Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 334: Three hundred and thirty four

Chapter 334 Dadbi, where's your promise?

At this time, in the suite of a clubhouse, Gong Yi was sitting on the sofa, looking at the mobile phone in his hand.

The missed call above made me want to call back and listen to Nono's voice, even if I say a few words to her.

In this way, the thoughts in my heart will be less, and mentally, it will be less painful and tormented.

"Go back to her, maybe she hasn't rested yet." Ji Shaoqin sat aside and said to Gong Yi.

Apart from Gong Yi and Ji Shaoqin, there was a man and a little boy in the suite.

Gong Yi didn't have the courage to call back, and then restrained himself and put the phone away.

"Love her so much, I shouldn't let it go." Qin Han sitting on the other row of sofas said, seeing his brother torturing him like this, he couldn't pass it.

"Yes, Uncle Gong, take Aunt Cheng and Xiaomei back." The little boy also echoed his father's words.

Gong Yi shook his head, seeming to answer everyone.

"Nuo Nuo is very happy by He Zikai, as long as she is happy," Gong Yi said lightly, and the whole person seemed to be in a trance, and continued, "Moreover, Xiaomei is in He's house, and her biological father is better than her. With the love of the He family, she should be very happy."

I knew in my heart that He Zikai would give Nuonuo mother and daughter more than he would give him. Although his love was not less than He Zikai, He Zikai was indeed stronger than himself in terms of power and ability, so let Nuonuo With Xiaomei by He Zikai's side, this is Nono's choice. Their family should be very happy.

Ji Shaoqin and Qin Han looked at each other, and neither of them said anything.

Xiao Qinyan saw that Aunt Ji and Dad hadn't spoken, so he pursed his mouth and said nothing.

After a long time, Qin Han broke the quiet atmosphere and said, "Gong Yi, go back to Lishe tomorrow. I will go to gd tomorrow to help you manage the company temporarily."

"Well, gd will trouble you." Gong Yi looked at Qin Han's gaze and said, and finally answered Qin Han's previous words, "Recently, I don't plan to live in Lishe. I don't want to be in this state of mind Let others see."

What I worry about is that if I go back to Lishe to live, in case Nuonuo and Xiaomei come to Lishe someday and see my state like this. I don't want them to see this kind of self in my heart. With Nono's character, she will definitely be worried, sad, and sad. I don't want her to be like this for herself.

Qin Han and Ji Shaoqin also knew Gong Yi's purpose in doing this, and did not persuade them.

"Xiao Yan, are you going to the kindergarten tomorrow?" Ji Shaoqin changed the subject and asked Xiao Qin Yan not far away.

"Well, the kindergarten that Uncle Gong arranged for me is also the kindergarten that Xiaomei is in. I can see Xiaomei tomorrow. The latest and fastest update provides free reading." Qin Yan said of Xiaomei, with joy on his face. Smile.

"Well, in the past in Ottawa, among many children, you and the little girl had the best relationship. This time you can go to school with Xiaomei, and you can continue to maintain your friendship." Ji Shaoqin said with a smile, the children's life It is carefree, I just hope that they keep their pure friendship in a happy world.

"Well, Aunt Ji, I am also very happy." Qin Yan's smile deepened.

Qin Han looked at the son next to him, and said, "Remember what Dadbi told you, I can't tell Xiaomei about your Uncle Gong, you know?"

"Well, I know." Qin Yan nodded seriously.

Uncle Gong is not in good health now. Tell Xiaomei that the little girl will definitely be worried, so I don’t tell her now. When Uncle Gong gets better, tell Xiaomei himself, maybe you can still be with Xiaomei. Go to visit Uncle Gong.

Qin Yan’s answer made the three adults feel relieved. After talking for a while, Qin Han took his son back to the apartment he bought in Xigang City to live in. Ji Shaoqin watched Gong Yi finish his medicine before returning. Go to rest in your own room next door.

At the beginning of a new day, Cheng Nuo did not wake up He Zikai and her daughter after getting up, but got out of bed alone and went to the balcony.


Standing on the balcony, Cheng Nuo closed his eyes, enjoying the freshness in the morning air.

Suddenly, while holding her waist with both hands, the tall figure of someone behind her wrapped her petite body.

Cheng Nuo opened his eyes and didn't need to look back to see who it was. He smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and continued to smell the fresh air, but there was an extra smell that belonged to him.

"Morning" He Zikai put his head on Cheng Nuo's shoulder and said affectionately, lying in her ear.

"Well, early." Cheng Nuo replied, looking at the scenery in front of him.

"It's great to have you by your side." He Zikai's exhaled heat rested on Cheng Nuo's cheeks, and Cheng Nuo's affection was even more emotional when he was intimate.

The smile on the corner of Cheng Nuo's mouth is more beautiful, his head tilted slightly, and he answered He Zikai, "Me too, you are here, in my world, it is blue."

The love words in the morning are clearest and most beautiful, and the mood of the new day becomes brighter.

The two stayed on the balcony like this until they heard a sound coming from the room, and then hurried back to the bedroom.

"Cheng Xiaonuo, Mommy, people pinch?"

"Papa, where's your Nuoer?"

"Cheng Xiaonuo, Cheng Xiaonuo, where are you?"

Cheng Xiaomei rubbed her sleepy eyes, sat up from the bed, and shouted.

"Here, Mommy is here." Cheng Nuo hurriedly walked to the bed, sat down, and carried her daughter into her arms.

"I thought you were dragged away by Doraemon." Cheng Xiaomei said the words in her own world, and then said coquettishly, "Hurry up and hurry me to wash up, or I will be late for school."

"Okay, take you." Cheng Nuo hugged her daughter and went to wash.

Seeing how close the mother and daughter are, He Zikai is very happy, but he also feels a little guilty.

The daughter is so attached to Nuoer, just because Nuoer has been alone with her for the past five years. She has formed a natural dependence on her daughter. If she can stay with her, she may be able to rely on herself more. Taking care of your daughter will not be so hard.

"Akai, you come to wash up too, we will send Xiaomei to school today, and then go back to the house." Cheng Nuo's voice interrupted He Zikai's thoughts.

He Zikai pulled back his thoughts, looked at Cheng Nuo who was standing at the door of the bathroom, nodded, and walked over.

When a family of three came downstairs, Aunt Lan and Bai Jing had already prepared breakfast. After breakfast, He Zikai drove the mother and daughter to the kindergarten first.

At the gate of the kindergarten, there are pictures of parents sending their children, and the teacher greets students at the school gate.

Long Yixi’s car parked at the school gate, and then the door opened and Long Chenghe got out of the car, then took his son's hand and helped him get out of the car.

When the teacher saw the mayor personally send Young Master Long to school today, he naturally greeted him very eagerly.

"Mayor Long, hello, hello." The female teacher walked to Long Chenghe and greeted respectfully.

Long Chenghe glanced up at the teacher with a cold expression. He did not nod his head or answer the teacher's words. Instead, he asked coldly, "My son, at school recently, is there nothing wrong?"


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