Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 306: Three hundred and six

Chapter 306 Mommy, come and take me back

An Lin stood there, watching Cheng Nuo's crying and shouting not far away, Gong Yi pulled Cheng Nuo to prevent her from leaving, and then looked at Mr. He and the little girl in his arms. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

"This" When An Lin guessed what was going on, he showed a very surprised expression.

That little girl is obviously Mr. He's daughter.

Cheng Nuo watched He Zikai's back and her daughter's noisy appearance, still crying and shouting, the eyes of the people around him didn't care at all, he only wanted his daughter.

As long as his own daughter.

He Jiayi finally couldn't see it, and took a step forward, standing in front of Gong Yi, not daring to move forward.

Although I am in the clothing industry, I occasionally saw Gong Yi's photos in some magazines, and I probably understand his status and identity, so I was really a little scared when I started with him.

"You let her go." He Jiayi shouted at Gong Yi, she must be on the side of her uncle, and hoped that their family could be reunited.

Gong Yi ignored He Jiayi's words, just looked at Cheng Nuo and held her tightly with both hands.

An Lin was not far away and heard He Jiayi's voice. He also hoped that his wife could catch up with Mr. He, but would he go forward to help his wife?

After thinking about it, An Lin decided to help his wife and only obeyed President He's orders. But this time, even if President He did not order, he would do something that he thought was right. Latest and fastest update

"You two go up and pull Gong Yi away." An Lin ordered the two behind him.

Two people behind him ran forward quickly, pulling Gong Yi away.

Cheng Nuo was free, suddenly like crazy, to follow in He Zikai's footsteps.

"Cheng Nuo, don't forget you promised me."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Suddenly, Cheng Nuo stopped.

Gong Yi had never called himself Cheng Nuo, and there was anger in his voice.

Cheng Nuo knew it clearly in his heart and didn't forget. He watched He Zikai take his daughter away until his back disappeared and he could no longer see his daughter. Cheng Nuo thumped and sat on the ground.

Seeing this scene, He Jiayi and An Lin didn't know what to do.

Gong Yi broke free from the shackles of the two people next to him, ran to Cheng Nuo, knelt down on one knee, and hugged Cheng Nuo into his arms.

Nono, I know you are sad, but I am also sad.

Forgive me for using such selfishness to keep you.

When He Zikai drove back to the shore of Lishui Bay, the daughter in the passenger seat was already crying.

Taking her daughter from the car, He Zikai looked at the daughter in her arms distressedly, very cautiously. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

She was so noisy just now, she was really a little bit close to compromise.

She is very important to Norr, and Norr is more important to her.

However, the two of them are more important to themselves than fate.

Aunt Lan didn't expect her husband to come back at this time. Seeing her husband holding a little girl in his arms, Aunt Lan was puzzled, but she still stepped forward to greet her.

"Sir, prepare for lunch." Before Aunt Lan finished speaking, she saw the face of the little girl in her husband's arms, and she immediately covered her mouth in surprise.

"Me and Nuo'er's daughter." He Zikai explained to Aunt Lan softly, for fear of waking the daughter in her arms.

"Oh huh" Aunt Lan answered, and hurriedly recovered from her surprise, before she answered seriously.

"Prepare some lunch." He Zikai ordered.


"Okay." Aunt Lan replied, watching He Zikai walking upstairs with the little girl in her arms.

When He Zikai was about to step on the first staircase, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and said to Aunt Lan not far away, "If Nuoer comes back, let her go straight upstairs."

"Yeah, good." Aunt Lan replied, suddenly very happy.

It is great that the wife is coming back, and there is a little princess. In the future, the family of three can live happily together. The husband will no longer need to smoke to relieve boredom and take sleeping pills to fall asleep.

He Zikai went upstairs, put her daughter on the big bed in the master bedroom, helped her cover the quilt, and sat with her by the bed.

Looking at her cute little face, she looked a lot like herself, but also a bit like Nuoer.

At this moment, my heart calmed down, and I was happy in my heart.

She is the child of herself and Nuoer, so nice.

He Zikai stayed by the side like this, and never left.

Until Cheng Xiaomei woke up and opened her eyes to look at the person in front of her and the strange environment around her, Cheng Xiaomei immediately remembered about the amusement park.

Suddenly sitting up from the bed, Cheng Xiaomei was about to get out of bed.

"Why are you going?" He Zikai held her shoulders with both hands, with little strength, worried that it would hurt her, but she also used a little strength to prevent her from resisting.

"I want to go home, I want to be with Mommy." Cheng Xiaomei's resistance was still very strong, and her big angry eyes stared at her dad, very angry.

Even if he is his own dad, so what? I just want to be with Mommy.

"Nuoer will be back here." He Zikai said, although he was uncertain in his heart, he always held hope.

Own Nuoer will return to her after all. If she does not take the initiative to come back, then she naturally has a way to get her back.

"You are a lie, you have broken Mommy's heart, she will not come back here." Cheng Xiaomei shouted and confronted her dad.

""He Zikai frowned slightly, even she knew that she had broken Nuoer's heart?

"Bad guy, let me go."

"I want to go back, I want to go back to Mommy, back to Dad Gong."

Seeing her daughter making a fuss, her stubbornness is exactly the same as Nuo'er, but she heard "Papa Gong" in her mouth.

"Shut up." He Zikai suddenly roared angrily.

Cheng Xiaomei was frightened suddenly, and she immediately sat on the bed, not daring to move, staring at Paddy's eyes, changing from anger to fear.

Seeing that her daughter was scared of herself, He Zikai felt uncomfortable in her heart.

She is her own daughter, and she didn’t intend to be aggressive towards her, but just now

After adjusting his tone, He Zikai said as softly as possible, "From now on, you are not allowed to call Gong Yi's father."

Cheng Xiaomei didn't speak, but just looked at Dadbi in front of him, and when she watched, tears flowed out. Then, she cried vigorously and stopped making noise, just crying hard.

He Zikai suddenly stopped recruiting. He had never had the experience of coaxing a child. Seeing her crying so hard, her heart hurts, but she didn't know what to do.

Cheng Xiaomei cried and cried. She was tired from crying. She suddenly remembered something. She lowered her head and saw that the cartoon mobile phone she was wearing was still there.

Cheng Xiaomei immediately picked up the phone and dialed Mommy's number.

After the phone rang, it was connected.

"Hey, Xiao Mei."

Hearing Mommy's voice, Cheng Xiaomei burst into tears again, "Mommy, come and take me back, oooo, I want to see you."


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