Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1358: Where are you?

Two minutes later, the private room door was knocked and He Lichen responded. The waiter opened the door outside and said politely, "Mr. He, your friend is here."

After speaking, the waiter stepped aside, and You Jia walked in, wearing a black formal suit, carrying a small square bag in his heart.

You Jia recognized He Lichen the first time he saw He Lichen, because he had seen He Lichen more than once in newspapers and magazines and on TV.

"Mr. He, hello." You Jia greeted politely.

"Hello." He Lichen stood up and greeted You Jia. The two walked a few steps forward, stretched out their hands and greeted them politely.

After that, He Lichen introduced Li Xuwen and Wan Kun to You Jia. You Jia greeted them, and Li Xuwen and Wan Kun also greeted You Jia.

The four people sat down again, and You Jia looked at He Lichen and said with a smile, "I have seen Mr. He's picture a long time ago. It is rumored that many women in Zhongxigang have a male **** in the hearts of many women. I saw him today. I am much more handsome than the picture."

"Thank you," He Lichen said, "Ms. You is also a beautiful woman, with great temperament and special natural beauty."

"Thank you." You Jia answered with a smile.

All four of them knew in their hearts that these were all kind words.

Afterwards, the four people ate and talked. Because everyone has a high EQ and IQ, each of them speaks appropriately, and the atmosphere in the private room is very harmonious.

"President He, from He Yi's current strength, you can see your ability, you must be very good." You Jia said, looking at He Lichen with admiration and appreciation in his eyes.

"There may be a few specialties, but it's hard to talk about being completely excellent," He Lichen said. "He Yi is our family business. From the time my dad managed it, He Yi's operation and development are good and stable. , Now I just manage it my way."

You Jia smiled, "Mr. He, you are too modest. People of our age tend to talk about their own characteristics, but you are not."

Based on the understanding just now, You Jia knew that he was about the same age as He Lichen, Li Xuwen, and Wan Kun, and there was no gap between them.

And in my impression, the men's friends around me are more like to publicize their personality and achievements, while He Lichen, and his two friends, are relatively low-key.

He Lichen also smiled softly and replied to You Jia, "Maybe I am an alternative among people of our age."

Without discussing this topic anymore, You Jia next asked He Lichen, Li Xuwen and Wan Kun, "I don't know the three, do you understand the situation of the commercial bank here in Xigang?"

"What kind of information do you want to know about commercial banks?" Li Xuwen asked.

"Loans and Investments"

The four people chatted. They talked about topics related to the business community of Westport, or topics about financial banks. No one talked about the cooperation between Youjia's bank and He Lichen's He Yi.

When meeting for the first time, He Lichen and Li Xuwen Wankun, the three of them gave You Jia a very good impression, especially He Lichen. You Jia paid special attention to this man in his heart.

He deserves to be the president of the He Yi Empire. The pride of the He family is really a very good and attractive man. If he is a little more frivolous, he may be tempted by this man during this meeting, even Have a good impression.

It's just that my own education and experience have precipitated my heart, and I only feel that this man is good and special, at least that's what I feel in my heart.

It's tempting, the first time I met, I can't talk about it. As for the goodwill, You Jia does not deny that it is, how much he has not seriously considered this weight.

After eating, He Lichen paid the bill, and then the four of them walked out of the restaurant together.

auzw.com"Did you come by car?" He Lichen asked, thinking of sending You Jia home. After all, he invited her. This gentleman's obligation is still in his heart.

"No, the assistant drove me over. She was nearby. I called her and asked her to pick me up." You Jia replied.

"You can call to ask her where she is, and I'll take you there, so you don't have to trouble her over," He Lichen suggested, and then said, "I am more familiar with this city than your assistant."

Hearing He Lichen's kindness, if in the past, You Jia would definitely refuse, because there are too many men who are always courteous, and he is all an attitude, and he refuses directly, but this time because the other party is He Lichen, he has a good opinion of the man in his heart.

You Jia met He Lichen's gaze, and instantly, the sensibility in his mind was reduced by half, let alone thinking.

"Then trouble you." You Jia said, agreeing to He Lichen's proposal.

"It should." He Lichen replied with a smile.

The four of them went to the nearby parking lot. You Jia called the assistant and asked about the location. The assistant had already had dinner in a nearby tea restaurant.

You Jia got into He Lichen's car. He Lichen drove the car and drove You Jia to the tea restaurant where the assistant was nearby.

Li Xuwen and Wan Kun did not go far, but followed He Lichen's car.

He Lichen sent You Jia to the entrance of the tea restaurant. Before You Jia released the seat belt and got off the car, he said to He Lichen, "Thank you for your invitation today, and for sending me here. If possible, I will invite you to dinner next time."

He Lichen knew that this was an exchange of courtesy and an independent woman, who didn't rely on men in her heart, and didn't think it was normal for men to treat dinner.

"Well, thank you for giving me this honor." He Lichen nodded and replied, and agreed.

Hearing He Lichen's promise, You Jia was inexplicably happy. In this way, he would have the opportunity to see He Lichen next time, and he would have more reasons to see him.

"Don't be so annoying," You Jia said with a smile, "From now on, everyone will be friends. You can call me You Jia."

"Well," He Lichen replied, "Then you also change the name of President He, you can call my name."

"Call you like Mr. Li and Mr. Wan? Lichen?" You Jia asked, this would be no longer strange to He Lichen, and chat like a friend.

"Yeah." He Lichen replied.

You Jia smiled, "Then I'm leaving, goodbye."

"OK Bye Bye."

Before You Jia got off the car, before leaving, he did not forget to tell He Lichen, "Be careful on the road."

"Yes." He Lichen replied and shook his hand towards You Jia.

You Jia also shook his hand and signaled goodbye before turning around and walking into the tea restaurant.

When You Jia disappeared, He Lichen was about to start the car.

While starting the car, He Lichen started a multi-person conversation, connecting Li Xuwen and Wan Kun.

"Where are you?" He Lichen asked while driving.

"Not far behind your car." Li Xuwen replied. "Get together or go home?" Wan Kun asked.

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