Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1342: You stay with me

"Oh," Jane asked again, "have you eaten dinner?"

"No." He Lichen answered truthfully, not knowing what she was thinking.

Jian Yi moved in his mind and said, "Why don't I cook noodles for you? There is only noodles in the refrigerator."

"No, I'm not hungry." He Lichen said, it is true that she is not very hungry, but the main reason is that she does not want her to cook, which is troublesome and hard for her.

"No, I'm going to cook noodles for you." Jian Yi was stubborn and insisted on cooking for my uncle, and said that he would jump off his uncle and go to the kitchen to cook.

He Lichen couldn't help this girl, so he could only let go and let her go.

However, Jian Yi walked into the kitchen with his front foot, and He Lichen followed with his back foot.

"Uncle, you just go and sit outside. I will cook the noodles by myself." Jian Yi said, not wanting Uncle to follow him into the kitchen.

The kitchen is not big, and it's okay to be busy alone in the kitchen, but when my uncle comes in, it seems that the kitchen is very small, and it is difficult to turn around.

This should be a psychological effect, right?

"No, I'll help you." After He Lichen said, he got busy.

Although cooking noodles is very simple, you have to do it more or less. He Lichen doesn't want the little girls to be too tired. Most of them do it by themselves.

Jian Yi stood next to her uncle, but became a helper instead.

"Do you want to eat? Would you like to cook two portions?" He Lichen asked the little girl next to him.

"No," Jian Yi replied, "I have eaten, you can cook more for yourself."

"Yeah." Hearing her, He Lichen cooked himself more than the normal one.

When the noodles were cooked, He Lichen walked out of the kitchen holding a bowl of noodles and chopsticks in his hand.

Jian Yi followed behind and saw my uncle sitting down at the dining table, and sitting down beside him.

"Are you really not eating?" He Lichen asked the little girl again before eating.

Jian Yi shook his head, saying that he would not eat.

I'm not hungry, so I don't eat it anymore, let my uncle eat it quickly.

"Then I ate it myself?"

"Yeah." Jian Yi nodded.

He Lichen was eating noodles, the hot noodles warmed his stomach, and the seasoning of the noodles was made by the little girl, which seemed to be extra delicious.

Halfway through the meal, He Lichen no longer felt hungry, and his eating movements slowed down.

But at this meeting, Jane's inner thoughts were a little shaken.


"Huh?" He Lichen turned his head and looked at the girl beside him.

"I want to eat too." Jian Yi blinked her big eyes and looked at her uncle innocently.

After He Lichen listened, he didn't find it funny either. Instead, he seemed to have guessed the little girl's mind a long time ago, nodded, then stretched out his long arms and said, "Come here."

Jian Yi understood what the uncle meant, and immediately got into the arms of the uncle, and sat down directly on the uncle's lap.

Jian Yi is very thin, sitting on He Lichen's lap, He Lichen doesn't feel heavy or small.

auzw.com Jane stayed in his uncle’s arms, leaned forward, picked up his uncle’s chopsticks and ate a few bites of noodles, looking very satisfied.

"Wow, it tastes so good." Jian Yi said happily.

Seeing her smile, He Lichen was in a good mood and said, "Well, your seasoning is delicious."

"Then uncle, you can eat more and eat all of these." Jian Yi said.

"You eat first," He Lichen replied, "If you are full, I will eat the rest."

Before I knew her, I never ate leftovers, but since I knew her, I no longer know how many times I have eaten leftovers.

"No," Jane refused to agree, and said coquettishly, "I will not eat anymore. You will eat the rest."

"Uncle, I'm actually not hungry at all. I had dinner," Jian Yi continued, "Just now I saw how good you were. I want to take a few bites. Now that I have eaten it, I will not eat it. "

He Lichen knew that her child had a temperament and everything was three minutes hot, so he didn't argue anymore, nodded and continued to eat.

The two of them had no distinction between each other, eating the same bowl of noodles and using the same pair of chopsticks. In the eyes of the two of them, such a thing could not be more normal.

After eating, Jian Yi was going to wash the dishes. He Lichen stopped, and said solemnly, "Just sit here and you are not allowed to enter the kitchen."

Jian Yi was a little frightened by the seriousness of the younger uncle, so she didn't dare to resist, so she responded, and then sat there obediently waiting for her.

He Lichen was washing dishes in the kitchen, and he was also wondering. He is usually at home, but he rarely goes into the kitchen, let alone washing dishes. But here is the girl, what he has never done at home, absolutely Done.

He Lichen finished washing the dishes and cleaned the kitchen before coming out.

"It's getting late, I'll accompany you to rest." He Lichen said, walking to the little girl, stretched out his hand to hold the little girl's hand, and prepared to take the little girl to the room.

Jian Yi obediently followed his uncle to the room, and asked him as he walked, "Uncle, what do you do?"

"After you fall asleep, I will leave." He Lichen said.

"Are you going back?" Jian Yi asked in surprise.

"Yeah." He Lichen replied without explaining whether he would go home or go back to the hotel.

Jian Yi suddenly became a little unhappy, went into the bedroom, sat down by the bed, and refused to rest.

If you take a rest and your uncle will leave, then you will not rest, so your uncle will not leave.

He Lichen saw that the girl was still reluctant to rest, and asked, "What's wrong? It's so late, are you still sleepy?"

"I don't rest," Jianyi didn't answer his uncle's words, explaining what she meant, and then said, "I am afraid of sleeping alone, so I don't rest."

He Lichen didn't get angry at all when he saw her acting upset, but worried about her anger and wanted to coax her.

He Lichen stood in front of the little girl, then squatted down on one knee, took her arm with both hands, and asked her, "Then what are you going to do? Any ideas?"

Since she is afraid of sleeping alone, there should be a way to change in her heart, she can't stay up all night.

Jian Yi looked at her uncle and said innocently, "I want you to accompany me."

Yes, that's what I mean. I actually want my uncle to accompany me.

Before, my uncle was not in the apartment, so I didn't feel scared, but when he came today, he still had to leave. I felt very lost in my heart.

Looking at the beautiful face of the little girl, He Lichen couldn't bear to refuse, and agreed, "Okay, I will stay with you."

"However, you go to bed first. If you fall asleep, I will go to the sofa outside to sleep." He Lichen said.

The outside sofa is a sofa bed. Simply put together, it is a bed that can sleep.

Jian Yi shook his head, and immediately refused, "No, I want to sleep with you." After finishing speaking, Jian Yi ignored anything, went straight forward, hugged his uncle, and refused to let him go.

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