Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 339: Three hundred and thirty-nine

Chapter 339 My lovely Cheng Meili

In the courtyard by the Lishui Bay, Bai Wan sits quietly in a wheelchair, watching the flowers and plants in the courtyard and enjoying the scenery.

Bai Jing walked to Bai Wanjing's side with a glass of water, squatted down, and said respectfully, "Old lady, drink some water."

"Yeah." Bai Wanjing smiled kindly, nodded, and drank some water under Bai Jing's wait.

At this time, He Zikai's car slowly drove into the yard.

Bai Jing turned her head to see that it was the husband's car, and said happily to the old lady in the wheelchair, "Old lady, husband and wife are back, and the little princess is back."

Now Bai Wanjing's complexion is not only better, and her spirit is also better, as if she can vaguely understand Bai Jing's words, there is a strong affection in her eyes, and she looks at the direction of parking.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo got out of the car, then He Zikai hugged her daughter and got out of the car, and walked towards her mother with Cheng Nuo.

Cheng Xiaomei stayed in her dad's arms very obediently, looking at her getting closer and closer.

She is very thin, and she looks like she is really sick.

He Zikai stopped not far from his mother, and then put the daughter in his arms down.

"Mom, we're back." Cheng Nuo walked to her mother-in-law, squatted down, and reached out to hold her hand.

"Yeah." Bai Wanjing looked at Cheng Nuo and nodded, knowing more or less clearly that she is her own daughter-in-law, Cheng Nuo. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

After that, Bai Wanjing's eyes gradually shifted to the child not far away.

Seeing her mother-in-law's eyes turned away, Cheng Nuo looked at her daughter and said, "Xiao Mei, this is your grandmother."

"Yeah" Cheng Xiaomei first responded to Mommy's words, and then took a step forward, approached her grandmother, spoke very well, and said, "Hello grandma, I am Xiaomei."

"Xiaomei" Bai Wanjing repeated, her eyes staying on the child, especially her face.

Much like Zi Kai and Rui Rui.

Cheng Xiaomei nodded, showing her signature smile, and then asked her grandma, "Grandma, I want to hug you."

Bai Wanjing heard her granddaughter's voice, and realized it in her mind. She moved her hands manually. She looked weak and wanted to raise her hand to hug her granddaughter, but she didn't have the strength to raise her hand.

Cheng Xiaomei didn't notice grandma's small actions. After waiting for a long time, she didn't hear her answer. Then she looked at her mother and asked, "Mum, can I hold grandma?"

"Of course you can." Cheng Nuo said with a smile. It is right for her daughter to be close to her mother-in-law. I believe her mother-in-law also likes Xiaomei.

"Yeah." Cheng Xiaomei nodded happily, and then leaned forward, her small arms stretched out, gently hugging her grandma.

Because my grandma is not in good health, she dare not hold her dad and mom so hard, so she can only hold her grandma gently.

Lying next to her grandma, Cheng Xiaomei said obediently, "Grandma, I love you."

The childish voice of the granddaughter reached Bai Wanjing's ears, and Bai Wanjing smiled happily.

He Zikai, Cheng Nuo, and Bai Jing on the side were very happy to see the smile on the old lady's face.

After that, Cheng Xiaomei sat in the yard with her grandma, He Zikai accompanied him, and Cheng Nuo and Bai Jing went to help Aunt Lan cook.

At dinner, due to the arrival of her mother-in-law, Cheng Nuo could only sit next to her mother-in-law and take care of her for dinner, while Cheng Xiaomei went to Dad’s side and let Dad’s take care of herself.

Bai Wanjing's food was alone. Cheng Nuo first fed her mother-in-law to eat. When she saw that her mother-in-law was almost eating, she started to eat.


He Zikai sat across from him, watching Nuo'er look busy from the beginning of dinner, and didn't start eating until this time, feeling a little distressed for her.

My own woman, I don't want to see her working so hard, but now, Nuoer has to take care of her mother herself, and she can't stop it.

"Nuo'er, starting tomorrow, I will take care of my mother for dinner." He Zikai said that he couldn't bear it.

Cheng Nuo waved his hand while eating, and motioned to disagree, "I'll take care of it. You take care of Xiaomei and don't let her get oil stains on her clothes."

He Zikai didn't answer this time, but heard her daughter say.

"I'm fine, I don't need to take care of it." Cheng Xiaomei said actively, "Daddy can take care of grandma with Cheng Xiaonuo."

Cheng Nuo still shook his head and disagreed with her daughter's opinions.

In the end, He Zikai and her daughter looked at each other, only to express helplessness.

The owner of this house, who the queen is, has long been obvious. Her words are the family laws and rules of the family.

Cheng Xiaomei ate for a while, and suddenly asked, "Daddy, when can grandma's health be better? When can grandma eat the same food as us?"

"The doctor has been observing the treatment, and one day he will get better." He Zikai replied to her daughter. In fact, she didn't know the specific day. Weina had not told her mother when she would get better.

"Tomorrow the doctor will come to the house to check your grandma's body. I will ask the doctor about your grandma's diet." He Zikai continued to answer her daughter's questions.

"Yeah." Cheng Xiaomei nodded, looked at the grandma opposite, and said, "I want to take care of my grandma, too. I want to give my grandma some food, but my grandma can't eat the food."

After speaking, Cheng Xiaomei curled her mouth with an unhappy expression on her face.

Their daughter's concern made He Zikai and Cheng Nuo's hearts melted. If they can have this intention at a young age, they are very happy to be parents.

"Xiaomei." Bai Wanjing suddenly said two words softly.

When Cheng Xiaomei heard it, she opened her eyes and looked at the grandma on the opposite side. She was also surprised in surprise, "Well, grandma, I am Xiaomei, I am here."

"Hurry up and eat." A slight smile appeared on Bai Wanjing's face. She wanted to eat more, and eat more to grow taller, but she couldn't say so much.

"Well, grandma, I will eat now." Cheng Xiaomei answered happily, and started to eat again.

Seeing the relationship between the mother and the daughter, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo looked at each other, and the joy in their hearts was self-evident.

Such care is the real family.

After eating, He Zikai went to the study room upstairs to be busy. Cheng Nuo and his daughter accompanied the old lady to the guest room.

"Grandma, you must have been beautiful before? Because I am so beautiful and my dad is handsome, so you must have been beautiful before." Cheng Xiaomei said, lying on the side of her grandma's bed according to her own reasoning.

Bai Wanjing was already a little tired at this time, lying on the bed, her skinny hand still holding her granddaughter's little fleshy hand, she couldn't bear to let go.

Cheng Nuo brought the medicine, brought a cup of warm water over, sat on the side of the bed, looked at her mother-in-law and said, "Mom, take the medicine first, then sleep, okay?"

"Yeah." Bai Wanjing answered, with a kind smile on her face.

Cheng Nuo put the medicine and water on the table next to him, and then helped her mother-in-law to sit up.

Cheng Xiaomei was very sensible, took the water cup with both hands and handed it to Mommy, and then took the medicine and handed it to Mommy.

"Thank you for my lovely Cheng Meili." Cheng Nuo said with a smile. Her daughter is so sensible and she has a sense of accomplishment in her heart. It seems that the teaching to her has been fruitful.


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