asked my assistant to look for houses in the villa category today, and it is estimated that there will be news in the next few days." Sheng Hang said.

"Sheng Hang." Han Zhenzhen stopped Sheng Hang as soon as he finished speaking.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Sheng Hang asked.

"I don't want to live in a villa." Han Zhenzhen directly explained what he meant.

"Why?" Shenghang didn't understand. "If the three of us live in a villa, the space is too big and I am not used to it," Han Zhenzhen said. "Actually, Xiaodouzi and I have always been insecure, especially Xiaodouzi. I always take her with her. Depends on a lot, although she likes a big house, but it’s too big, her heart

Li will definitely feel lonely and feel that the house is not very warm, so"

Han Zhenzhen didn’t finish speaking, paused, and started again, “Now that the three of us are here, it’s fine. Although it’s smaller, it’s enough for the three of us to live in. It’s a small space and it’s very warm.” I think it’s a little bit small here, in case my parents, or my parents-in-law want to come over to see us, see the children, there is no place to live." Shenghang will also change the name of the true parents, because he has already I believe that I and Zhenzhen will be husband and wife immediately, no,

That's it now, just two red books. Han Zhenzhen felt that Shenghang considered more than himself. After thinking about it, he said to Shenghang, "Or we can change to a higher-rise house with a master bedroom, a second bedroom, and a guest room. If relatives come home, there will be Place to live, the space is a bit larger, but it's not that cold

Qing, can you? "

Shenghang thinks this is also a way, it seems not bad.

"Well, yes," Shenghang promised. This meeting also thought of some things, and said, "When the time comes, you can decide on the decoration style. When we move over, we will hire another hourly worker so that you will not be too tired. Now, you can take more care of me and Xiaodouzi."

"Well, that's okay." Han Zhenzhen agreed. If someone helps him with some housework, he can spare time to care about Xia Shenghang and his children, that would be great.

"Okay, then it's settled."


On the second day, Shenghang asked his assistant to change the type of housing search, and selected some large-scale existing houses to find housing.

Until Friday, the assistant had collected a lot of listings, and Shenghang sent the listing information to Zhenzhen to let Zhenzhen choose.

Han Zhenzhen finally chose a two-hundred-square-meter high-rise house. After Shenghang confirmed it, he contacted the decoration company and asked the decoration company to contact Zhenzhen directly to determine the decoration style.

They told their children about choosing a new house.

After listening to Xiaodouzi, he was happy, "Okay, okay, I have a big house."

Seeing that the child is happy, Han Zhenzhen will go to see the second elder tomorrow by the way and tell the child, "Little Bean, Mommy hasn't told you one thing yet."

"What's the matter?" Xiaodouzi looked at Mommy and asked.


"Tomorrow noon, we will have lunch with your grandparents." Han Zhenzhen said.

Xiaodouzi was obviously surprised. After hearing what Mommy said, he couldn't believe it. Look at Mommy and then Dadbi.

Sheng Hang also nodded and said to the child, "Xiaodouzi, your grandparents want to see you, so I discussed with your mom and I will take you to see your grandparents tomorrow, and our family will have lunch together."

"Well, I actually want to see my grandparents too," Xiaodouzi said, still happy, "other kids have grandparents, I've long wanted to see grandparents."

The child’s words made Han Zhenzhen and Sheng Hang feel a little bit sorrowful. Sheng Hang reached out and touched the child's hair and said, "Little Douzi, I'm sorry."

"No, Dad, I don’t blame you." Xiaodouzi shook his head and looked at Dad.

Han Zhenzhen felt uncomfortable, but didn't want to make the atmosphere so dull, so he smiled and said to the child deliberately, "That's OK. Tomorrow noon, your dad and I will take you to see your grandparents and have a meal together."

"Okay, Mommy."

This night, Xiaodouzi didn't sleep in her own small room, but squeezed into the big bed of Dadbi and Mommy. He still domineeringly slept between Dadbie and Mommy. He was happy and happy.

Han Zhenzhen and Sheng Hang are also up to the child. She does whatever she wants. After all, too much love is owed to the child, and it is not a bad thing to spoil her.

On Saturday morning, Shenghang's cell phone rang before the three of them awoke.

Sheng Hang was worried that Zhenzhen and the child would be quarreled, so he hung up the phone and made sure that Zhenzhen and the child were not awakened before getting out of bed softly, going to the balcony, closing the balcony sliding door, and calling his mother back. .

"Hanghang, why did you hang up my phone?" Wen Jin asked, worried that his son would change his mind. After all, today is the day to see his daughter-in-law and granddaughter. You're welcome, don't say he is his own son.

"Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi are still sleeping, I'm worried that they will wake them up." Shenghang gave the reason.

Suddenly, Wen Jin on the other end of the phone reacted, and the tone of the previous questioning immediately disappeared, and then gently asked, "Did you not wake them up?"

After finishing speaking, Wen Jin said reproachfully, "Look, why did I forget about this? Today Saturday, you should have more rest, Hang Hang, didn't you wake up Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi?"

"Why don't you apologize to Zhenzhen and Xiaodouzi for me?" Wen Jin sighed to such an extent, and was afraid that her daughter-in-law and granddaughter had a bad impression of herself before they met.

"It's okay, they are still sleeping, I called you from the balcony." Sheng Hang replied.

Finally, I asked, "Mom, what's the matter with you calling?"

"It's okay, just make sure that we have dinner together at 12 noon." Wen Jin said.

Sheng Hang knows his parents, and he must be concerned about the meeting at noon. When his mother calls and asks about this, he must be nervous.

"Well, the things about eating remain the same. It's the time and place I told you and my dad before. You set off from home on time, and Zhenzhen and I took Xiaodouzi from here at 11 o'clock." Sheng Hang said.

"Okay, okay, then your dad and I will leave you at home at eleven o'clock," Wen Jin said.

"Yeah." The mother and son didn't talk much, so they hung up.

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