Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 354: Three hundred and fifty four

Chapter 354 I said she is qualified, she has

Mo Kwong did not immediately answer Cheng Xiaomei’s question. After thinking about it, he said, "Your grandpa's friend. The latest and fastest update."

Anyway, he and He Peixu knew each other. As for Zi Kai, he knew Zi Kai, but Zi Kai didn't know him.

"Oh, hehe, it turned out to be my grandfather's friend." Cheng Xiaomei said with a smile.

Mo Kuang looked at the little girl's innocent smile, and he laughed.

Cheng Xiaomei tilted her head to look into the corridor and saw Godmother standing by the window in the corridor. Then she turned her head and said to the grandfather opposite, "Grandpa, I'm leaving now. My godmother is still waiting for me there."

"Well, goodbye." Mo Kuang smiled and nodded.

"Bye, grandpa."

Seeing the little girl trotting, Mo Kuang smiled deeper, and his mind was full of people in his heart.

Wanjing, Xiaomei's back is very similar to Ruirui's childhood.

In the hotel garden, He Cheng and Li Fangqiong had been here long ago. After finding their daughter, the three stood at a wine table and chatted.

"Is your brother coming tonight? Why didn't I see it?" Li Fangqiong asked his daughter, while looking into the distance, trying to find his son.

"My brother said he will come, he should be in the meeting place." He Jiayi said that not long after he came, he did not see her old brother and Yiyi, nor did she see the figures of her uncle and aunt.

Li Fangqiong heard her daughter's words, looked at it for a while, then looked back, put her eyes on her daughter, and said, "Jiayi, you go and meet your grandpa, greetings, just leave here, the banquet tonight is not interesting, don't Waste time here."

Li Fangqiong is worried that in case of chaos, Zuo Yu's bullets won't have long eyes. If he hurts his daughter, he has to worry more. Instead of this, it is better to let this girl leave early. It is safest not to be at the banquet. of.

"I don't want it. Tonight is a happy moment for my uncle and aunt. I must be there to witness their happiness." He Jiayi didn't mean to leave early.

"You" Li Fangqiong is a little anxious now, but it is difficult to tell her daughter too much.

"Now that the wings are hard, you don't listen to what your mother said, don't you?" He Cheng suddenly said fiercely to his daughter.

He Jiayi saw that her father was angry, and wanted to refute a few words, but he dared not speak.

"Okay, husband." Li Fangqiong comforted He Cheng, knowing that He Cheng was short-tempered and his daughter's stubborn temperament, and didn't want them to quarrel here.

Li Fangqiong looked at her daughter and said, "Since I don't want to leave, I will find your brother, stay with your brother, and let your brother take you home later."

He Jiayi muttered in her heart that she came by car, so she wouldn’t let her take her home. Moreover, with sister Yiyi beside her, she didn’t want to spoil her happy time, but she thought so in her heart, but she didn’t want to. speak out.

"Well, then I'm going to find my brother first." He Jiayi still obeyed her mother on the surface, took a look at her father and mother, then turned and left.

Looking at her daughter’s back, Li Fangqiong thought to herself that if her daughter was with her son, Zuo Yu and Qi Yuheng would not harm their two children. After all, Qi Yuheng knew Tianyu, how could he kill his own birth? son?

On the other side, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo basically finished greeting the guests, and they are chatting with Gong Yi, Qin Han, Ji Shaoqin, and Qin Yan.

auzw.com"Auntie Cheng, where is Xiaomei? Where did she go?" Qin Yan greeted Uncle He and Aunt Cheng just now. This will only care about where Xiaomei is, so I want to see you soon To Xiaomei.

"Xiaomei is with her godmother, it should be nearby!" Cheng Nuo said uncertainly. Her daughter and Xiaoqi were together, and she didn't know where they would be.

"Oh." Qin Yan replied, then looked at his dad and said, "Dad, can you take me to find Xiao Meihao?"

Seeing the impatient expression in his son's eyes, Qin Han finally nodded in agreement, and after greeting the people around him, he took his son and left.

After Qin Han, Cheng Nuo stepped forward and took Ji Shaoqin's hand with a very excited expression. He didn't expect to see Ji Shaoqin at the banquet today. I had always thought that Qin Han was the only one bringing Qin Yan to Xigang City. I didn't expect Ji Shaoqin. Here too.

"Nuo Nuo, you are beautiful today." Ji Shaoqin said with a smile, and what he said was indeed a confirmation from the heart.

Nono today is really beautiful. The man next to her will give her an unexpected and wonderful wedding, right?

Faced with Ji Shaoqin's praise, Cheng Nuo just smiled and asked his doubts, "By the way, Shaoqin, what's wrong with you coming to Xigang City this time?"

"Me" Ji Shaoqin suddenly didn't know how to answer, and looked at Gong Yi asking for help.

I can't tell Nono that it is for Gong Yi, so that Nono will be very worried about Gong Yi.

"She came with Qin Han. She wants to stay here for a while and feel the rhythm of life in Xigang City." Gong Yi answered this question for Ji Shaoqin.

"Yeah." Cheng Nuo nodded, not suspicious of Gong Yi's words, but smiled and said to Ji Shaoqin, "Shaoqin, someday, I will take you to some tourist attractions in Xigang City."

"Well, thank Nono first," Ji Shaoqin said happily, adjusting the atmosphere at the same time.

"Don't be so polite." Cheng Nuo said.

Seeing the two women chatting very happily, He Zikai and Gong Yi glanced at each other, and the corners of their mouths rose slightly.

The atmosphere here is harmonious, while the atmosphere on the other side not far away is very stiff.

Hu Xueqin looked at Gu Yao next to her son, and her entire face was distorted with anger. If it weren’t for this kind of occasion, she would have stepped forward to fight this shameless woman, pestering her son, what would she want? How can I not harm my son's future?

"Jing Ye, are you planning to stay with this woman forever?" Hu Xueqin asked suddenly.

I thought my son would think for a while before answering himself, but I didn't expect to hear his son's answer as soon as he finished asking.

"Yes, in this life, I will only be with her." Song Jingye replied firmly, completely ignoring the angry faces of his parents.

Gu Yao stood beside Song Jingye in a daze, letting Song Jingye hold her hands, and if he was firm, he had already guessed it in his heart.

I really want to resist and tell the two elders in front of me that I will not be with him for a lifetime, because I can't accompany him for a lifetime, his lifetime is very long, and my lifetime may end tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. , A month later, a year later, these are possible.

"Bastard." Song Yihai suddenly cursed from the side, looking at his son angrily, "We Song's door, she is not qualified to step in."

Gu Yao's identity has long been investigated by herself. With such a family background and not many girls with special skills, she wants to marry into the Song family and dream.

"I said she is qualified, she has." Song Jingye answered his father, not afraid of his father at all.


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