Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 341: Three hundred and forty one

Chapter 341 She has no memory loss

Cheng Nuo nodded, "Well, I bought three and they will be delivered to home tomorrow. The latest and fastest update, free reading is provided."

"That's good, I can sleep with a lint bear at night. In this case, it should be quite comfortable." Cheng Xiaomei said.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo answered without saying anything.

He Zikai was very satisfied with her daughter's answer, so tonight, I will bear the last night. Tomorrow night, Nuoer will be her own.

In the morning, Cheng Xiaomei stayed in her mother's arms and slept soundly, and she heard the voice of Dadbi.

"Xiaomei, I'm getting up." He Zikai woke up a long time ago, watching Nuo'er and her daughter sound asleep, and couldn't bear to wake them up. After a while, when it was almost time, he whispered to her daughter.

Cheng Nuo also rubbed his dim eyes, opened them slowly, and asked coquettishly, "Akai, what time is it?"

"It's seven o'clock." He Zikai replied, reaching out and stroking Nuo'er's cheeks, and by the way, he smoothed the hair around her cheeks behind her ears.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo replied, then patted the back of her daughter in her arms, and whispered, "Xiaomei, get up, mommy will get up first to see your grandma, and your dad will take you. Go wash."

"Woo, I don't want to get up." Cheng Xiaomei refused to come out in Mommy's arms.

I don't want to get up, I don't want to go to kindergarten, and I don't want to leave Mommy.

"My family, Cheng Meili, is very well-behaved. I'm really late for school if I can't sleep." Cheng Nuo coaxed her daughter.

"Well, well, I'll get up." Cheng Xiaomei listened to Mommy's words, left her arms, sat up, and buffered her sleepiness for a while before she was hugged by her dad to wash.

Cheng Nuo changed his clothes, washed briefly, and went to the guest room to see if the mother-in-law had gotten up.

Twenty minutes later, Cheng Nuo helped her mother-in-law go downstairs and saw He Zikai and her daughter were already sitting in the dining room.

"Grandma, good morning." Cheng Xiaomei greeted grandma warmly and politely.

"Well, Xiaomei, good morning." Bai Wanjing answered her granddaughter's greetings, with a slight smile on her face, and every word she said was slow, but very clear.

"Mom" He Zikai got up, walked over, and held her mother.

"Zi Kai." Bai Wanjing called out to her son. There was an aura of maternal love in her voice. When her son and daughter-in-law sat down with them, Bai Wanjing asked her son, "Here, your dad, call, are you?"

"Well, I just called. Dad has eaten breakfast." He Zikai replied.

There was no excitement in Bai Wanjing's eyes, and her whole heart seemed to settle down.

After eating breakfast, Cheng Nuo asked Bai Jing to take care of her mother-in-law first, and he and He Zikai sent her daughter to school.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo drove home after sending their daughter to school.

On the way, Cheng Nuo asked He Zikai, "Don't you need to go to He Yi today?"

Yesterday, Zi Kai accompanied him to the mansion to pick up her mother-in-law, but did not go to He Yi, because she was worried that he would delay work.

"I won't go to Heyi today. Vina will come to the house to check on her mother. I will stay with you at home." He Zikai said, knowing what Nuoer was worried about, and said, "I dealt with some work in the study last night. There is nothing important today, An Lin can decide to deal with the daily affairs of the company."

auzw.com Cheng Nuo nodded, and said nothing.

The two returned home, and after a while, Vina came.

It's the first time for Vina to come to Lishui Bay. Looking at the luxuriously decorated villa, she sighed, "Wealth is really capricious."

This sentence, Wei Na said to He Zikai, whether it is the decoration style or the furniture layout design in the villa, it is unique and noble, and the brand and quality of each piece of furniture are really expensive. Heartbeat.

"Home, naturally the best." He Zikai answered Vina calmly.

Although the meaning of home is not embodied by decoration, I am used to enjoying dignity, and now I have Nuoer and my daughter. Some time ago, when I asked the decoration company to decorate my daughter's room, the whole family was slightly changed by the way, and it looked more warm noble.

Cheng Nuo stood beside He Zikai, his hand was pulled by him, and he didn't say anything. Zi Kai gave him the best, and now this home, although he feels a bit luxurious in his heart, he likes it in his heart, because All this was given by Zi Kai to herself and her daughter.

The three chatted for a while, and Wei Na went upstairs to check on Bai Wanjing's body.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo didn't enter the guest room, they waited in the corridor for Wei Na to check it out.

"Akai, mom should get better soon, right?" Cheng Nuo was anxious at this meeting, because he thought of the scene that Li Fangqiong had seen in the mansion last time when I thought about it in Li Fangqiong's meal for her mother-in-law. Have to panic.

He Zikai heard the tremor in the little woman's voice and knew what she was worried about. He stretched out her long arms and took her into her arms. Then he answered her words, "Well, I believe Vina's medical skills, Mom will definitely get better. ."

"Yeah." By staying in the warm embrace of the beloved, Cheng Nuo felt safe in his whole body, and the worries in his heart disappeared a lot.

Thirty minutes later, Vina walked out of the room.

"Auntie has just taken medicine. This is going to be a break. Just wake her up for dinner at noon." Weina said, and then said, "Let's go downstairs and talk."

This time, I must tell Zi Kai and Cheng Nuo about the aunt's condition.


The three of them went downstairs, sat in the living room, and started talking.

"Auntie's current situation is stable. As long as we continue to maintain this state, there will be a significant improvement effect soon." Wei Na said with certainty.

"Well, this is the best." Cheng Nuo answered Weina, with joy on his face.

"However," Vina continued, "I found something during this inspection."

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo did not speak this time, waiting for Wei Na to continue.

"Auntie's consciousness is actually clear. She has no memory loss, and her language nervous system is normal." Wei Na said, this is a very positive result of her own examination.

"So, what do you mean" He Zikai had already guessed something in his heart.

"Auntie's current state is mostly related to her own consciousness." Wei Na replied, "She has the underlying consciousness in her heart. She wants to close a memory and is unwilling to speak. So the long-term consciousness has caused her to be in a trance."

"Actually, she has a hurdle in her heart. If she can pass that hurdle, she will think like a normal person, and she will become very fluent in speaking." Wei Na said.

He Zikai now knew clearly what was the hurdle in his mother's heart.

What happened to my sister has always been a fact that my mother did not want to believe.


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