Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 166: I don't care about my life and death

On the other side, after He Zikai hung up the phone, he walked to Liu Ziying not far away.

"Kai, come and take a look, I want to buy this bracelet." Liu Ziying just saw He Zikai coming over and said happily.

"Buy if you like it." He Zikai said lightly, then took out the card and handed it to the shopping guide.

After accompanying Yingzi to the hospital in the morning, she felt bored at home again in the afternoon. She had to let herself go out with her and just had some food. This will be in a jewelry store. She has been in a jewelry store for more than an hour.

The shopping guide took He Zikai's card, nodded politely, and then went to the cashier to settle the account of the bracelet.

After the checkout, the shopping guide handed the card back to He Zikai, put the bracelet in a box, handed it to Liu Ziying, and said with a smile, "Your husband is so kind to you, I wish you happiness."

Listening to the shopping guide, Liu Ziying immediately became happy, moved a step to He Zikai's side, took He Zikai's arm, smiled at the shopping guide, and replied, "Thank you, we will be very happy."

He Zikai was hindered by the appearance of Liu Ziying in front of outsiders, and it was difficult to resist Liu Ziying's words, which embarrassed her in front of outsiders.

Walking out of the jewelry store, the two of them got into the car. When He Zikai started the car and slowly left, he said to Liu Ziying, "Now I will take you home. Go and rest early."

Liu Ziying was also immersed in the happiness of the shopping guide who mistakenly thought He Zikai was her husband just now. Hearing He Zikai's words, she immediately changed her mood.

"What about you?" Liu Ziying asked, sending herself back and letting herself rest earlier, what about him?

"I want to go home." He Zikai said, looking at the road ahead with a calm expression on his face.

"Then I will go back with you, and I will live by Lishui Bay tonight." Liu Ziying said, she had already decided in her heart that where Kai is, she is.

"No" He Zikai refused coldly.

"" Liu Ziying looked at He Zikai's profile, a little surprised that He Zikai would reject herself so quickly, and her heart was more angry.

Why can't I go? I had already identified him as his own man in my heart, and he had been there before. Why can't he go now?

He Zikai turned his head, glanced at Liu Ziying, then retracted his gaze to look forward.

He Zikai knew that Liu Ziying was angry and worried that she would make trouble when she became emotional. After thinking about it, she softened her voice and said again, "Yingzi, stay with you for a day today. Give me some personal space."

Hearing He Zikai's voice became much gentler, the anger in Liu Ziying's heart has not disappeared.

Turning her head to look out the window, Liu Ziying began to breathe, ignoring He Zikai.

He Zikai did not hear Liu Ziying's answer, and then turned her head to look at it, knowing she was angry.

"Yingzi" He Zikai tried to call her patiently.

Liu Ziying still ignored He Zikai, as if she hadn't heard.

Seeing this atmosphere, He Zikai didn't know what to do.

The atmosphere of the two of them remained deadlocked until the door of the small villa.

As soon as He Zikai stopped the car, Liu Ziying pushed the car door down.

He Zikai was worried about the injury on her hand, and with her emotions, she was not sure what she would do when she became impulsive.

After all, He Zikai was worried, got out of the car and walked into the small villa.

Liu Ziying sat on the sofa, holding a pillow, just sitting quietly.

Helpless, He Zikai walked over and kept a distance from her and sat down.

"Yingzi, don't be angry. I will come over tomorrow morning to accompany you to the hospital to change the medicine." He Zikai said that she can't drive with her hands, so she has to drive with her to the hospital.


"You don't care about my life and death." Liu Ziying said a word.

He Zikai knew that this woman was angry, and was not surprised at what she said.

The two of them just sat there, and the atmosphere became calm again.

In the end, He Zikai still couldn't bear it, and told Nuo'er to get home in a while, but time wasted no way.

"Yingzi." He Zikai's tone became harder and slowly said, "What are you going to do?"

Liu Ziying heard He Zikai's tone change, and felt that he was angry. Her heart was a little shaken, but she still didn't speak.

"If you don't speak any more, I'll leave." He Zikai said, her character can't be figured out by herself now, but she has no time to spend with her today.

While Liu Ziying was hesitating, He Zikai's character also understood. Sometimes he could act coquettishly in front of him and he would leave it alone, but sometimes he had a bad temper and would not buy his own willful account.

He Zikai didn't hear Liu Ziying speaking, got up and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, Liu Ziying grabbed He Zikai's arm and looked at He Zikai.

"You accompany me, wait until I fall asleep, you go again, okay?" Liu Ziying said, her anger was just now in her voice, and she also requested him to accompany her.

He Zikai turned around and met Liu Ziying's gaze. In the end, she was defeated by her innocent look.

"Yeah." He Zikai agreed.

Watching her fall asleep, she left by herself. This way, although Nuoer would wait a little longer, when he thought of holding Nuoer to bed tonight, He Zikai also had expectations in her heart.

After nine o'clock, Liu Ziying went upstairs to rest, and He Zikai sat on the sofa with her just like last time.

It wasn't until ten o'clock that He Zikai got up and saw that the person on the bed was asleep before leaving the bedroom.

He Zikai left the small villa and drove frantically towards the house. He couldn't wait to see Nuo'er.

When he was almost home, He Zikai received a call from Song Jingye.

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m?6 ovo?5m vortex????????4 "Jing Ye" He Zikai puts on the Bluetooth headset.

"Zi Kai, didn't you bother you and your sister-in-law to rest?" Song Jingye asked, after all, it was night time, worried that it would disturb others' rest.

"No." He Zikai said, and didn't intend to explain Song Jingye's misunderstanding that he was at home, and asked, "I will call, what's wrong?"

"If you have nothing important tomorrow morning, come to my side first. I have some tricky things I want to discuss with you. You can help me get an idea." Song Jingye said.

He Zikai quickly thought about it. There should be nothing important tomorrow. If Jing Ye has something to do, he can postpone Yingzi to the hospital until the afternoon. As for the company's documents, let An Lin send it home. , You can also work overtime at home to review.

"Well, yes, I will be there tomorrow morning." He Zikai replied.

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning."

He Zikai hung up the phone, holding the steering wheel in both hands, and speeding up the driving speed, his mind was full of Nuo'er.

Twenty minutes later, He Zikai returned to Lishui Bay and couldn't wait to walk into the living room.

"Nuoer" He Zikai called out cordially, looked at the living room, but found that there was no one.

"Nuoer?" He Zikai cried, and then looked at the restaurant and balcony, but there was still no figure of Noer.

The lights on the first floor were all on. He Zikai looked it up carefully and made sure that Nuo'er was not on the first floor, so he quickly went upstairs.

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