Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1346: Thought of by others

Hu Yangyang was trying to speak and refuse, but it was too late.

"I, mine" Hu Yangyang wanted to say something, but Jian Yi interrupted him.

"Yangyang, let's go together. Just be with me. After dinner, I will drive you home." Jian Yi said.

Hu Yangyang knows that if he goes there, it will be an electric light bulb, but think about it, Wang Feng has just started chasing Jianyi now, and he has not yet officially confessed, it seems that he is not a light bulb, so

After thinking for a while, Hu Yangyang changed his mind and looked at Jian Yi, "Okay, that sister will be righteous and accompany you."

Because it was dinner, I was actually worried about Jane’s safety. After all, this little girl was so good-looking and not safe at all. Not to mention that Wang Summit would not do anything to Jane, in case people around her would stare at Jane during dinner. How to do?

"Well, I will remember your good." Jian Yi answered Hu Yangyang with a smile.

"Remember to take me home after dinner." Hu Yangyang also said with satisfaction.

"Well, anyway, the place where we two live is not far away, so I will take you home on the way." Jian Yi said.

"Then it's settled."


After get off work, Jian Yi left the office with Hu Yangyang and Wang Feng. Wang Feng drove in front. Jian Yi drove and Hu Yangyang followed to eat at a nearby high-end restaurant.

When they came to the restaurant, the three of them sat down and started ordering. Wang Feng is a gentleman, taking care of the two ladies, especially Jian Yi.

Jian Yi didn't take it seriously, and didn't know what Wang Feng meant. He only felt that this meal was a normal meal with colleagues.

Although Hu Yangyang has no special performance, he will pay more attention to the colors of the two people around him, and try not to disturb the chat between them.

The three of them ate and talked together, and the atmosphere was pretty good.

At this time, Wan Kun brought his cousin to the restaurant to eat.

As soon as Wan Kun walked into the restaurant, he glanced over and saw Jian Yi, his expression changed suddenly and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The cousin saw the change in his cousin’s expression on the side, then followed his cousin’s gaze and asked, “Brother, did you meet your girlfriend?”

"Fuck off." Wan Kun directly replied to his cousin.

The cousin knew she had guessed wrong and stopped talking.

Wan Kun then explained, "My buddy's friend."

Well, it's a friend, or what else? Li Chen didn't confirm any other relationship with Jian Yi, so how dare he say anything?

If he spread rumors to Young Master He, I would be really scared. That kid would get angry and target himself specifically. At that time, it would not work to ask grandpa to beg grandma.

"Oh, but those two women are pretty," the cousin will start gossiping again, "Brother, who is your buddy's friend? If it's not a girlfriend, you can"

The cousin wanted to tell her cousin to chase his buddy’s friend, but she was yelled at by her cousin before she could say it.

"Okay, what are you talking nonsense?" Wan Kun said with a warning look, and glanced at the cousin on the side, "Gossip, next time no one will eat with you, don't find me, I won't take you out for dinner."

"Oh, okay, I see." The cousin finished speaking, becoming like a wilted flower, and said nothing.


"Our position is on the second floor, table 213, you go up first." Wan Kun said to his cousin, he was in a fixed position, not on the first floor.

"Hmm." The cousin would be very obedient, and after answering, she went up by herself.

Wan Kun didn't rush up, walked down to the place next to the door, trying not to block the way of pedestrians, and then looked at Jian Yi's table not far away.

There is a man and a woman next to Jian Yi. It seems that the relationship between the three is good, talking and laughing, but looking at the man's actions and eyes, it seems to be interesting to Jian Yi.

The man understands the man, the smile on that man's face and the joyful look in his eyes are absolutely certain that he likes Jane.

On the contrary, the man's smile and look at the other woman's face were not like that.

Wan Kun probably understood the meaning of Jian Yi’s meal, and guessed something, stood there and smiled softly, and then said to himself, "He Lichen, He Lichen, you are so busy at work every day, your little girl But it was missed by others."

Wan Kun didn't wait much. Before leaving, he saw Jian Yi eating casually. Wan Kun didn't think anything would happen afterwards, so he went upstairs.

Upstairs, although Wan Kun brought his cousin to eat, he didn't eat much. The cousin ordered the meal. After taking a few bites, he didn't plan to eat any more, so he put down his chopsticks.

"Brother, why don't you eat it? Isn't the food here delicious?" the cousin asked.

"Eat your own, I'm not hungry, don't eat anymore," Wan Kun has always had no good tone to his cousin, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love her cousin. After all, it is a family relationship. "Eat it yourself, I'll go to the balcony over there and smoke a cigarette."

"Well, you go, I can finish all of these anyway." The cousin is also not polite, to this cousin, I have never been polite since childhood.

"Well, it's not enough, I'll pay for it later."

"Good drop." The cousin knew that the cousin still loved herself in her heart.

Wan Kun went to smoke on the balcony on the second floor and took a look at the surrounding night scene. It was already dark.

After standing on the balcony for a while, Wan Kun still didn't hold back, took out his mobile phone, and called He Lichen.

At this time, by the Lishui Bay, He Lichen was eating with his parents, chatting with his dad about work from time to time.

Although He Zikai doesn't care about He Yi now, but with many years of workplace experience, coupled with daily understanding of business and economic circles, and talking about work with his son, there is no gap at all.

Suddenly, He Lichen's cell phone rang.

He Lichen put down the dishes, picked up the phone next to him, and frowned. He didn't understand. Why is Wan Kun calling now?

"What's the matter?" Cheng Nuo noticed the change in his son's expression, and asked, "Who is calling?"

"Wan Kun," He Lichen adjusted his emotions and recovered to what he had been before, and then said to his parents, "Dad, Mom, I will answer the phone first.

"Well, go ahead." He Zikai answered.

Cheng Nuo knew that Wan Kun was a good friend of his son, so he didn't care and continued to eat.

He Lichen went to the living room to answer the phone.

"What's the matter?" He Lichen asked.

"Are you at home?" Wan Kun asked instead without answering.

"Nonsense, are you not here?" He Lichen said. "Really right, I'm not at home," Wan Kun replied with a smile, "I took my cousin to eat out."

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