Chapter 255 I want to hear her voice

Nuonuo belongs to her. She and He Zikai have already divorced. She cannot let Nuonuo stay with He Zikai, so the chances of Nuonuo returning to He Zikai will be greater. These are not the results that she wants. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

Turning around, Gong Yi picked up the car key on the coffee table and immediately walked to the door.

Walking out of the villa, Gong Yi was walking in front of his car and saw a car driving into the villa yard.

Gong Yi had doubts in his heart, but he still stopped, wondering who was it?

Song Jingye stopped the car, Gu Yao hurriedly released the seat belt, got out of the car, and walked in front of Gong Yi.

"Where is Nono? Where is Nono?" Gu Yao walked to Gong Yi and asked eagerly.

I know Gong Yi, because in financial magazines, People Weekly, Gong Yi has a lot of news, financial geniuses, and leading figures in the international financial circle. Everyone in the workplace will pay attention to such people, so I will know him.

Gong Yi looked at Gu Yao and remembered the photos he had seen in Nuo's hands. She should be Gu Yao that Nuo said was?

"You are, Gu Yao?" Gong Yi asked.

"Well, is Nuo here?" Gu Yao wouldn't care about anything, she just wanted to see Cheng Nuo.

Just as Gong Yi was about to answer Gu Yao, he saw a man walking towards him.

Gong Yi took a serious look, and it turned out to be Song Jingye.

Suddenly, Gong Yi's anger rose again. The relationship between Song Jingye and He Zikai was known to him when he came to Xigang City five years ago. Now that he sees Song Jingye, he will naturally transfer some of his anger towards He Zikai to Song Jingye.

Song Jingye walked to Gu Yao and stood still, making sure that Gu Yao was okay, and then looked at Gong Yi.

Although Gong Yi’s identity and social status are not the leading influence in Xigang City, he has a great international influence. Out of politeness, he still has to respect him.

"Hello." Song Jingye's tone was calm, and it was considered polite to be unfamiliar. "Yaoyao and Cheng Nuo are friends. We came to find Cheng Nuo."

"She's not here." Gong Yi said coldly, and then said directly, "Please come back."

"" Gu Yao heard what Gong Yi said and didn't know what to say, turned around, and looked at Song Jingye at each other, then looked at Gong Yi again.

"Where is Nuonuo? When will she be back?" Gu Yao hurriedly asked.

Gong Yi didn't plan to tell them anything about Nuonuo. He looked at Gu Yao and said, "Please go back, I have something to leave."

After speaking, Gong Yi walked past Gu Yao, walked to his car, got in the car, and left.

Song Jingye looked at the disappointed Gu Yao and felt very distressed. He gently embraced her and comforted her, "I will send someone over tomorrow to make sure Cheng Nuo is here. I will come with you again, eh?"

Gu Yao knew that Cheng Nuo was not here, and felt disappointed, but there was no other way. Hearing Song Jingye's words, she could only nod her head and express her willingness. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

Later, the two also left the Lishe Villa.

But Gong Yi, after driving a distance from the villa, suddenly slammed the brakes and the car stopped on the side of the road.

Looking at the road ahead, Gong Yi was very contradictory. Should he go to Lishui Bay to find Nuonuo? But at this moment, I don't have any courage in my heart.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered in his hand, Gong Yi reluctantly pulled back his thoughts, took the cell phone next to him, and saw that it was his daughter's phone.

Gong Yi quickly adjusted his emotions and answered the phone, "Hey, Xiaomei."

"Papa Gong, did Cheng Xiaonuo fall asleep again? No one answered the phone." Cheng Xiaomei's tone on the other end of the phone meant to dislike Mommy, but she didn't really dislike Mommy in her heart, but missed Mommy very much. I want to talk to Mommy.

"Well, Nono and I have moved into our new home tonight. Nono said that they were tired and went to the next room to rest." Gong Yiyuan lied to her daughter and didn't plan to tell her what happened here. If possible, I hope my daughter will never know He Zikai.

But these, I just hope, Xiaomei knows in her heart that she is not her biological father, and her biological father is someone else, so in these years, she never called her father than, only Gong father.

"Daddy Gong, can you go to the next room to wake up Cheng Xiaonuo? Cheng Meili wants to talk to her and want to hear her voice, even if it's a word." Cheng Xiaomei's sweet voice is childlike Childishness, passed into Gong Yi's ears.

Gong Yi heard the child's voice, and her whole heart was confused. Her simple small request, but she couldn't handle it.

"Xiaomei, you know that Nono didn't allow me to enter her room at night, so" Gong Yi said to the daughter on the phone, enduring the pain in her heart.

Cheng Xiaomei on the other end of the phone understood that Mommy and Gong Papa never acted intimately, and Mommy had said before that Gong Papa could not enter her room at night.

"Well, it seems that I can only call Cheng Xiaonuo early tomorrow morning." Cheng Xiaomei said with some disappointment.

Gong Yi could imagine it here, the way the little cutie muttered when she was angry, she must be very unhappy at this moment.

"Little Mei, you and your grandparents will go to Xigang City the day after tomorrow, and our family can be reunited, so from the night after tomorrow, you can sleep with Nuonuo every day." Gong Yi tried his best to change the subject and not let her daughter be like that. sad.

Cheng Xiaomei really changed her mood, she said happily, "Yes, my grandparents and I will be here the day after tomorrow, Gong Dad, you must come to the airport with Cheng Xiaonuo to pick us up, sure."

"Well, it will." Gong Yi replied affirmatively.

Cheng Xiaomei was still over there while fantasizing, and said, "From the night after tomorrow, I can sleep with Cheng Xiaonuo again, hehe, so happy. Cheng Xiaonuo will be mine from now on."

Listening to her daughter's sweet voice, Gong Yi couldn't help but smile.

After chatting with his daughter for a few words, Gong Yi hung up the phone.

Remembering that Nono was on the shore of Lishui Bay at the moment, Gong Yi's mood changed from being beautiful to worrying. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to go back to Lishe.

I went to Lishui Bay to find Nuonuo. I didn’t have the courage and couldn’t be sure. I could bring Nuonuo back from He Zikai's side. After all, they had a relationship and the person that Nuono always loved was He Zikai.

The next morning, by the shore of Lishui Bay, Aunt Lan came to the villa and saw that no one had eaten the food last night. There were still women's bags and children's clothes on the sofa in the living room. Aunt Lan thought that her husband must be upstairs.

Aunt Lan tidied up the food in the restaurant and simply prepared some breakfast. After putting it in the restaurant, she left the villa and went to the supermarket to buy ingredients.

In the bedroom, Cheng Nuo opened his eyes and saw that the man in front of him was still asleep, suddenly as if he had returned to the past, and the familiar feeling in his heart became clear.


Digression: Five chapters are updated today, and there are four more chapters later, continue to refresh.


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