Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 328: Three hundred and twenty eight

Chapter 328 Be Friends with His Beloved

The dark forces of the Song family in Xigang City, everyone in Xigang City knows that the people of the Song family are not only scattered in all the casinos and entertainment clubs, but there are also many people under the Song family in other places. So in the future, if you are in Xigang City, it will be an accident. Even if Jing Ye is not around, there will be someone to protect himself.

Also, does Jing Ye regard himself as the Song family?

Song Jingye didn't plan to wait for her to answer. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her, enjoying the feeling of being there.

I hugged her to sleep all night, as if it wasn't enough. I couldn't wait to stay with her like this all the time. Yesterday I realized the crisis with Zi Kai, and now I am even more afraid of losing her.

In fact, there is a small tracker in this bracelet. I don't plan to tell her that this is just in case. If I can't find her, I still have the last clue.

At noon, on the banks of Lishui Bay, He Zikai accompanied Cheng Nuo and his daughter to lunch before leaving.

Cheng Nuo and her daughter found it boring to stay at home all afternoon. The mother and daughter discussed and decided to go to He Jiayi's studio to find He Jiayi.

An hour later, He Zikai was sitting in the luxurious private room at the high-end entertainment club owned by He Yi, and a woman aged about 23 was sitting opposite.

"Your duty, on the surface, is to help Aunt Lan clean the sanitation in the villa. In fact, it is to protect my women and daughters and not allow them to suffer any harm. The latest and fastest update" He Zikai said indifferently, his tone was all orders.

"Understood." Bai Jing answered professionally.

"Tomorrow morning, come to Lishui Bay and start work." He Zikai said.


After a brief chat, Bai Jing left the private room.

He Zikai sat in the private room, not rushing out, but thinking about something.

Bai Jing's skill is a bit worse than Lan Lan, but it should be no problem to protect Nuoer and her daughter.

I'm just worried that those people in the dark will come and attack suddenly, and they will be caught off guard. Those who suffer will definitely be the people in the open.

At this moment, He Zikai's cell phone suddenly remembered.

He Zikai took out the phone and took a look. When he saw the name displayed on the screen, He Zikai had a moment of surprise in his eyes.

After a pause, He Zikai connected the phone, placing the phone beside his ear.

"Xuhan." As before, He Zikai called Ou Xuhan.

"Well, didn't bother you?" Ou Xuhan asked in a calm voice.

"No." He Zikai replied simply, not knowing what happened to Ou Xuhan suddenly calling.

"Yeah." Ou Xuhan answered first, and then said, "I just talked to Gu Yao on the phone and she told me about your current life. Congratulations, Cheng Nuo's daughter is also your daughter."

"Thank you." He Zikai said, Xuhan has always been a friend in her heart, but now her life is settled down, I don't know her current life.


"How are you recently?" He Zikai asked.

"Well, it's good." Ou Xuhan said, his tone has always been very flat and calm, without any waves. "I went to the market for a while to relax. There are things that I want to do, so I let go."

Hearing these words from Ou Xuhan, He Zikai didn't know if she really thought so, or just acting in front of her, but based on her own understanding of her character, she rarely pretended to behave, it should be true.

"Xuhan, you will find someone better than me." He Zikai finally only said such a sentence.

"Well, since you don't belong to me, I also believe that I will find something better than you." Ou Xuhan said, and then his tone gradually became a little astringent, "In fact, I called today just to hear your voice. I wanted to go to Lishui Bay to see you, Cheng Nuo, and your daughter, but I’m so relieved that I can’t do it now, so I’ll wait for the next time. Next time, I’ll be a guest at your house.”

"Okay, welcome you to our house." He Zikai said, without the consent of Nuoer, he invited Xuhan like this. I believe that Nuoer will not be angry when she knows, because she understands Xuhan, her character, Personality, if you figure it out in your heart, you will definitely get along with Nuoer.

"Yeah." Ou Xuhan said this word almost holding back tears, and then he seemed to think of something, and said hurriedly, "Also, Zi Kai, can you please ask Cheng Nuo, can I be friends with her? "

Hearing Ou Xuhan's words, He Zikai felt comfortable, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and replied, "I think Nuoer will be willing to be your friend, but I will ask her and tell you the definite answer."

"Well, thank you, Zi Kai." Ou Xuhan said happily.

To be friends with the one you love and be friends with the one you love is also a very happy thing for yourself. Love means that everyone is happy and happy together. Now their family of three will never be separated. I hope While they are happy, they also want not to be far away from their lives and be happy with them.

Let go, let the person you want to be happy, and then you will also work hard to find your own happiness, when the time comes, everyone will be happy together.

He Zikai didn't answer Ou Xuhan, but holding the phone, he thought to himself.

Xuhan, in fact, I should thank you, thank you for letting go, and don’t blame me for the harm I almost caused to you, thank you.

On the other side, in He Jiayi's clothing studio, He Xiaomei looked at the evening dress on the model and was so happy that she bounced and shouted.

"Sister Jiayi, keep this and this pink one for me, and I will wear it when I grow up." Cheng Xiaomei said.

Just now Mommy said that all the clothes here belonged to Sister Jiayi, so Sister Jiayi will definitely give it to herself which one she wants.

He Jiayi smiled, touched the little cousin’s head, and said, “When you grow up, this dress will be out of date. I still won’t keep it for you, but sister Jiayi promises you that you will grow up later. Sister Jiayi will personally make an evening dress for you, which is definitely the most popular nowadays."

Cheng Xiaomei listened as if understanding or not, probably meaning that sister Jiayi would not give this dress to herself, but when she grew up, sister Jiayi would give herself clothes.

"Okay, then." Cheng Xiaomei was not very excited. After answering, she took a short step to the small stool next to her and sat down.

Seeing the little girl like this, He Jiayi and Cheng Nuo looked at each other, then both laughed.

"Auntie, do you think Xiaomei's character resembles you? Or is it uncle?" He Jiayi asked with a smile.

"My union with Zi Kai." Cheng Nuo replied with a smile, then glanced at her daughter again, and continued to answer He Jiayi, "But there will be more of them like your uncle."

The first answer made He Jiayi not know what to say. Hearing the latter answer, He Jiayi nodded affirmatively, "Well, I think so."

The character of this little girl is really similar to that of her uncle. If she grows up and becomes like her uncle, then she is definitely the best queen among girls.


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