Empire BOSS and His Sweet Wife

Chapter 356: Three hundred and fifty six

Chapter 356 You have been occupying my heart

The affectionate confession, the simple language, and the simple promise made Cheng Nuo already moved, and the excited expression was moved to tears because of the man in front of him.

Akai, although I am not the best, but I am very lucky to have your love. Thank you for replenishing my wedding. The mood at this moment is something I have never felt before.

Because of the excitement, Cheng Nuo stretched out his hand tremblingly and stretched out in front of He Zikai.

Under the witness of everyone, He Zikai put a ring on Cheng Nuo, and then slowly got up.

Just as He Zikai stood still, Cheng Nuo stepped forward and got into He Zikai's arms.

He Zikai opened her arms to welcome her arrival, and then hugged her tightly.

"Akai, I love you too, I really love you." Cheng Nuo hid in He Zikai's arms, saying what she had always wanted to say.

I just wanted to say that he would listen to it alone, as long as he knew it.

"Nuoer, I can't say too much to promise you, but in the future, I will give you the best, protect you, love you forever." He Zikai said in Cheng Nuo's ear.

This woman is already the only one of her, and she will prove her love with her actions.

"Yeah" Cheng Nuo answered.

At this time, the two heard the applause from around.

The applause came into the ears of the two of them, and they only felt that it was everyone's blessing.

Immediately after the applause, he heard the sound of fireworks and firecrackers not far away. He Zikai suddenly let go of Cheng Nuo and said, "Nuoer, look at it."

Cheng Nuo hadn't reacted from his thoughts just now, but he still followed He Zikai's gaze.

I saw the fireworks in the sky. Every time, there were words. At the beginning, it was a number, but at the back, the words changed. Each time, the fireworks were of different colors.

"3, 2, 1, promise, son, you, yes, me, heart, inside, the, only, one."

When Cheng Nuo finished reading these words, the fireworks stopped, and Cheng Nuo's heart could not be calmed down for a long time, and from time to time he heard the surrounding voices.

"It's so romantic. Such fireworks should be specially made, right?"

"I also wish that someone was so kind to me and did something special for me."

"It's so beautiful, the romance in simplicity, the luxury in the ordinary, it's so special."

Listening to the surrounding voices, Cheng Nuo's feelings of beauty and happiness can no longer be described in words.

After that, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo simply said a few more words to everyone before ending their speech and stepping down.

Today’s wedding did not have any complicated rituals, but the two people who were in love understood each other’s hearts.

Gong Yi and Ji Shaoqin stood together and looked at Cheng Nuo, who was standing beside He Zikai not far away. The happy smile on her face represented her mood. The latest and fastest update, provide free reading

"I saw the happiness of Nono." Gong Yi said.

"Well, although it is relatively simple, this may be what Nono wants." Ji Shaoqin also understands Cheng Nuo's character. Such a simple wedding is what Nono wants. "She is happy."

"I believe in He Zikai, although he did not give Nuonuo too many promises and oaths, but I believe that he can give Nuonuo a better life." Gong Yi said.

Ji Shaoqin did not immediately answer the conversation, turned around, looked at Gong Yi, and said, "Since you believe in He Zikai, let go slowly. Nono and Xiaomei, they will all have a very happy life."

"Yeah" Gong Yi simply responded, but made the most serious decision in his heart.


Nono, just keep happy like this, I let go, but I won't leave too far, occasionally, I want to look at your happy smile.

On the other side, He Tianyu and Mu Yiyi were standing in the corner. Mu Yiyi looked at He Tianyu with some worry, but saw no change on his face.

"It looks simple, but their expressions and eyes are full of love." He Tianyu said suddenly.

"Perhaps true love does not need too much language and scenes to express. It is enough for two people to have a good heart." Mu Yiyi said, this sentence is an interpretation of the love between He Zikai and Cheng Nuo, and at the same time, it is also about the relationship between himself and He Tianyu. .

He and He Tianyu, because they are good friends and close friends, have done it with a heart and soul, so he will understand that there is true love between himself and him? My heart loves him without any miscellaneous elements.

He Zikai and Cheng Nuo stood in front of the father and mother. Cheng Nuo squatted down, holding his mother's hand with both hands, and said happily, "Mom, I'm very happy. Did you see it?"

"Yeah." Bai Wan nodded quietly, and said with some difficulty, "I see, Nono, my good boy."

I have a clear mind in my mind. It is Nono, my daughter-in-law who has been taking care of myself these days.

"Mom" Cheng Nuo called out again cordially.

"Dad, why didn't you kiss Mommy just now?" He Xiaomei stood aside and asked with a grin.

"" Cheng Nuo suddenly felt that he had misheard, his eyes turned to his daughter, and she looked at her.

This little ancestor, how could such a thing come out of her mouth?

But He Zikai answered her daughter's words indifferently, "Keep it for the evening to kiss."

I had this idea just now, but considering that Nuoer would be shy, I still didn't do it.

"But we can't see you kiss at night." He Xiaomei said childishly.

"I kissed my woman, why did you let you see it?" He Zikai asked her daughter back, and this little man was a little puzzled by the thoughts in his head.

"That's right." He Xiaomei dragged her chin, thought, and suddenly said sullenly, "No wonder there was a red mark on Mummy's neck that day, because you kissed it all."

"Now, He Zikai is also speechless, looking at her daughter, not knowing what to say.

Cheng Nuo's face was flushed a long time ago, and she couldn't wait to find a place to get in. She is the mother of this little ancestor. Is it really good for her to expose her own bottom like this?

"Ahem, Xiaomei, the last name will be changed in the future, and the last name will no longer be Cheng." He Peixu pretended to cough slightly from the side, distracting her granddaughter.

"Well, yes, I am not called Cheng Xiaomei, I am He Xiaomei." He Xiaomei immediately shifted her thoughts, and continued, "He Xiaomei, He Xiaomei, it sounds pretty good."

Bai Wanjing looked at her granddaughter's cute appearance and freed her hand to stroke her granddaughter's hair.

Looking around, Bai Wanjing just wanted to see the people around him, but was attracted by a figure. When the eyes gathered together, he could see his face clearly.

Shocked and surprised all the thoughts that I missed the incredible, all came up.

Mo Kuang, Mo Kuang! Bai Wanjing called Mo Kuang's name in her heart, but made no sound.

None of the three people around noticed the change in Bai Wanjing's expression.

Mo Kuang stood in the farthest corner and looked at Bai Wanjing at each other. He was also very excited, but a trace of reason in his mind told him that he could not go near her, no.

Wanjing, I am already content to see you.

Over the years, you have been occupying my heart, and it has never changed.

At this moment, in another dark corner, Zuo Yu raised his gun and aimed it at Bai Wanjing.


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