Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 182: Are you amnesia

"Well, Kai is good to me, and told those people, what I want to eat, let them buy me and send it home." Liu Ziying said drippingly, "Sister, you say Kai Treating me so well, what will I give him back then?"

"Of course I agree with my body." Li Fangqiong immediately answered, "You two grew up when you were young, and everyone recognizes you as a pair."

After Li Fangqiong finished speaking, he didn't forget to glance at the old man with his left light.

"But, Kai said he has a wife." Liu Ziying pretended to be aggrieved.

"That wife doesn't count. Our He family doesn't recognize it. Then he and Cheng Nuo will write a divorce agreement, but our He family will give her thousands of dollars." He Cheng said at this time, "After that, Yingzi, Let Kai marry you again."

When Liu Ziying heard this, her eyes lit up, but

"Who said He's denied it?" He Peixu said coldly, breaking the three of them.

He Peixu knew what they were talking about just now, and he heard Liu Ziying's voice when he walked out of the bedroom before going downstairs.

It seems that this child is already on the side of his eldest son and daughter-in-law when he comes back this time.

When the three of them heard the old man's words, they were afraid to speak, and immediately stood up, greeted him with a polite appearance.

"Uncle He" Liu Ziying showed a well-behaved look and greeted He Peixu.

He Peixu glanced at Liu Ziying and knew she was only disguised on the surface, but due to the identity of the guest and junior, He Peixu nodded gently, "Well, sit down, don't stand."

"Yeah." Liu Ziying sat down with a grin.

He Cheng and Li Fangqiong saw that the old man didn't pay attention to them, and they were a little embarrassed in front of Liu Ziying.

"Dad, Yingzi took the initiative to come to our house as a guest today. Look, do you want to tell Zikai to come back for a meal together at noon?" When Li Fangqiong helped Liu Ziying create opportunities for her to get along with He Zikai, she also gave Step down your own steps, don't let yourself look so embarrassed.

He Peixu sat down on the sofa and looked at the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law beside him, feeling a little angry.

Zi Kai and Cheng Nuo have been married for so long, and the lives of the two seem to be very good, so for Yingzi, no matter what it was before, it is no longer possible now, so they should not say something to Yingzi Words destroy the current happiness of Zi Kai and Cheng Nuo.

He Peixu was furious, but on the surface, he still gave enough face to his elder son and daughter-in-law.

"I have already called Zi Kai. He is not busy today and will be back soon." He Peixu said, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Really?" Liu Ziying was the first to be surprised. Although she asked, she didn't intend to hear the answer, "I'll see Kai in a while."

Liu Ziying completely forgot all the words He Zikai said to her yesterday, and even chose to forget.

I only care about the present, I just want to be with Kai.

"Well, Yingzi, let's go, I will take you to the room to touch up your makeup. Zi Kai will see you so beautiful in a while, and she will definitely be moved." Li Fangqiong said, and took the initiative to walk to Liu Ziying's side and pull Liu Ziying The hand wants to go upstairs.

auzw.com "Well, sister-in-law, you are so kind." Liu Ziying said happily, and went upstairs with Li Fangqiong.

When He Zikai returned to the mansion, it was already ten o'clock in the morning. When he walked into the living room, he saw Liu Ziying and Li Fangqiong sitting together and chatting quietly. He Cheng accompanied the old man to watch the news on TV.

He Zikai finally set his sights on Liu Ziying, her face heavy.

"Second Young Master, you are back." Seeing He Zikai's return, the butler took the initiative to greet him.

At this time, the four people in the living room noticed He Zikai at the door.

"Kai, you're back!" Liu Ziying stood up excitedly and immediately ran to He Zikai's side, as if this was her home.

He Zikai looked at Liu Ziying, and suddenly felt a little disgusted in her heart. What she said yesterday, did she catch the wind in her ears?

Liu Ziying walked to He Zikai and wanted to go forward and give He Zikai a hug, but due to the father in the living room, Liu Ziying finally only took He Zikai's arm affectionately.

"I didn't even come to the hospital in a hurry in the morning, so I asked those people to send me to the mansion." Liu Ziying said sternly, her voice becoming extremely soft, "Kai, will you take me to the hospital yourself this afternoon?"

Compared with those people who sent him to the hospital, I wanted He Zikai to send him personally. Because of this, I would have the opportunity to be with him. Then I would look for opportunities to seduce him, make him fall in love with his body, and then Dedicated to him.

"No time." He Zikai coldly overflowed the words, took Liu Ziying's hand from her arm with one hand, and walked towards the living room.

When he went to the living room, He Zikai greeted the old man, and ignored He Cheng and Li Fangqiong, and sat down in the living room.

Liu Ziying stood not far away, motionless, still feeling sorry for He Zikai just pushing herself away.

Li Fangqiong saw Liu Ziying's embarrassment, and hurriedly relieved Liu Ziying, "Yingzi, don't stand, come and sit. You just kept talking about Zi Kai, this will Zi Kai come back, you should sit with him Go around, go quickly."

Listening to Li Fangqiong's words, Liu Ziying's heart suddenly turned sunny, nodded happily, and walked to He Zikai.

Five people were sitting in the living room. Everyone didn't know what to talk about for a while, and no one spoke.

Suddenly, Li Fangqiong first said, "Zi Kai, you think Yingzi is back. We used to discuss your marriage with Liu's family, shouldn't it be determined now?"

As soon as Li Fangqiong finished speaking, two sharp eyes shot at her.

t5?m:?2 (‘iu?m?6蛋?5m vortex??馟???4 He Zikai and the old man looked at Li Fangqiong at the same time, they were very angry.

"Are you amnesia?" He Zikai coldly threw out a sentence. Although she and Nuoer were secretly married, she should have seen her marriage certificate back then. What marriage is still mentioned now?

"I don't have memory loss." Li Fangqiong felt He Zikai's anger and argued, but he didn't dare to say anything. He was still somewhat afraid of He Zikai.

He Cheng naturally knew what He Zikai's question meant. Seeing his wife shrink back, he hurried forward and said, "Zi Kai, anyway, you and Cheng Nuo are secretly married, and outsiders don’t know, you divorced her. It’s nothing, as long as we don’t say it, it’s nothing."

"That's it." Li Fangqiong followed her husband's words and couldn't help but said, "When the time comes to marry Yingzi, our He family will invite all the famous nobles to cover the entire hotel, and the wedding will be more elegant. People in the entire Westport City think you have only married Yingzi."

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