Chapter 288 When will you go to your house?

He fights against his parents for himself, and is also by his father

No, these are not the results that I want. I don't want Jing Ye to become enemies with his parents for himself.

Suddenly, Gu Yao turned around and looked at Song Yihai and Hu Xueqin. Tears flowed down in an instant, "Uncle, auntie, don't blame Jing Ye, please, I will go, I promise you that I will never see Jing Ye in the future. Not appear in his life, no"

Before Gu Yao's words were finished, Song Jingye was suddenly caught in her arms. Song Jingye hugged her tightly, letting her face rest on his chest, holding her waist with one hand and holding her head with the other. Don't let her continue.

Everything she said was something she didn't want to hear.

I would rather my parents blame myself and beat myself, than I would let her leave.

Gu Yao lay crying in Song Jingye's arms, knowing his intentions, and stopped talking.

Seeing this scene, Song Yihai felt angry and unspeakable. The persistence and resistance on her son's face, as well as the tears and words of the girl just now, were completely worried for her son. His expression and eyes can't fool anyone.

But even so, she could not become the Song family's daughter-in-law.

"Humph" Song Yihai finally glared at his son angrily and left.

Seeing Song Yihai gone, Hu Xueqin wanted to say something to her son, and even wanted to scold Gu Yao, but she was more worried about the father's emotions. He didn't say anything, and hurriedly left to chase him.

Gu Yao stayed in Song Jingye's arms, crying, and it took a long time to control her emotions.

Song Jingye thought that Gu Yao would leave her arms if she stopped crying, but she didn't expect that she suddenly stretched out her hand and hugged her waist.

With a small gesture, Song Jingye's whole body warmed up, and the pain on his face disappeared instantly.

Gu Yao still showed his true feelings after listening to his powerful heartbeat.

Jing Ye, I can stay with you for a while, but don't fight against your parents anymore. We all know that there is no future for the two of us.

In Beth Kindergarten, Cheng Xiaomei slept on the desk. Because she slept too late last night, she was woken up by Cheng Xiaonuo so early in the morning. She would be very sleepy and sleepy, so she was in the classroom during the activity class. Sleeping.

Long Yixi sat next to Cheng Xiaomei, holding her small head with both hands, and watched Cheng Xiaomei sleep quietly, still enjoying herself.

Looking at it, Long Yixi suddenly felt that the little beautiful statue resembled someone.

But who is it?

Long Yixi began to think about it until he thought of a few days ago, when he saw a newspaper in his father's study room, it looked like a man in the newspaper, who looked a lot like Xiaomei. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

At that time, I asked my dad and asked who this person was in the newspaper. What dad said was the president of the empire, and his status in Xigang City was higher than him.

"What are you in a daze?" Cheng Xiaomei suddenly opened her eyes and asked Long Yixi with a daze.

Long Yixi's thoughts were interrupted by Cheng Xiaomei, and she immediately recovered, her whole body straightened.

"No, nothing." Long Yixi said, with a guilty conscience on his face.

"Frankly explain, otherwise I won't be friends with you, huh" Cheng Xiaomei will no longer be lying on the table, she said threateningly, and turned her head away proudly, not looking at Long Yixi again.

Seeing Cheng Xiaomei's appearance, Long Yixi had no move in an instant. She had never been afraid of anyone before, and everything was up to her heart, but in front of Cheng Xiaomei, she was really afraid of her being angry. "I found out that you are very similar to a person." Long Yixi said, as if reporting to Cheng Xiaomei, "but that person is a man and seems to be old."

Long Yixi thought in his head and said roughly, "It should be as old as my dad, like the president of some empire."

Cheng Xiaomei suddenly became interested when he heard Long Yixi say this, turned her head, looked at Long Yixi, and asked, "Really similar?"

"Hmm." Long Yixi nodded affirmatively, "The face is very similar, and the nose and mouth are also very similar."

"Do you know that person?" Cheng Xiaomei continued to ask curiously.

Long Yixi shook his head and replied, "I don't know, there is that person in a newspaper in my family. I have seen him, but my dad should know him."

Cheng Xiaomei nodded knowingly, and said without thinking, "Then you will bring that newspaper to me tomorrow. People who look like me are considered fate. I want to see how he looks like me. Much like."

"Well, okay, no problem." Long Yixi fully agreed.

When Cheng Xiaomei heard Long Yixi's agreement, her mood suddenly improved, and she chuckled, both eyes bent into crescent shapes, very beautiful.

When Long Yixi saw Cheng Xiaomei’s smiling face, he was happy in his heart, "Hey"

In He Yi Empire, He Zikai sat in the office reviewing documents, and suddenly received a call from An Lin.

"President He, I have received Miss Weina." An Lin reported on the phone.

"Yeah" He Zikai answered.

"Send Miss Weina back to the hotel, or?" An Lin asked.

"Come to He Yi, I am waiting for you in the office." He Zikai said.

Wei Na is a friend she met when she was in college. She is in the Department of Medicine, majoring in neurology, so this time she invited her to Xigang City because of her mother's condition.

"Okay" An Lin replied.

After He Zikai hung up the phone, he continued to review the documents.

An hour later, when he heard a knock on the door, He Zikai guessed that An Lin and Weina had arrived. They answered the door and waited for the door to open.

An Lin heard the response outside the door and opened the door. Instead of going in, he made an inviting gesture and said to a woman of American descent with golden hair behind him, "Miss Vina, please come in. "

"Thank you." Vina said with a smile, and then walked in.

He Zikai saw Wei Na coming in, being polite, got up and left the desk.

The two came together, embraced friendship, and then let go of each other and looked at each other face to face.

"Kai, I haven't seen him for many years, and he's more handsome than before." Weina said in a fairly familiar local language.

"You are too, very beautiful." He Zikai replied, and the two went to the reception area and sat down.

The two briefly talked about the life situation in recent years and the current situation, and then got into the topic.

"When will you go to your house?" Vina asked.

"Tomorrow, is it okay?" He Zikai said the time, and at the same time, he was also seeking Vina's opinion, worried that she had just arrived in Westport and needed jet lag, and the time she decided was so urgent.


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