Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 149: Madam what's wrong

On the way back to the city, Liu Ziying was sitting in the co-pilot, holding He Zikai's arms with both hands, putting her head on He Zikai's shoulders from time to time, wanting to stay close to him.

"Sit down, it's dangerous." He Zikai reminded her that he didn't want to be so close to her.

After falling in love with Nuoer, I only want to stay with Nuoer intimately. Other people, including Yingzi, do not want to be close.

"No, they want to pester you like that." Liu Ziying said in a low voice, without any intention of sitting upright.

He Zikai turned his head and glanced at Liu Ziying, feeling helpless.

She knows her personality best. She won't do anything she doesn't want to do. She will never try to do anything, nor will she force herself. She will do everything according to her temperament.

He Zikai didn't say anything in the end. While driving the car, he put on the Bluetooth headset and dialed An Lin's number.

"Mr He" An Lin answered the phone over there, still wondering what happened to the boss.

The meeting changed suddenly, and he left He Yi without even having a chance to say it to himself.

"Well, Yingzi is back." He Zikai said calmly, "Where are the keys to the villa and car that you had prepared before?"

I had told An Lin to prepare these for Yingzi. This time Yingzi came back, and it was time for her to give her the keys to the villa and the car.

"" When An Lin heard the news of Liu Ziying's return, the first person in his mind was not Liu Ziying, but Cheng Nuo.

She's back, what about the wife?

Liu Ziying's feelings for her boss are very clear to herself, but the boss has married his wife, and their feelings are still very good, but now

An Lin didn't dare to think about the future, and suddenly worried about Cheng Nuolai.

Liu Ziying is self-willed, extreme, and possessive. If she knew that her boss and Cheng Nuo were married, would she do anything to Cheng Nuo?

He Zikai did not hear An Lin's answer for a long time, frowned slightly, and called, "An Lin"

"Well, Mr. He, I'm here." An Lin Limara returned to his thoughts, did not dare to think, and hurriedly answered He Zikai's answer, "The keys of the villa and the car are all with me, do you want to send them to you now? "

"Send directly to the villa, Yingzi and I will now go back to the villa." He Zikai said.


He Zikai hung up the phone. Before saying anything, Liu Ziying suddenly came up, printed a kiss on He Zikai's cheek, and said, "Kai, I'm very touched by what you did for me."

In addition to being moved, there is a deep love in my heart. Since he is so good to me, I will love him even more from now on.

He Zikai didn't know how to answer. In the end, he didn't answer her words. He just said, "Take a rest, there is still some way to go back to the city."

"Well, I'll sleep with you like this." Liu Ziying finished speaking, holding He Zikai's arms with her hands, resting her head on He Zikai's shoulders, closing her eyes to rest.

He Zikai was reluctant to rest on her own in this way, but thought that she was tired by flying, so he silently allowed it.

When He Zikai and Liu Ziying came to the door of the small villa, An Lin had already stood there waiting.

He Zikai stopped the car, and then got off with Liu Ziying.

An Lin saw the two get out of the car and hurried forward.

"President He" An Lin first greeted He Zikai, then turned his gaze to Liu Ziying and greeted, "Miss Liu, hello."

auzw.com "Well, An Lin, hello." Liu Ziying had met An Lin before, so she was no stranger to An Lin.

An Lin nodded, and then gave the two keys in her hand to Liu Ziying, "These are the keys of the villa and the car, please keep them away."

Liu Ziying took the two keys, looked at An Lin and said thank you, then looked at He Zikai.

Liu Ziying did not say thank you to He Zikai, but in front of An Lin, took a step forward, hugged He Zikai, and took the initiative to kiss He Zikai.

"" He Zikai frowned immediately, never expecting Liu Ziying to act like this.

She knew her willfulness, but in just a few hours, the number of kisses she proactively kissed herself made herself too surprised.

Seeing Liu Ziying's behavior, An Lin immediately avoided his eyes.

Liu Ziying happily kissed He Zikai, completely disregarding He Zikai's surprised expression, and then walked to the villa.

Seeing Liu Ziying's back, He Zikai felt helpless.

"You go back first. I'm not going to the company today. Call me if you have an emergency." He Zikai turned and said to An Lin.

"Well, good." An Lin nodded, not surprised at He Zikai's decision.

Afterwards, An Lin turned around and walked to his car.

On the banks of Lishui Bay, Cheng Nuo woke up naturally, opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling in a daze, stretched out, and got out of bed to wash.

When standing in the bathroom brushing his teeth, Cheng Nuo felt a little uncomfortable in his appetite, and retched several times. Then he rinsed his mouth with water and felt better.

After washing, Cheng Nuo changed into a simple casual outfit, and went downstairs to prepare for dinner.

Aunt Lan didn't know when Cheng Nuo would go downstairs. She had already prepared a simple meal. This would see Cheng Nuo come downstairs before Aunt Lan greeted her.

"Madam, good noon." Aunt Lan said with a smile, it's already past 12 o'clock in this meeting.

"Well, Aunt Lan." Cheng Nuo responded and gave Aunt Lan a smile.

"I have prepared the food, do you want to eat now?" Aunt Lan asked.

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m? 6 eggs? 5m vortex?? Hu??? 4 Cheng Nuo nodded and replied. When I woke up, I felt hungry.

"Then you go to the restaurant and sit, I'll bring it for you." Aunt Lan said, she was very happy to serve the hostess. She has no temper at all and is very friendly to herself, as if she has always regarded herself as an elder. No one has ever seen it before. People have feelings. Whoever treats oneself well will naturally treat him well.

"Well, it's hard work." Cheng Nuo said.

Sitting in the dining room, Cheng Nuo waited for Aunt Lan to bring the food, and then used chopsticks to prepare the meal.

But looking at the food in front of him, Cheng Nuo didn't know which one to eat, especially when he saw the meat dishes, he didn't have any appetite at all, and suddenly he didn't feel hungry.

Cheng Nuo paused for a long time with the chopsticks, and finally he had to eat some vegetarian dishes first, and then some rice to fill his stomach.

Just as Cheng Nuo put a mouthful of greens into his mouth, the discomfort in his stomach immediately came up.

Cheng Nuo felt unwell, immediately put down his chopsticks, covered his mouth, got up, and ran to the bathroom on the first floor.

Aunt Lan was sorting things in the kitchen and heard the sound of the dining room outside. She turned her head to look at the dining room with doubts, and saw Cheng Nuo hurriedly running to the back of the bathroom.

Suddenly, Aunt Lan's heart also became tense, what happened to his wife?

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