Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 1361: I like He Lichen

He Lichen helped her solve You Jia’s work problems. She didn’t understand. He Lichen explained to her in detail to let her know more about Xigang’s business community. He even agreed to let her assistant send her some previous economic magazines. Let her see for herself the economic events in Westport.

"Lichen, thank you so much this time for helping me so much." You Jia said to He Lichen when the two of them walked out of the restaurant after eating.

"It's okay, it's just a small effort, no thanks." He Lichen said.

You Jia looked at He Lichen's profile, and gradually became infatuated in his eyes.

He Lichen didn't notice this. He waited for a while before he heard You Jia's voice before looking at You Jia beside him.

The two looked at each other, and He Lichen realized You Jia's gaze.

One second, two seconds, You Jia suddenly shifted his eyes and hurriedly lowered his head.

Only for a short two seconds, He Lichen still saw the emotion in You Jia's eyes. At this moment, the atmosphere between the two was a bit embarrassing.

After ten seconds passed, He Lichen broke the atmosphere first and asked, "Send you back to the hotel?"

You Jia also adjusted his emotions and answered He Lichen, "Well, can you go back later?"

"Huh?" He Lichen didn't quite understand what You Jia meant.

This time, You Jia met He Lichen's gaze again, only the friendship between friends, and said, "I want to see the night view of Xigang, can you accompany me?"

He Lichen didn't think it was too much for You Jia's request. He just went home late, so, "Well, you can."

"Then I will drive you to the square in the city center, where the night view is good." He Lichen said.

"Okay, listen to you," You Jia said with a smile, "Then I will tell the assistant not to pick me up."

"Well, I'll take you back to the hotel later." He Lichen said, sending a friend off. By the way, it's not difficult at all.

"Okay." You Jia nodded and agreed, very happy.

The two got into the car, and He Lichen took You Jia to the city center.

At night, because of the neon lights, the scenery is really beautiful, but there is cold wind in the air, which is somewhat cold.

He Lichen and You Jia walked side by side on the square, enjoying the surrounding night view.

Being a gentleman, He Lichen took off his coat and handed it to You Jia, "Put it on, it's a bit cold."

"No need," You Jia replied with a smile, "You wear it, I'm not cold."

Such weather is indeed a bit cold, but if he wears his clothes, wouldn't he be even colder?

"Let's wear it." He Lichen did not take back her jacket, and continued to tell You Jia, knowing what she thought she refused.

You Jia was moved and happy for He Lichen's actions and practices a long time ago. He didn't insist on this meeting anymore, and took He Lichen's coat and put it on himself.

"Thank you." You Jia smiled and said to He Lichen, the impression of him in his heart was even better.

He Lichen received You Jia's gratitude, but only smiled and said nothing else.

The two continued to admire the surrounding night view.

"The night view of Westport is really beautiful." You Jia said, seeing such a beautiful night view today, I feel much better.

"Well, as an international metropolis, Xigang is developing rapidly, and the image of the city will naturally not lag behind." He Lichen replied.


"Li Chen, did you grow up in Xigang?"

"Well, yes," He Lichen said, "I left Xigang after studying abroad."

The two chatted and gradually talked about their personal lives. He Lichen didn't avoid it, and told You Jia about some things that were suitable to be said.

You Jia is also very frank, understands He Lichen's affairs, and tells He Lichen of his own affairs. The two understand each other.

The two talked as they walked. Suddenly, You Jia was wearing high heels and couldn't stand firmly. After yelling "Ah", the whole person fell forward.

When He Lichen noticed it, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he immediately stretched out his hand to hold Yu Jia's waist, and then pulled Yu Jia directly into his arms.

You Jia thought that she would fall, and she was ready to fall, but when she reacted, she was in a warm embrace, and she could smell a faint body scent, which belonged to a man.

At this moment, You Jia was immersed in such warmth, feeling the man's strong chest and warm embrace.

"Are you okay?" He Lichen asked concerned, and at the same time, pressing You Jia's arm with both hands to make sure that she could stand firmly, the whole talent took two steps back and separated from her.

You Jia recovered from the warmth in his heart, looked at He Lichen, shook his head, "It's okay."

"Just now, thank you, if it weren't for you, I would have fallen." You Jia said, still remembering the closeness with He Lichen just now.

This is the first time that I have been so close to He Lichen and have been in such close contact, my heartbeat, this will all speed up, and I can't calm down at all.

"It's okay, I should do it." He Lichen said, the friend around him had an accident, of course he had to lend a helping hand.

You Jia smiled, did not speak any more, looked at He Lichen for a while, then lowered her head, trying to calm her mood.

He Lichen didn't feel anything in his heart. He looked around and then looked at his watch. He felt that it was late.

"Or let's go back, it's too early." He Lichen said.

"Yeah." You Jia answered.

The two walked towards the parking lot.

He Lichen escorted You Jia to the hotel. Before getting off the bus, You Jia handed He Lichen the jacket and said, "Thank you for your jacket, and thank you for today."

"You're welcome." He Lichen replied.

After You Jia got off the car, You Jia beckoned to He Lichen.

He Lichen also waved his hand and said to You Jia, "Get a break early."

"Yeah." You Jia answered.

He Lichen didn't stop and drove away.

You Jia looked at He Lichen's eyes, always affectionate, from He Lichen's sideways to gradually invisible, until his car disappeared, You Jia turned and entered the hotel.

Back in the room, You Jia changed clothes and did not take a shower immediately. Instead, he poured a glass of red wine, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the scenery outside the window, and tasted the red wine.

While drinking, You Jia thought of He Lichen in his heart.

You Jia, who has always been assertive and knows his own heart, will think about it for a long time and then determine the fact that he likes He Lichen.

Regarding feelings, You Jia is not blank. Although she has always been single, the main reason is that she didn't have the person she liked. Now, she has it, He Lichen.

I like He Lichen's appearance, appreciate his excellence, and enjoy the feeling of being with him even more. I feel that every moment of being with him is happy. Being in a space with him, I feel that the surroundings are bright.

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