Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1344: Is there a sweetheart?

Jian Yi was worried in her heart, but didn't forget to look for it, got out of bed and hurried to the door, not even wearing her shoes, looking panicked.

"Uncle, uncle, uncle" Jian Yi shouted while looking.

He Lichen, who was cutting vegetables in the kitchen, heard the little girl's voice, and hurriedly stopped his movements, walked out of the kitchen, worried about what happened to her?

When Jian Yi saw his uncle standing at the door of the kitchen, Jian Yi was stunned, and then reacted instinctively and hurried to his uncle.

When she ran in front of the younger uncle, Jian Yi buried her head in her arms and hugged him tightly.

He Lichen looked at the little girl like this, knowing that she lacks security, but with a disheveled hair, she ran out without wearing shoes. Doesn't she know how cold the floor is?

"Let go first." He Lichen said to the little girl, not very gentle.

"I thought you were gone, I really thought you were gone." Jian Yi didn't answer, and said her own words. At this time, the worry in her heart disappeared and her mood calmed down.

"I didn't go," He Lichen said, "Be obedient, let me go first."

He Lichen didn't hug the little girl because he just came out of the kitchen and didn't wash his hands for fear of soiling the little girl's clothes.

Jianyi was obedient, let go of his uncle, then took a step back and looked at his uncle.

"Why come out without wearing shoes?" He Lichen asked.

"Forgot." Jian Yi was innocent.

"This look is very ugly." He Lichen said deliberately. In fact, in her own heart, she has always been perfect and never ugly, but this time, I have to let her remember and run out of the bedroom carelessly. Not pretty either.

"Really?" Jian Yi asked, caring in his heart.

He Lichen did not answer, because he knew the answer in his heart, of course it was not true.

Changing the subject, He Lichen continued, "At the company, I asked you to leave. I ate lunch later and went to work in the afternoon."

"" Jian Yi opened his eyes wide, couldn't believe it, and asked my uncle, "How did you ask for leave? Does our colleague know you?"

The president of He Yi Empire headquarters, if his colleagues knew, how could he still get involved in the company?

"Call your company executive and ask for leave," He Lichen replied, "rest assured, they don't know, I just say that I am your family member."

Because the little girl is in that branch, the contact information of that branch is backed up in her mobile phone.

Only then did Jian Yi feel relieved and let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Oh, that's okay, okay."

If they are known by their colleagues, they will be dead, they will definitely gossip, and then they will be the protagonist in their spit star.

"Go put on your shoes, then wash, I'll go in and cook." He Lichen finished speaking, and turned and walked into the kitchen.

Jian Yi was very happy this time. Instead of putting on shoes, she stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at the little uncle inside, and asked with a smile, "Uncle, you can cook?"

He Lichen did not answer.

"Who taught you? Aunt? Or Xiaomei?" Jian Yi asked again.

He Lichen still did not answer.

Jian Yi was in a good mood, but the uncle didn't pay attention to herself, which was still a bit disappointed.


"Okay, then I'm leaving." After speaking, Jane turned around and went to the bedroom to put on shoes.

This lunch is not a dark meal. Jian Yi ate it happily, and then commented, "It tastes good."

"Yes, just eat more, you are too skinny now." He Lichen said, putting vegetables in the little girl's bowl.

"Uncle, I am not thin, but skinny." Jian Yi corrected.

He Lichen didn't speak. Anyway, this girl is beautiful in his own eyes, so it doesn't matter whether it is skinny or not.

After eating, the two cleaned up the kitchen and cleaned up before going to work.

Jian Yi came to the company, signed in from the administrative side, and then went to the office. As soon as she walked into the office of his department, Jian Yi was surrounded by a group of colleagues.

"Jian Yi, is your health better?"

"Little Jane, you asked for leave in the morning. Did you go to the hospital to get a bottle?"

"Pay attention to your body, Jian Yi, don't be too tired."

Listening to the greetings and concerns of colleagues one by one, Jian Yi knew that when the uncle asked for leave in the morning, he must have said that he was not feeling well and asked for a half day off, so the administrative person should tell his colleagues in his department. We asked ourselves that.

"Well, it's better, thank you for your concern." Jian Yi answered everyone with a smile.

"I just had a headache in the morning, so I went to the hospital to see it and it was fine."

"Just take some medicine these two days, it's okay."

Jian Yi replied simply, feeling a little uncomfortable, after all, these words were all lies.

But my uncle took a leave of absence in the morning, and my colleagues were so concerned, and I felt a little embarrassed, so if you lied, just lie. Anyway, this lie won't cause harm to anyone, isn't it a bad thing?

After talking with his colleagues, Jianyi returned to his office and sat down. Suddenly he thought of his uncle, thinking about his appearance, and what he said to himself. He hugged himself to sleep last night.

These flashing images in his mind made Jian Yi's eyes empty long ago, as if immersed in it.

"Jianyi, Jianyi, Yiyi" My colleague Hu Yangyang stood beside Jianyi and called out several times without hearing Jianyi's answer.

"This girl won't feel sick yet? Isn't she okay?" Hu Yangyang said, reaching out and touching Jianyi's shoulder.

Jian Yi felt that someone touched him, instinctively, his body trembled immediately, then quickly stood up and looked to his side.

"I, I, it's me." Hu Yangyang knew that Jian Yi was scared, and hurriedly answered.

After Jian Yi saw that it was Hu Yangyang, he let out a long sigh of relief and said, "I was scared to death."

"Deserve it," Hu Yangyang said deliberately. He and Jian Yi are colleagues, good friends, and buddies, so there is not much etiquette and written words when the two get along, "Who told you not to answer me just now?"

"You just called you so many times, you just ignored me." Hu Yangyang said.

Jian Yi knew that she had lost her mind just now, and she hadn't heard Hu Yangyang's voice, so she would definitely not pay attention to her.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something just now." Jane said sorry.

Hu Yangyang was not so foolish. He approached Jian Yi and asked guessingly, "I don't think I'm thinking about things? Honestly, do you have a sweetheart?"

The three words "Sweetheart" made Jianyi blush in an instant, and hurriedly said shyly, "Where is there, I don't, how can I have a sweetheart?" Jianyi didn't admit it at all. His gaze would dodge and he didn't dare to look at Hu. Yangyang.

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