Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1352: Her happiness

Because once you get married, your relationship with her and her relationship will be much lighter than it is now. Even if her position in her heart remains the same, she should always pay attention to the changes in her identity. I don't want to be alienated from her, so I haven't paid attention to marriage matters for a long time. Now I am thirty-two, and I know that it will not last long. Even if I can delay it, it will be delayed until the age of forty. She is now twenty-two, growing up day by day, she will always have self

The boy I like is the one who will marry in the future, so this fact must be faced. Suddenly, He Lichen withdrew his thoughts and didn't think about it anymore. He told himself in his heart, to live a good life, live a good life at this moment, at least the little girl is by her side, in her arms, and the relationship between herself and her. Close, still the same, these are enough, I am full

That's enough.

After that, until the end of the movie, He Lichen and Xiao Niu'er didn't say a word. When the movie was over and everyone in the room was gone, He Lichen said to the little girl, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Jian Yi replied, and then left from his uncle's arms.

The two walked back to the apartment and back to the apartment. After He Lichen changed his slippers, he took the little girl and sat down on the sofa.

"You take a break first, I'll give you bath water." He Lichen said.

"No," Jian Yi said, "I just take a shower."

"Too tired, don't want to take a bath." Jian Yi added afterwards.

He Lichen petted her, nodded and said, "Then you go in for a bath, and I'll get your pajamas."

"Yeah." After Jianyi answered, went to take a bath.

He Lichen went to the bedroom, took the little girl's pajamas, hung it on the hook at the bathroom door, and went to the living room to sit and wait.

After Jianyi came out of the shower, she saw her uncle sitting in the living room, wiping her hair and said to her, "Uncle, you go take a bath."

"Yeah." When He Lichen answered, he got up and walked in front of the little girl.

Waiting for the little girl, He Lichen said to her gently, "Dry your hair before going to sleep."

After speaking, He Lichen asked again, "Shall I sleep with you tonight?"

Jian Yi nodded, looked at her uncle and said, "Well, the same as last time."

"Okay," He Lichen readily agreed this time, and said, "Dry your hair later and go to bed first, don't wait for me."


Jian Yi watched her uncle walk into the bathroom, then wiped her hair and rested. It may be a day’s work, really tired, Jian Yi lay on the bed, and after a while, she fell asleep faintly until she felt movement around her, and after smelling a familiar breath, she was pulled into a warm embrace. , Jian Yi just waved away some sleepiness, opened his eyes and looked towards Xiao


"I woke you up," He Lichen whispered, "I'm sorry."

"No," Jian Yi replied politely. There would still be a lot of sleepiness in his mind, and he would not think through his brain when speaking, and cried, "Uncle."


"Can we still do this in the future?" Jian Yi asked. From the meeting with my uncle in the office today, all kinds of conjectures and fantasies started in his heart, so that he still cared about this meeting.

He Lichen also understood in his heart what the little girl was asking.


There was a bit of confusion in his heart, but He Lichen still faced the reality and replied, "It may not work."

"Girl, after I get married, I can continue to spoil you and protect you. Your position in my heart will not change, but" He Lichen paused, "As a person with a family, I have something It needs attention."

He Lichen understands this very well. Afterwards, even if he marries a woman he doesn't love, he will be that person's husband. Some things are enough. On the one hand, he is good to himself and on the other hand, he is good to the little girl.

"Uncle," Jian Yi felt uncomfortable because of the words of his uncle. Using the faint light of the wall lamp, he said to him, "I don't want you to get married."

I don't want my uncle to get married, I don't want other women to occupy my uncle, and I don't want my uncle to treat other women nicely.

He Lichen didn't answer the little girl, because he knew it was impossible.

In silence, He Lichen did not speak, nor did Jian Yi.

After a long time, He Lichen hugged the chick and said, "Go to sleep, eh?"

Having avoided this question, He Lichen did not intend to answer.

In fact, I don’t even want to get married. If I can protect her for a lifetime, even if I leave her first when I get old, I want to do this and protect her to the end of life.

However, I know that I can't give her such protection. I have family responsibilities, the expectations of my family, and the expectations of the entire He family. I cannot be so self-willed.

And in the future, she will have the happiness that belongs to her, and the person who can make her happy should be about the same age as her, can give her more happiness and protection, so that she will not be able to do it every day. alone.

Jian Yi closed her eyes and didn't say anything. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't shed tears and could only endure it.

Gradually, Jian Yi fell asleep again.

He Lichen couldn't sleep at the beginning, but he didn't dare to move his body for fear of disturbing the person in his arms. He stared at the front, thinking deeply.

He Lichen didn't go to sleep until after three o'clock in the morning.

On Saturday, He Lichen and Jian Yi had nothing to do. They slept until they woke up naturally before getting up.

Jian Yi's mood is much better today, as if nothing happened yesterday and she doesn't know anything, she still acted like a baby in front of her uncle as usual.

"Uncle, let's go out to eat later, I want to eat Cantonese food." Jian Yi said.

"Well," He Lichen answered, "Sit down and don't move."

Jian Yi sat on the sofa without moving.

Holding the little girl's socks in his hand, He Lichen walked over, squatted down on one knee, and put on the little girl's socks.

Jian Yi enjoys the care of my uncle very much. I remember that when I was in school, every time I came to see my uncle, he was very lazy and sloppy. So these little things were taken care of by my uncle, and I liked it very much. The feeling is the same now.

And this kind of thing, in He Lichen's mind, taking care of her has become a habit, without any embarrassment or awkwardness.

After putting on the socks for the little girl, He Lichen looked at her clothes and said to her, "Go change to a warmer dress and we will go out again."

"" Jian Yi's eyes widened, looked down at her clothes, and then looked at her uncle again, and said, "My clothes are quite warm, it must not be cold." "It's windy outside today, go change clothes. "He Lichen's tone became more serious, saying that there was no discussion and he had to change his clothes.

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