Chapter 352 There are some things, you must learn to let go

"Boom," Cheng Nuo only felt that something exploded in his mind. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

But then, when he accepted He Zikai's words in his mind bit by bit, I felt that my heart began to relax, not so heavy.

Cheng Nuo's empty eyes slowly gathered, looking at He Zikai, without saying a word.

He Zikai thought she didn't believe it, and continued, "Really, Nuoer, it was me, the first time I took you away."

At this time, the tears that Cheng Nuo had been holding back all the time rushed out.

Seeing Cheng Nuo crying, He Zikai panicked, and hurriedly walked to Cheng Nuo, moved his lips, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to organize the language.

Cheng Nuo's tears were like opening the floodgates, and the tears kept pouring out and couldn't stop it.

"Nuoer" He Zikai's tone changed and became flustered.

Cheng Nuo suddenly stretched out his hand, clenched into a fist, and hit He Zikai's chest. His movements were slow and not strong.

"It's you, fortunately, it's you." Cheng Nuo said crying, God knows how happy he is.

It turns out that I have always belonged to him only, belong to him alone, I am just his, just his.

That's great, the truth is so good!

He Zikai's heart was very moved, looking at Cheng Nuo's appearance, did not speak, and let her vent her emotions. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

"Akai, I have always been yours, and always have been." Cheng Nuo cried.

"Well, from meeting you, to the present, to the future, you are all mine, just mine." He Zikai replied Cheng Nuo.

Suddenly, Cheng Nuo stopped the movement in his hands, clasped his hands on He Zikai's neck, hugged him, and lay in his arms, crying more presumptuously like a child.

He Zikai also hugged the woman in her arms and let her cry because she knew in her heart that she was not crying in sadness, but crying in emotion.

"It's nice, it was you that night, it was nice, it was nice." Cheng Nuo said in He Zikai's arms.

"Yeah" He Zikai answered, his hands tightened again.

The two stayed in the hotel for a long, long time, until Cheng Nuo's mood calmed down, and He Zikai and Cheng Nuo left the hotel.

Sitting in the car, Cheng Nuo was extremely happy, sitting sideways all the time, looking at He Zikai's profile.

"Looking at me like this, I really can't control my emotions" He Zikai said. Everywhere in this woman's body is charming to herself, and her eyes are even more so, she believes that she has been watching this way. I am seduce myself.

"I'm happy, just want to look at you like this." Cheng Nuo said coquettishly, not forgetting to raise his head, showing a queen-like arrogant look.

With the words of the queen, He Zikai naturally felt helpless.

She likes to watch, so keep watching!

"Go directly to Jiayi, and we will go home after taking the dress." He Zikai said after a while.

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo nodded and agreed.

Came to He Jiayi's studio, He Jiayi took Cheng Nuo to try on the wedding dress, but in Cheng Nuo's view, it was just a dress.

He Zikai sat on the sofa, waiting for Cheng Nuo, who had put on her wedding dress, to come out.

When Cheng Nuo came out wearing a white wedding dress handmade by He Jiayi, He Zikai's entire expression was stunned.

My own woman, at this moment, is more beautiful and beautiful than ever. It can even be said that these words can't describe her at this moment, and she is more beautiful than the allure.

"Akai, how is it? Does it look good?" Cheng Nuo looked at He Zikai in surprise, thinking that it would not look good in this dress, and asked He Zikai while looking in the mirror.

"Uncle, quickly comment on my design." He Jiayi also said this meeting.

He Zikai pulled back her thoughts and said, "Well, it's beautiful."

The figure of her own woman is impeccable, and the style designed by Jiayi is in line with Nuoer, natural beauty in nature, and the wedding dress fashion has a different traditional style, which is very unique and novel. It is worn in Nuoer. I couldn't be more perfect.

Hearing He Zikai’s evaluation, Cheng Nuo smiled happily. Looking at herself in the mirror, she actually felt very beautiful, but

"How do I feel that this dress is a bit like a wedding dress?" Cheng Nuo said dullly.

Hearing Cheng Nuo's voice, He Zikai and He Jiayi glanced at each other. He Jiayi knew that the uncle's wedding to aunt tonight is confidential, and even the aunt herself did not tell, so I can understand the situation that the aunt does not know at all.

"Because the dress is white, it looks like a wedding dress." He Jiayi explained, "Auntie, tonight's dinner is hosted by my uncle, so naturally you have to be the focus of the ladies, put on this dress, You are definitely the protagonist at the dinner tonight."

He Jiayi is very confident in her design. This dress is definitely a unique design in the world. Auntie tonight must be the focus of attention.

Cheng Nuo smiled and looked at He Jiayi, and said, "Jiayi, thank you."

"Family, you don't need to be so polite." He Jiayi said with a smile. In fact, seeing her aunt wearing her beautiful clothes, she felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart. If you want to hold a costume show in the future, you must ask her aunt to be The model, I have to admit, her figure is perfect.

Cheng Nuo smiled and said nothing.

After Cheng Nuo changed the dress, He Jiayi packed it up. Cheng Nuo took the dress and left He Jiayi's studio with He Zikai.

"Jiayi, be here early tonight, I will wait for you at the venue." Cheng Nuo did not forget to remind He Jiayi again before getting on the bus.

"Well, after making clothes for a customer in the afternoon, just go over." He Jiayi said.

Seeing the uncle driving away with her aunt, until the car disappeared, He Jiayi turned back to her studio, took out her mobile phone, and dialed her brother's number.

"Jiayi" He Tianyu's voice came over on the phone.

"Brother, uncle, will you and Sister Yiyi come for the evening banquet?" He Jiayi asked. I have looked for my brother several times before. I have met Mu Yiyi and know that Mu Yiyi has always been with my brother. The dinner, my brother should know that people from the He family can go to the venue without an invitation letter.

He Tianyu did not immediately answer his sister's words, but paused for a while before saying, "Well, I will go."

If today’s dinner is really a wedding for Nono by my uncle, then I can’t miss it. Seeing Nono’s happiness, I will gradually forget the full stop of Nono’s feelings. After all, Yiyi is by my side. People, I can't apologize to her.

"Okay." He Jiayi replied happily. Then she calmed down and said to her brother earnestly, "Brother, there are some things that you have to learn to let go. Uncle and aunt have a very happy life, and little cute is also very happy, their family The three are together and will never be separated again in this life."


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