Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 323: Three hundred and twenty-three

Chapter 323 Hurry up and tell Dad

I haven't found what I want, and I can't leave the house, or I can't live if I go out.

"Throw their things out of the mansion." He Zikai continued.

"Yes." The housekeeper replied, and then ordered several nanny to go upstairs to get the things from the young master and the young grandmother.

He Cheng was completely stunned at the moment, being dragged out of the mansion by the security guard, without any resistance.

Although I usually face my wife and stand by my wife no matter what, I never thought that my wife would actually harm Bai Wanjing, and it was still five years, this kind of practice, I can't accept it now.

Although I hate Bai Wanjing, I also cursed her in my heart, and usually abused her, but I really couldn't do it if I wanted to really kill her.

After driving away He Cheng and Li Fangqiong, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo went upstairs to visit their mother.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Cheng Nuo stood by the bed, looking at the thin person on the bed, feeling sad.

She is thinner than five years ago, but think about it, how can she get better after being tortured by drugs?

"Mom" He Zikai sat down by the bed, took her mother's hand, and seemed to say to her mother, "Li Fangqiong, I will let her end, even she can't even think of her."

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you again. The latest and fastest update, free reading is provided"

"In the future, I will be more vigilant and protect you."

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm not filial."

He Zikai's eyes were red, and he looked at his mother affectionately. If Noer was by his side, he would definitely cry.

Cheng Nuo couldn't hold back, tears flowed out, and he took a step forward, approached He Zikai, stretched out his hand and held his other hand tightly.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo stayed upstairs for a long time, and when they went down, it was almost twelve o'clock.

The old man sat in the living room all morning, and saw the younger son and daughter-in-law come down, he didn't mean to greet him.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo glanced at each other, and they sat down on the sofa on the father's side.

"Dad" Cheng Nuo called out first.

He Peixu adjusted his emotions and looked at the two children next to him, feeling guilty, too much.

"It's my fault. I didn't take good care of Wanjing, which made her suffer for so many years." He Peixu apologized to the two children.

Cheng Nuo wanted to comfort the old man, but he was worried that he would say something that was different from He Zikai's opinion. After thinking about it, he didn't say anything. He looked at He Zikai and motioned to him.

"Dad, all the babysitters in the family are replaced." He Zikai said, knowing that his father was sad, but he never meant to blame him, so he didn't want to follow what he said just now and change the subject. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

"Well, change it today." He Peixu nodded and listened to his son.

Everyone was sad. He Zikai then changed the topic again, "I didn't bring Xiaomei today. Next time, Nuoer and I will bring Xiaomei home for dinner."

When Nuoer and Xiaomei returned to them, they had already called the old man to tell him about the existence of his daughter. The old man was very happy at the time, and he kept asking himself to take his daughter back and have a look.

Now, the atmosphere is not right, and these words can only be said calmly.


"Yeah." He Peixu also just nodded, because of his mood, he couldn't express more emotions.

The atmosphere in the entire mansion was still very tense. He Zikai and Cheng Nuo felt that there was no need to stay in the mansion anymore. Moreover, Cheng Nuo was still worried about the family's daughter. After a few words with the father, the two said goodbye and left.

Back on the shore of Lishui Bay, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo saw their daughter sitting in the dining room having lunch.

"Daddy, Cheng Xiaonuo, you're back." Cheng Xiaomei turned her head and yelled happily when she saw that Daddy and Mommy were back.

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo answered and walked to her daughter.

Aunt Lan also came out of the kitchen at this time, greeted Mr. and Mrs. and prepared to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch for Mr. and Mrs.

"Aunt Lan, don't prepare first, we won't eat here." Cheng Nuo stopped Aunt Lan from going into the kitchen, and then looked at He Zikai, who was not far away.

Knowing that he is in a bad mood, this will definitely have no appetite, and he has no appetite to eat, so I can only talk later.

"Okay." Aunt Lan replied, noticing that the emotions of the husband and wife were not right, and did not ask anything.

"Cheng Xiaonuo, why don't you and Dad have a meal? Have you eaten?" Cheng Xiaomei asked with her mouth pouting inexplicably.

Cheng Nuo looked at her daughter and replied warmly, "No, we just aren't hungry now."

Cheng Nuo didn't plan to tell her daughter about the big house. She was so young, she didn't understand some things, and some bad things, there was no need to let such a young child know.

"Oh." Cheng Xiaomei replied, and then said with a childish expression, "Cheng Xiaonuo, you and dad are not here this morning. I'm good at home. Grandma Lan helped me wash up and I sat on the sofa obediently. Watching TV, there’s no nonsense."

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo said with a shallow smile, sitting next to her daughter, "Xiaomei has always been a well-behaved child, and a good daughter of Dadbi and Mommy."

"Well, hehe." Cheng Xiaomei heard Mommy's praise, her mouth raised, her eyes curled into crescent-like smiles.

He Zikai walked to Cheng Nuo and her daughter and glanced at her daughter who was lying on the table and continued to eat. Then he looked at Cheng Nuo with a calm tone and a hint of coldness, "I will go upstairs first with you with Xiaomei."

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo met He Zikai's gaze and nodded.

I comforted him with his eyes, hoping that he would not feel so sad in his heart.

The things Li Fangqiong did to her mother-in-law, no one thought about it. Now it has finally been stopped, at least the mother-in-law will no longer be hurt.

He Zikai went upstairs to the study, Cheng Nuo accompanied her daughter after dinner, and planned to sit in the living room.

"Mummy." Cheng Xiaomei suddenly remembered something, and the two little girls held Mommy's arms and demanded, "I think Gong Dad, can we visit Dad Gong in the afternoon?"

It’s been a long time since I saw Dad Gong. Although I have a happy life with Dadbi and Mommy now, I have lived with Dad Gong for a long time. If I can’t see Dad Gong for a few days, I will definitely miss it.

Cheng Nuo was startled, but he did not expect that his daughter would make such a request at this time.

But thinking about it in my heart, my daughter hasn't seen Gong Yi for a long time, and she left Lishe last time. I don't know how Gong Yi's life is these days?

"Xiaomei, do you want to sit in the living room for a while? Mommy goes upstairs and tells your dad. If he agrees with us, Mommy will take you there in the afternoon." Cheng Nuo said gently to her daughter.

Taking her daughter to see Gong Yi by herself, Zi Kai would care 100% in her heart, so tell him first and get his consent before going. This is better.

"Okay, okay, then you go quickly and tell Dad Bi." Cheng Xiaomei said happily with anticipation.


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