Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 304: Three hundred and four

Chapter 304 He Zikai, is he really his own dad?

"I'll go, you sit here." Cheng Nuo didn't want her daughter to run around. There were a lot of people in the amusement park today. I was worried that she would be lost when she was running around. I would definitely regret it then.

"Oh, the trash can is there, very close." Cheng Xiaomei said with certainty, as if she had guessed the reason why Mommy wouldn't let herself go.

Cheng Nuo looked in the direction of her daughter's finger, and indeed, the trash can was not far away, not far from where he was sitting, it was just a way away.

Just as Cheng Nuo was about to say something to her daughter, the mobile phone in her hand rang suddenly.

Cheng Nuo saw that it was An Xiaoqi's phone number. After thinking about it, he said to his daughter first, "Then be careful. Mommy is here watching you, don't run around."

"I know, I know." Cheng Xiaomei said, and both shanks ran to the trash can on the other side of the road.

Cheng Nuo then connected to the phone, chatting with An Xiaoqi, looking at her daughter's figure.

Cheng Xiaomei ran to the trash can and threw the food bag in her hand into the trash can. When she was about to turn around and run back, she suddenly bumped into someone.

He Jiayi walked forward while talking on the phone, and noticed a child next to him, but he didn't expect the child to turn around and walk forward.

"Well" Cheng Xiaomei touched her forehead to the side of the tall man in front of her, grunted, and stood on the spot with her small hand supporting her forehead.

He Jiayi turned her head and saw the child next to her holding her forehead, and instantly became worried. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

"Uncle, I'm on the road in the rest area. When you saw me, come here directly." He Jiayi hurriedly finished speaking to the phone and hung up.

Turning around, He Jiayi squatted down, looked at the little girl in front of him worriedly, and asked, "Children, you haven't"

He Jiayi saw the little girl raise her head before the word ‘something’ was said. When he saw her face, He Jiayi was suddenly shocked to say nothing.

"I'm okay." Cheng Xiaomei replied. Although the big sister didn't finish her words, she guessed that she must be worried about her problems.

"You You" He Jiayi opened her eyes wide, with a shocked expression, looking at the little girl in front of her, not knowing what to say.

She looks so much like her uncle.

The eyes, nose, and even the mouth are all so alike.

Cheng Xiaomei looked sullenly at the big sister in front of her, wondering why she looked at herself with this expression?

"Big sister, what's the matter with you?" Cheng Xiaomei asked, with a confused expression.

"What's your name?" He Jiayi finally found her voice and hurriedly asked.

How can she be so like her uncle?

Uncle, there is no daughter.

"My name is Cheng Xiaomei." Cheng Xiaomei was also stunned by the big sister's expression, and she answered the question well, and then asked, "Big sister, do you know me?"

"Cheng Xiaomei?" He Jiayi repeated, the shock on her face didn't mean to dissipate.

Cheng Nuo hung up the phone, looked in front of her, looking for her daughter's figure. Just talking on the phone with Xiaoqi, she shifted her focus for a while, and looked away from her daughter's figure for a while, but he cared no less.

When she saw a woman squatting in front of her daughter, Cheng Nuo's first consciousness was that something was wrong. He immediately picked up the bag and walked quickly in front of her daughter.

But after three steps, Cheng Nuo stopped suddenly.

In front of him, He Zikai's figure appeared. He walked to his daughter, two steps away from her daughter, and stopped.

Cheng Nuo couldn't step out anymore, so he looked at him like this, and started to panic.


He Zikai looked at the little girl in front of her niece, her face changed long ago.

At first I noticed my niece and just walked in front of her, but when I got closer, I saw the little girl's face and my heart beating like never before.

She, who is she?

He Jiayi noticed a tall figure beside her, and when she turned her head to look around, Cheng Xiaomei also turned her head and looked aside.

Because a black figure stood there, Cheng Xiaomei's little curiosity wanted to look aside.

"Uncle" He Jiayi's surprised expression hadn't recovered yet, and she called uncle.

Cheng Xiaomei raised her head, looking at the face of this tall man, her mind was suddenly confused.

Is he He Zikai? Just like the person I saw in the newspaper.

He Zikai and Cheng Xiaomei looked at each other like this.

Cheng Nuo looked at the situation in front of him, with a sudden impulse, and immediately walked a few steps forward, and stopped at a distance of five steps from his daughter, with the woman in the middle.

He Jiayi, He Zikai, and Cheng Xiaomei all noticed that someone suddenly stopped not far away, and the three of them looked at them at the same time.

Seeing Cheng Nuo, He Zikai was shot in his head and exploded instantly.

The only thing He Jiayi looked at this strange woman was that her eyes were a little like Ou Xuhan, but she and the little girl next to her seemed a little like Ou Xuhan.

"Mummy" Cheng Xiaomei suddenly called out affectionately. Two strangers stood at the closest distance to her. She lacked a sense of security at this moment, so it was not Cheng Xiaonuo who called out, but she called out intimacy in her heart. The title.

Now, He Zikai couldn't be more sure that this little girl was her daughter, but how could this little girl be Gong Yi's daughter?

This face can't fool anyone.

So, Cheng Nuo has been lying to herself?

He Jiayi reacted from a daze, looked at her uncle's expression, and began to guess in her heart, and then looked at the little girl behind her, and finally placed it on the woman in front of her.

"Mummy? Cheng Xiaomei?" He Jiayi repeated, guessing in her heart.

"You are, Cheng Nuo?" Finally, He Jiayi looked at Cheng Nuo and asked in surprise.

I know that the person my uncle and brother love at the same time is named Cheng Nuo. At this moment, she

Cheng Nuo has calmed down at this meeting. Since this scene has happened at this moment, he can only face it, and before, he has told He Zikai about his daughter, so this will not be a big surprise in his heart.

"Yes." Cheng Nuo replied to He Jiayi. Although it was the first time we met, she had seen her photos by herself. She should be Tianyu's younger sister, He Jiayi.

Just as Cheng Nuo finished answering, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Nuo Nuo" Gong Yi quickly walked towards Cheng Nuo.

When he walked to Cheng Nuo and stopped, Gong Yi looked at Cheng Nuo and then looked in front of him.

Daughter, and He Zikai, a strange woman.

Gong Yi knew it without guessing. He Zikai met his daughter, and the concealment he had been hiding was revealed.

Well, after

Cheng Xiaomei stood there not daring to move, feeling that the atmosphere of the four adults around was very wrong, and this big sister just said her name, then she must have known her, so this He Zikai is really herself Is your dad better?


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