Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 348: Three hundred and forty eight

Chapter 348 Tomorrow night, Mo Kuang will also go

"En." Gu Yao nodded, then looked at Song Jingye's gaze and said, "I'll change my clothes, and we will go to Jiayi's studio and get my evening gown."

"En" Song Jingye answered.

At the same time, in a hidden villa on the westernmost side of Xigang City, a woman in a black tight-fitting dress was sitting on the living room sofa, looking at the man sitting opposite.

"When will the new medicine be developed?" Zuo Yu asked the man opposite.

"It's still the last two steps." Qi Yuheng replied to Zuo Yu, looking at Zuo Yu with black eyes, and continued, "If you can't wait, you can use the medicine I have developed before."

"Heh" Zuo Yu suddenly chuckled, "I am not interested in medicines that are not powerful."

After speaking, Zuo Yu reduced his smile and continued, "Waiting for your new medicine."

Qi Yuheng nodded and answered Zuo Yu, then seemed to think of something, and said, "I need you to find someone for me."

Hearing Qi Yuheng's words, Zuo Yu frowned slightly and asked, "Who?"

"A woman who came to Westport from Ottawa, she is also a pharmacist." Qi Yuheng said, and then explained, "Before I came to Westport, I accidentally learned that she was here, so I wanted to find her."

Zuo Yu didn't understand, and asked, "Is she a threat to us?"

The only reason Qi Yuheng was looking for a companion was that that person was threatening to what he was going to do next.

"En." Qi Yuheng replied with certainty, "Her pharmacy ability is not below me, but not above me. If the person in our plan has nothing to do with her, then she is not our threat. ,but."

After a pause, Qi Yuheng continued, "If it has something to do with her, I have to worry. If I develop a new type of drug, she will develop an antidote. Then our plan will be greatly hindered, and it may even be possible. Can't move forward."

The words of Qi Yuheng made Zuo Yu instantly angry. I didn't expect that Xigang City still had such a big threat, I didn't know it at all.

"Name." Zuo Yu gritted his teeth and said two words, already having a plan for this person in his heart.

"Ji Shaoqin." Qi Yuheng said. Seeing Zuo Yu's changed face, he guessed her plan somewhat in his heart, and continued, "Just find her, don't do anything to her, if she doesn't have anything with the person in our plan. Intersection, then it can be treated as if she does not exist."

Qi Yuheng did not intend to target Ji Shaoqin in his heart. It was just that this woman was in Xigang City and she had to worry about it. As she said, if she had nothing to do with her plan, then she would continue to live her ordinary life. If it was related, then I'm sorry, I have to do something.

I don't know Ji Shaoqin, but the top figures in the same industry know each other's names and general information, so I accidentally learned that Ji Shaoqin is in Xigang City.

"I'm not so kind." Zuo Yu said coldly, "I will eradicate all those who hinder my plan."

Qi Yuheng is aware of Zuo Yu’s behavior. Hearing what Zuo Yu said, Qi Yuheng felt a little worried. Thinking about it, the people who were traveling with him were friends, and that woman had nothing to do with herself. She shouldn’t be influenced by Zuo Yu. Any harm.

"Don’t move her first. What I just made was just a guess, but even if it’s our threat, if we keep her, maybe the threat will become our assistant. If there is someone with equal ability around me to help, then the result will be very good. Considerable." Qi Yuheng said this just to make Zuo Yu not be so cruel to Ji Shaoqin. After all, he was an innocent fellow.

Zuo Yu glanced at Qi Yuheng, and finally decided to listen to Qi Yuheng. For those who are good and bad, he would still be a little benevolent and save his life first.


Qi Yuheng saw her answer in Zuo Yu's eyes, and let go of the worry in his heart. He glanced at his watch and said, "I'm going upstairs first. The prescription list has not yet been completed."

After speaking, Qi Yuheng got up and walked upstairs.

Just as Qi Yuheng went upstairs, Zuo Yu's cell phone rang.

Zuo Yu picked up the phone and saw that it was Li Fangqiong's call, connected and placed it beside his ear.

"Sister Yu, it's me. I'm outside the villa now, please open the door." Li Fangqiong's respectful voice came from the phone.

Zuo Yu didn't answer, he hung up the phone, then picked up the remote control beside him and pressed the door lock.

Li Fangqiong walked in, saw Zuo Yu sitting on the sofa, hurried forward, and greeted respectfully, "Sister Yu."

"Sit." Zuo Yu threw out a word coldly.

Li Fangqiong nodded quickly, sat down where Qi Yuheng had just sat, and looked at Zuo Yu on the opposite side.

"Tomorrow night" Zuo Yu only uttered two words, which is a start for Li Fangqiong.

"Sister Yu, rest assured, I will follow He Cheng into the banquet center tomorrow night. Anyway, I am also a member of the He family and have the right to go in." Li Fangqiong said that He Zikai’s banquet tomorrow night is an invitation letter from Song Jingye, although he does not have an invitation letter. , But as a member of the He family, as long as you rely on your face and identity, you can still enter the banquet center.

After listening to Li Fangqiong's words, Zuo Yu paused for a long time before saying, "Listen to my instructions tomorrow night and act by chance."

"Yes, yes." Li Fangqiong immediately nodded and replied. Although I don't know how Zuo Yu got the invitation, think about it, with Zuo Yu's ability and power, an invitation could not be simpler.

Zuo Yu shifted his gaze to the window, his eyes looking at the scenery outside the window with a hint of affection, and said, "Tomorrow night, Mo Kuang will also go."

It was precisely because Mo Kuang went, that I took a lot of effort. I got an invitation letter. How I wanted to see it with my own eyes. If my gunman aimed at Bai Wanjing, the first person to protect Bai Wanjing would be He Peixu. Or him?

Li Fangqiong opened his eyes wide and looked at Zuo Yu. He was sure that Zuo Yu was going to the banquet tomorrow night only because of Mo Kuang.

Her thoughts on Mo Kuang have not changed over the years, and she will know without guessing.

"Then, Sister Yu, if Mo Kuang is present, we" Li Fangqiong is worried now. Mo Kuang's strength is very clear. If Mo Kuang is present, then Zuo Yu will do anything, the chance of success will be reduced by as much as half.

"There is no word for failure in my dictionary." Zuo Yu said firmly, with hatred in his eyes.

There was no failure, it was his own style, even if Mo Kwong was there, so what? If he could die under Mo Kuang's snatch, he would be content.

It's just that I can't tell whether I love him or hate him now.

After listening to Zuo Yu's words, Li Fangqiong nodded, as he understood Zuo Yu's thoughts.

"Sister Yu, tomorrow night, we will definitely succeed." Li Fangqiong said firmly in pretense.


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